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Logiciel Windows

Super Win Menu

Super Win Menu
Le menu démarrer super win menu affiche le contenu de votre propre ordinateur d'un coup d'œil [...] En plaçant brièvement le pointeur de la souris sur l'icône du programme dans le coin de l'écran le menu démarrer de super win menu apparaît.

La conception graphique du super win menu peut être adaptée individuellement à l'ordinateur personnel / Super win menu fonctionne sous toutes les versions de windows windows xp ou versions ultérieures et est disponible en français allemand et anglais | Alternative menu démarrer pour ouvrir les programmes et les documents facilement une alternative au menu démarrer de windows classique pour ouvrir les programmes et les documents facilement bien structuré et sans beaucoup de clics de souris nécessaires ; Avec le menu démarrer 'super win menu' pour microsoft windows™ des applications et des documents régulièrement utilisés peuvent être démarrés et ouverts rapidement : L'environnement de travail actuel est immédiatement disponible sur l'écran [...] Pas de clics gênants sur plusieurs niveaux de dossiers sont nécessaires pour lancer un logiciel souhaité ou ouvrir un document récemment utilisé , La structure claire dans "programmes en cours" "les...le me Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Super Crate Box

Super Crate Box
Des parties variées pour un gameplay unique super crate box est un jeu où dextérité et sang froid sont constamment mis à l'épreuve [...] Dans super crate box vous n'incarnez pas un héros mais un personnage différent selon la partie à laquelle vous jouez , Ainsi vous remarquerez que toutes les parties ne se ressemblent pas et que super crate box vous offre une expérience de jeu unique et survoltée.

En effet vous incarnez un personnage variant selon la partie lancée et votre seul but est d'éliminer toutes les vagues de monstres qui apparaissent à l'écran | Votre but reste toujours le même : collecter toutes les caisses tout en éliminant les monstres qui apparaissent à l'écran ; Chaque caisse récupérée vous rapporte un point et une nouvelle arme dévastatrice fusil à pompe mitrailleuse bazooka : Cette arme est alors conservée jusqu'à l'ouverture d'une nouvelle caisse [...] Notons que les scores réalisés peuvent être partagés de quoi lancer des défis à vos amis , Les graphismes sont sous 8 bits et correspondent parfaitement au style 'rétro' du jeu / Il en est de même pour la bande son qui rappelle fortement les années 80 | Le seul inconvénient que nous remarquons concerne les contrôles ; En effet ils sont inadaptés aux claviers azerty et ne propose pas de...des p Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Super Hide IP

Super Hide IP
Naviguez en toute discrétion une solution de sécurité adaptée à la navigation web qui vous permettra de visiter tous les sites que vous souhaitez de manière totalement anonyme [...] Super hide ip cache votre adresse ip lors de votre nagigation empêchant ainsi les sites internet d’espionner votre activité sur internet , Discret il garantit un anonymat total sur l'ensemble de la toile / Il protège l’identité et autres informations personnelles contre le piratage et fournit le cryptage complet de votre activité.

Super hide ip fonctionne avec internet explorer firefox opera maxthon mraa ; Il est compatible avec tous les types de routeurs firewalls réseaux domestiques réseaux sans fil et autres standards : Il offre une protection lors de l'envoi des e mails via yahoo! hotmail gmail [...] Vous pouvez également choisir d'utiliser ip caché de différents pays via l’option "choisissez ip pays"navig Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Super Street Fighter IV : Arde Edition

Super Street Fighter IV : Arde Edition
Repartez imméditament au combat avec super street fighter iv : arcade edition [...] Montrez à tous qui est le maître successeur direct de street fighter iv cette nouvelle édition présente 39 combattants plus en forme que jamais prêts à tout pour gagner , Super street fighter iv : arcade edition intègre les ultra combos apparus dans street fighter iv qui s’octroient quelques fantaisies avec des mises en scènes surprenantes alliant l’efficacité et le palsir des yeux.

Ce jeu vous propose d’incarner l’un des 39 personnages avec pour les plus connus ryu dee jay ou encore les jumaux surpuissants yu et yang | Vous aurez aussi l’occasion de faire la connaissances de nouveaux personnages comme le lutteur turc hakan qui s’enduit d’huile avant de combattre et juri une experte en taekwondo affreusement diabolique ; L’édition arcade s’accompagne également de quelques changements dans les menus avec notamment l’accès à tous les personnages et à tous les défis sans être obligé de les débloquer préalablementrepar Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Super Meat Boy

Super Meat Boy
Malgré un gameplay simpliste millimétré et très bien huilé super meat boy reste un jeu assez difficile qui légitime à lui seul le genre « die and retry ».

Surtout ne vous viandez pas partez à la recherche de votre belle en évitant les nombreux pièges qui veulent vous réduire en tartare , Aidez le petit bonhomme de viande meat boy à sauver sa petite amie bandage girl retenue en otage par le terrible dr / Fetus | Pour cela vous devrez guider votre personnage à travers une multitude de niveaux en utilisant les capacités de sauts d’adhérence au mur en évitant les scies circulaires mais également le sel et les autres obstacles létaux ; Vous pourrez débloquer plusieurs personnages en provenance de jeux indépendants tels que josef de machinarium qui peut planer ou sauter plus haut ou steve de minecraft qui peut construire ou détruire une infinité de blocs pour passer au niveau supérieur : La centaine de niveaux vous offrira beaucoup de sueurs froides d’énervement mais aussi de satisfaction une fois votre mission accomplie [...] Coté graphisme ce jeu vidéo opte pour un design rasé de près voire minimaliste , Les bruitages sont directement liés à la nature...malgr Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows


La conversion de vos fichiers vidéo et audio dans une multitude de formats super est un convertisseur entièrement gratuit qui vous donne la possibilité de convertir en toute simplicité vos vidéos et vos fichiers audio dans un grand nombre de format : avi mov divx etc [...] Super met à votre disposition une interface claire et unifiée présentant de nombreux outils d’encodage audio et vidéo pour une conversion simple et rapide de vos fichiers.

Super prend également en charge les gif animés via une vidéo / Pour cela rien de plus simple choisissez la vidéo à convertir faites un glisser/déplacer vers la fenêtre du logiciel sélectionnez le conteneur et le tour est joué ! ce convertisseur audio et vidéo reconnaît de nombreux conteneurs et codes : divx ogg xvid avi vob flv 3g2 mp3 wav…vous pouvez ainsi créer des documents compatibles avec votre pocket pc ipod psp ainsi que les standards dvd vcd et autre svcdla co Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows


Rejouez aux jeux super nintendo sur votre pc zsnes est un émulateur super nintendo qui vous permettra de découvrir ou de redécouvrir tous les jeux de cette console sur votre pc.

Découvrez une manière simple et rapide d’émuler les jeux de la super nintendo grâce à zsnes , Grâce à zsnes vous pourrez jouer ou rejouer sur votre ordinateur à des grands noms de la super nintendo comme par exemple super mario street fighter 2 earthbound megaman x3 ou encore star ocean / Ce logiciel émule les graphismes et le son de la console originale avec support des cartes mémoire du joystick | Simplicime son interface vous permet d’effectuer toutes les émulations que vous souhaitez sans aucun problème de compatibilité ; Totalement libre et émulateur ne vous coûtera pas un centime mais vous procurera des moments de jeux entre amis tout en nostalgierejou Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Icecream Password Manager

Icecream Password Manager
The built in password generator will be useful for the creation of new logins and profiles [...] Intuitive password manager to manage your passwords various profiles and more , Easy in use password manager to securely store and manage your logins credit cards passports and more / The synchronization with dropbox will help to keep the data up to date | Browser plugins are useful for working with the program in your browsers ; Icecream password manager is a free software to manage your passwords credit cards identities software licenses secure notes driver licenses passports bank account and ftp accounts for free : The program securely protects your data with aes 256 leading encryption so there is absolutely no need to worry about the privacy of the created items [...] The users only need to remember a single master password to access all the saved in icecream password manager profiles and items , Users can enable the synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices.

The program supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users | Autolock of the program within a certain period of time and the feature to clean clipboard automatically within a set period of time that the users can set in the program's settings helps to lock and...the b Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Win PDF Editor

Win PDF Editor
Permanently save win pdf editor can save the edited content permanently into the original pdf document and also allows you to save the content to a new pdf file.

Win pdf editor lets users modify and edit pdf document content , Win pdf editor is a windows pdf editing software that lets users modify and edit pdf documents like adding text and images removing unwanted content drawing lines and rotating pdf pages / Win pdf editor is a windows pdf editing software product that lets you modify and edit pdf documents like adding text insert images removing unwanted content drawing lines and rotating pdf pages | If you write text on the pdf you can change the text font size color and move it to anywhere you want on the page ; After inserting an image into pdf you can resize the image and move it also : If you find some words or images need to be removed simply use the eraser tool to erase [...] Better than other pdf reader applications win pdf editor can permanently save the edited pdf content changes in pdf , Features: add text you can write text and move it to any place on the pdf page / Win pdf editor allows you to set the text font size and color | With win pdf editor you can easily fill out the pdf forms now ; Remove content there is an eraser tool in win pdf editor and you can use it to remove any unwanted...perma Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

PDF Password Remover

PDF Password Remover
  pdf password remover is a super compact and extremely affordable tool that will help you remove password protection from pdf files preventing you from printing modifying or converting them to other formats [...] Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction fast and easily , Pdf password remover is a windows utility that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation.

Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately | Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover  window then the remove task will start immediately ; Pdf password remover also has a portable version which can be stored in flash disk and take it to anywhere : Have you ever been in a situation where a password protected file suddenly brought your work to a complete halt when you least needed it? do you know the embarrassment of seeing a warning message telling you that you can't print your file or copy text from it when you really need to do it and fast ? if you've been there and don't want to deal with these problems ever again you need pdf password remover [...]   what can i do after removing pdf password copy the content from pdf after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want , Convert the pdf...  Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

PDF Combine

PDF Combine
  pdf combine allows even new computer users to have access to a full set of features when working with pdf files [...] Pdf combine is a windows application to combine pdf files to a single one , You may have a few burst pdf document pages or pieces on your work and need a tool to combine those pdf pages and files to a single pdf document / Pdf combine is a freeware application to combine pdf pieces and files to a single one | You can simply drag and drop pdf files to the file list directly and click the combine now button to start the task.

Pdf is the standard document and electronic fax format today so people always face with a lot of pdf contracts and documents in the office : Sometimes there are few scanned pdf pages need to be bound to the old pdf contract; or you need to merge two or more related pdf ebooks to a single pdf ebook [...] Pdf combine can do those for you with few simply clicks , Features: not required adobe acrobat installed support all languages pdf combine tens of pdf files in few seconds organizing collections of digital documents is a concern for many who are finding that most of their personal library exists on their computer / The portable document format pdf is the most popular technology used in the encoding of these books |  pdf combine is a powerful tool that helps people manipulate...  Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 15.0

WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 15.0
New pop devices are keeping added [...] Free hd video converter factory is a powerful but easy to use hd video conversion software.

It owns the ability of converting videos to a range of popular formats and devices like 4k h265 vp9 avi mpg mp4 wmv mkv mov m4v iphone 6 iphone 6 p / Free hd video converter is an easy to use hd video conversion software | Mp3 m2 flv swf html5 webm tod vob iphone7 iphone 6s tv uhd tv surface blackberry ps4 xbox and more ; This free hd video converter supports multi cpu and hyper threading and offers up to 30x real time video converting speed : Wonderfox free hd video converter from other hd converters? the first and most important point is the exclusive technical optimization and sharp pictures [...] It is a very useful tool for managing the output of the mobile device , Secondly it can let you extract tracks and audio from any video / Moreover it can convert audio between a wide range of formats | Such as mp3 ac3 aac ogg wma m4r wav and more ; In addition to the powerful converting function it is also a video editing software : Like merge multiple videos; trim and crop video; add to technorati add to technorati favorites add to technorati favorites like merge multiple videos; trim and crop video; add to technorati add to technorati favorites add p Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

EasySignCut Pro for Windows

EasySignCut Pro for Windows
The advanced design and layout tools will make your work easier and faster raster to vector auto tracing conversion and contour cutting will push your possibilities to a new level [...] Easysigncut pro is the ultimate sign design and vinyl cutting software for sign makers , The ultimate sign design and vinyl cutting software for sign makers / Layout and vinyl cutting software for making signs lettering logos decals and stickers decals using your cutting machine or vinyl plotter | Easysigncut pro is the most comprehensive sign design  vinyl cutting software for making signs lettering logos stencils decals and stickers using your cutting machine or vinyl plotter ; It giving you the ability to cut any font already installed on your computer : Effortlessly design contour paths for print and cut output [...] Easysigncut pro also has a variety of features and functions to increase productivity of your cuting job.

These features include rhinestone creation weld/join shapes together cut different colors separately weed excess vinyl registration marks print and cut tiling 3d extrude effect cuttable shadows fit text/objects to path and cut multiple copies etc / Easy cut studio compatible with all popular cutting plotters/vinyl cutters including graphtec roland mutoh summa ioline saga craftwell ecraft silhouette sd/cameo/portrait ...the a Lire la suite
321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3
6 or higher including new macos sierra 10.

Recover deleted/lost photo video and files from from usb and memory card , 321soft usb flash recovery for mac is developed to recover photo video and other files from usb drive flash memory card mobile phones and any type of storage device / It supports recovery of raw photo and hd video | Preview files before recovery ; If your files were lost deleted formatted or corrupted 321soft usb flash recovery can help you restore them quickly and safely : It also supports recovery of high end raw photo and hd video [...] Support scan and preview recoverable files , And compatible with mac os x 10 / 6 or later | 321soft usb flash recovery for mac is the most advanced data recovery software specifically developed for usb drive and memory card ; It can recover photos video documents and other files from usb drive flash memory card memory sticks cd/dvd mobile phones and virtually any type of data storage device that work as a removable storage : If your files were lost unintentionally deleted formatted or corrupted by viruses [...] 321soft usb flash recovery can help you restore them quickly with a jew clicks , Also you can create image of the attached storage media so that you can restore your precious photos and other files if the device...6 or Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Driver Updater

Driver Updater
Manufacturers often release driver updates with improved functionality or new features that can help your hardware components and devices work better [...] Scans and updates all your drivers , All your hardware and devices will perform at their best.

All your hardware and  devices  will perform at their best | Driver updater will scan your computer for outdated or missing drivers and provide you with an easy way to download and install the latest driver versions which effectively resolves driver related system errors and device malfunctions ; With access to a comprehensive database of over 200 000 drivers you can be sure you will always have the latest updates and enjoy uninterrupted device operation :   saves time and ensures efficiency [...]   no need to  waste any more time on manual updates searching for latest drivers manually not only takes longer but also carries the risk of getting the wrong version or coming across sites infected with malware , Driverupdater handles the task in the most efficient way lets you forget about these risks and breathe easy knowing you will always have the correct version of the official manufacturer issued driver /   improves computer  performance   enjoy faster  speed and better system  stability | By keeping your drivers up to date driverupdater helps prevent system errors ...manuf Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

MacX Video Converter Pro

MacX Video Converter Pro
1 2014 edition note 3 google new nexus 7 psp ps4 surface pro 2 etc with 32x faster speed and flawless video quality [...] Fastest video converter to convert mp4 mov flv avi mkv to iphone ipad android.

Macx video converter pro is the fastest video converter for mac users to convert any video to mp4 h / 264 mov flv avi etc for playing on ios android tabs and phones with superb quality | It also can download record edit video and make slideshow ; Macx video converter pro is the best and fastest video converter for mac user that can convert video to any format like mp4 h : 264 mpeg avi flv mov wmv mp3 aac etc and transfer hd video avchd m2ts mkv to iphone 5s ipad air/mini 2 with retina display apple tv 3 android samsung galaxy note 10 [...] It supports 320 input and 180 output video formats , Besides this mac video converter also acts as an all in one software which offers prominent ability to download youtube video record screen edit video and make photo slideshow on mac / The versatile mac video converter gives you full control over all of your video collections as you please | Main features: 1 ; Convert video to any format like mp4 h : 264 mov mpeg m4v avi flv mkv vob mp3 wmv etc on mac; 2 [...] Support converting video to all apple and android mobile devices be it...1 20 Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac
When users want to convert several pdf files in bulk there is a folder creation function can convert each pdf file to each new folder named as the pdf filename [...] Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif formats on mac os x pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff , The program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large or small size images / Pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff | The program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large high quality images or small thumbnails ;   the dpi option is the biggest difference between this application and other pdf to image converters : Getting high quality images from pdf is easy since this free pdf to image converter works with the dpi option [...] Users only need to select a high output dpi value like 200 or 400 and the converted images will have the high quality resolution and the large print margin , Also they can change the dpi value to 32 or 64 for thumbnail images / This pdf to image format converter is able to change tons of pdf files to images in batch mode.

Pdf to jpg converter for mac developed free converter to convert pdf files in...when Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Audio Converter Pro 5.10

Audio Converter Pro 5.10
This audio file converter provides you with super high conversion speed now faster on for 50 percents excellent sound quality and lossless conversion.

Audio file converter for windows 7 xp 8 easily batch convert audio formats file such as mp3 wav wma ogg cue ape mpc aac mp4 m4a tta ac3 flac optimfrog speex wavpack alac with incredible speed and excellent quality , Automatically normalizes audio and customize output files / Audio converter pro provides you the easiest way to convert audio between all popular audio formats: mp3 wma wav aac ac3 mp4 m4a ogg ape mpc alac flac cue tta optimfrog speex wavpack and so on | Supporting drag and drop to load file makes the audio conversion so easy ; To enable you to get the wanted audio format for different uses this audio converter provides you with flexible and customize output options including mp3 wma aac flac wav aiff m4a ogg etc to fit your music players and other digital devices : Audio converter pro also supports playback of audio files with its built in player [...] Moreover you can also use audio converter pro to cut and split audio files normalizes audio files and edit id3 tag info , It is the most powerful and easy to use audio converter for all windows users / Ready for window 7 and windows 8this Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

AppleXsoft Hard Drive Copy

AppleXsoft Hard Drive Copy
Applexsoft hard drive copy makes this   process simple by copying all of your data documents operating systems   applications and personal settings to a new disk or ssd dive in just three simple   steps [...] You can also easily and rapidly clone only the system partitions to a new   solid state drive even of a smaller capacity ,   additionally after migrating to the new hard drive you can securely wipe all   confidential data in the old disk to make it unrecoverable / One click ssd hdd pc cloning & migration easily migrate os to ssd | Applexsoft hard drive copy is a reliable disk migration and clone software for windows ; It is designed to copying all data including os applications settings to another disk hdd or ssd in three simple steps easily migrate os to ssd :   upgrading your desktop or notebook hard drive is one the easiest ways to   increase performance and capacity [...] Applexsoft hard drive copy will   automatically or manually adjust partitions during cloning process , The cloned disk   is immediately bootable / Never need to reinstall windows and programs.

Applexsoft   hard drive copy provides three different copy options including one click disk   copy Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Windows

AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Windows
The easiest way to recover photo and data from all types of digital media! applexsoft photo recovery for windows is the standard in digital media data recovery that designed for recover photo and data from all types of digital media! accidently formatted your digital cameras memory card? deleted those important photos? we have the solution! applexsoft photo recovery is the standard in digital media data recovery that designed for recover photo and data from all types of digital media! it is a user friendly and full featured application for digital cameras memory stick smartmedia sd cards xd cards sim cards mmc pen drives usb flash drives compactflash i and ii micro drives floppy disk zip disk cd dvd disk and most other storage media.

Applexsoft photo recovery can effectively recover and rescue deleted or lost data from formatted damaged unreadable or defective disks , It works with windows 2000 or higher and works with most usb firewire or other digital media readers / Compared with other similar software applexsoft photo recovery has many advantages such as the following: it features a world wide first recovery algorithm for audio and video recovery; reads corrupted cards even if they're not recogni by windows ; recovers photo documents video music or just about anything that can be written to media device; allows you to create a backup...the e Lire la suite