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Logiciel Windows

It adjusts internet connection settings to ensure smooth browsing faster downloads and better audio/video call quality [...] The most complete package of tools for your pc problems , Pcsuite diagnoses your wind cleans out junk files restores system restores system stability improves computer speed protects your privacy and automates system maintenance / How pcsuite works:
diagnoses your wind | Since diagnosis is half the cure
pcsuite runs a complete checkup of your entire system locating junk files speed reducing issues and causes of any system or application errors or crashes ; Through a lot of research and testing we have worked out precise techniques that allow locating issues which can be safely removed with no risk of damaging your operating system.
cleans out junk files a clean pc means better efficiency we designed the cleaning module in pcsuite to sweep out all types of pc junk such as unneeded system and user temporary files web browser cache unused error logs leftover windows update files temporary sun java files unneeded microsoft office cache and a lot more [...] It helps reclaim gigabytes of hard disk space on an average pc , restores system stability errors and crashes are a thing of the past like an experienced surgeon pcsuite employs precision tools to carefully remove corrupt keys and invalid entries from the windows...it ad Lire la suite
cleans out junk files a clean pc means better efficiency we designed the cleaning module in pcsuite to sweep out all types of pc junk such as unneeded system and user temporary files web browser cache unused error logs leftover windows update files temporary sun java files unneeded microsoft office cache and a lot more [...] It helps reclaim gigabytes of hard disk space on an average pc , restores system stability errors and crashes are a thing of the past like an experienced surgeon pcsuite employs precision tools to carefully remove corrupt keys and invalid entries from the windows...it ad Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : TweakBit