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Logiciel Windows
DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3

The very nice thing about this application is that it beautifully brings together ease of use and functionality – it is quite easy to access all the application’s functionality and mix songs like a dj [...] 2mb in size which is not much; on a high speed internet connection the download will complete in a blink.
You can download dj mixer express free here / Easy beat matching and mp3 dj mixing software for windows | An easy to use dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain mix music and video from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects ; Dj mixer express is a dj mixing software for mac and windows support automatic mixing beat matching seamless looping mix music from itunes etc : Dj mixer express puts two decks and user friendly functionality at your disposal so that you can mix your favorite songs like a dj [...] Dj mixer express is available for microsoft windows operating system and for apple mac os x , The windows installation file is little over 3 / Run the aforementioned file click through the setup wizard that shows up and moments later you will be done with the installation process | At the top of the application’s dark themed interface there are two decks and the corresponding playback and mixing...the v Lire la suite
You can download dj mixer express free here / Easy beat matching and mp3 dj mixing software for windows | An easy to use dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain mix music and video from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects ; Dj mixer express is a dj mixing software for mac and windows support automatic mixing beat matching seamless looping mix music from itunes etc : Dj mixer express puts two decks and user friendly functionality at your disposal so that you can mix your favorite songs like a dj [...] Dj mixer express is available for microsoft windows operating system and for apple mac os x , The windows installation file is little over 3 / Run the aforementioned file click through the setup wizard that shows up and moments later you will be done with the installation process | At the top of the application’s dark themed interface there are two decks and the corresponding playback and mixing...the v Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : macdjmixer
Logiciel Windows
Driver Updater

With access to a comprehensive database of over 200 000 drivers you can be sure you will always have the latest updates and enjoy uninterrupted device operation [...] Driver updater will scan your computer for outdated or missing drivers and provide you with an easy way to download and install the latest driver versions which effectively resolves driver related system errors and device malfunctions , Scans and updates all your drivers / All your hardware and devices will perform at their best | All your hardware and devices will perform at their best ; Â
saves time and ensures efficiency : Â
no need to waste any more time on manual updates
searching for latest drivers manually not only takes longer but also carries the risk of getting the wrong version or coming across sites infected with malware [...] Driverupdater handles the task in the most efficient way lets you forget about these risks and breathe easy knowing you will always have the correct version of the official manufacturer issued driver.
 improves computer performance  enjoy faster speed and better system stability / Manufacturers often release driver updates with improved functionality or new features that can help your hardware components and devices work better | By keeping your drivers up to date driverupdater helps prevent system errors ...with Lire la suite
 improves computer performance  enjoy faster speed and better system stability / Manufacturers often release driver updates with improved functionality or new features that can help your hardware components and devices work better | By keeping your drivers up to date driverupdater helps prevent system errors ...with Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : TweakBit
Logiciel Mac
Parallels Desktop pour Mac

Travaillez simultanément sous mac et windows grâce à parallels desktop 13 pour mac [...] Oubliez les démarrages et redémarrages constants avec parallels desktop 13 pour mac ! exécutez au quotidien vos programmes de productivité windows et même les programmes graphiques les plus exigeants sans faire de compromis , Parallels desktop 13 est l'une des applications mac à avoir absolument sur son ordinateur / Exécutez des programmes windows sur votre mac la solution la plus fiable pour exécuter sans problème les programmes windows et applications macos en parallèle sans rebooter | Ce logiciel vous donne la possibilité d’utiliser les fonctions de macos dans les programmes windows et de transférer d’un simple glisser déposer vos documents et autres fichiers pc vers votre mac ; Grâce à son installation rapide et son interface conviviale la migration vers mac ce fait en quelques minutes : Cet utilitaire foncitonne parfaitement avec mountain lion [...] Ce logiciel offre un environnement plus immersif au monde des jeux des films et de la musique , Il prend en charge le son surround 7.
1 ainsi que les accélérations du rendu des graphiques 3d pour une qualité professionnelle à toute épreuve |  trava Lire la suite
1 ainsi que les accélérations du rendu des graphiques 3d pour une qualité professionnelle à toute épreuve |  trava Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Demo
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Parallels

L’éditeur parallels vient de dévoiler la dernière version de son logiciel parallels desktop 8 pour mac [...] Après quelques semaines d’attente la dernière version de parallels desktop 8 est enfin disponible , L’éditeur parallels a mis au point de nouvelles fonctionnalités afin d’augmenter les performances de son logiciel et d’améliorer son ergonomie globale pour l’utilisateur / Parallels a également simplifié le processus d’installation pour les consommateurs avec la possibilité de télécharger directement depuis parallels desktop un système d’exploitation alternatif : chrome os ubuntu ou android | Enfin la version 8 de parallels desktop est 30% plus rapide que la version précédente et permet ainsi d’exécuter sans aucun problème des jeux sur windows.
Pour télécharger parallels desktop 8 cliquez ici : Riche en nouveautés cette application de virtualisation permet d’exécuter windows ou un autre système d’exploitation simultanément à os x [...] Compatible avec mac os x mountain lion elle permet aux utilisateurs d’exécuter des applications windows et mac simultanément sur un ordinateur mac sans aucun redémarrage , Ainsi un dispositif de reconnaissance vocale fait son apparition tout comme un nouveau bouton dans la barre d’outils permettant de consulter les sites internet ne fonctionnant pas sous safari avec...l’à Lire la suite
Pour télécharger parallels desktop 8 cliquez ici : Riche en nouveautés cette application de virtualisation permet d’exécuter windows ou un autre système d’exploitation simultanément à os x [...] Compatible avec mac os x mountain lion elle permet aux utilisateurs d’exécuter des applications windows et mac simultanément sur un ordinateur mac sans aucun redémarrage , Ainsi un dispositif de reconnaissance vocale fait son apparition tout comme un nouveau bouton dans la barre d’outils permettant de consulter les sites internet ne fonctionnant pas sous safari avec...l’à Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows
Icecream Password Manager

The users only need to remember a single master password to access all the saved in icecream password manager profiles and items [...] The support of browser plugins is a great way to get instant access to all the stored data right from the selected browser , Intuitive password manager to manage your passwords various profiles and more / Easy in use password manager to securely store and manage your logins credit cards passports and more | The synchronization with dropbox will help to keep the data up to date ; Browser plugins are useful for working with the program in your browsers : Icecream password manager is a free software to manage your passwords credit cards identities software licenses secure notes driver licenses passports bank account and ftp accounts for free [...] The program securely protects your data with aes 256 leading encryption so there is absolutely no need to worry about the privacy of the created items.
Users can enable the synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices / The program supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users | Autolock of the program within a certain period of time and the feature to clean clipboard automatically within a set period of time that the users can set in the...the u Lire la suite
Users can enable the synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices / The program supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users | Autolock of the program within a certain period of time and the feature to clean clipboard automatically within a set period of time that the users can set in the...the u Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware,Shareware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : IceCream Apps
Logiciel Windows
FGRSoft G€stion Privée v8.17

Vous voulez maîtriser les comptes familiaux de façon simple et intuitive ? fgrsoft g€stion privée est fait pour vous ! l'utilisation de cette base de données fonctionnant sous ms access est facile et intuitive vous êtes guidé par une aide détaillée et des assistants [...]
configuration : fgrsoft g€stion privée fonctionne avec microsoft access 2007 ou avec une version plus récente 32 bits uniquement , Si vous ne posséder pas access vous devrez vous servir du runtime access gratuit / Même le téléchargement des relevés de compte est semi automatique ! maîtrisez votre budget en temps réel ! philosophie du logiciel : le logiciel est simple utilisation et la prise en main des fonctions de essentielles se fait rapidement | Une aide est accessible à tout moment ; Tous les éléments saisis par l'utilisateur sont vérifiés : Si une erreur ou une incohérence est détecté un message d'erreur explicite s'affiche [...] Des assistants simplifient la saisie des dates et des nombres , Vous pouvez vous servir du compte dédié à l'apprentissage pour débuter.
Le logiciel a été conçu pour une utilisation quotidienne et les mises à jour sont disponibles régulièrement | Rappel : fgrsoft...vous Lire la suite
Le logiciel a été conçu pour une utilisation quotidienne et les mises à jour sont disponibles régulièrement | Rappel : fgrsoft...vous Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : FGRSoft
Logiciel Windows
PDF Combine

pdf combine allows even new computer users to have access to a full set of features when working with pdf files [...] Pdf combine is a windows application to combine pdf files to a single one , You may have a few burst pdf document pages or pieces on your work and need a tool to combine those pdf pages and files to a single pdf document / Pdf combine is a freeware application to combine pdf pieces and files to a single one | You can simply drag and drop pdf files to the file list directly and click the combine now button to start the task ; Pdf is the standard document and electronic fax format today so people always face with a lot of pdf contracts and documents in the office : Sometimes there are few scanned pdf pages need to be bound to the old pdf contract; or you need to merge two or more related pdf ebooks to a single pdf ebook [...] Pdf combine can do those for you with few simply clicks.
Features: not required adobe acrobat installed support all languages pdf combine tens of pdf files in few seconds organizing collections of digital documents is a concern for many who are finding that most of their personal library exists on their computer / The portable document format pdf is the most popular technology used in the encoding of these books | pdf combine is a powerful tool that helps people manipulate...  Lire la suite
Features: not required adobe acrobat installed support all languages pdf combine tens of pdf files in few seconds organizing collections of digital documents is a concern for many who are finding that most of their personal library exists on their computer / The portable document format pdf is the most popular technology used in the encoding of these books | pdf combine is a powerful tool that helps people manipulate...  Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Mac
Office Famille et Petite Entreprise 2016 pour Mac

Microsoft office famille et petites entreprises est une suite complète qui vous permettra d’accéder à tous les outils d’office access outlook word excel powerpoint onenote sur votre mac.
La suite office famille et petite entreprise 2016 pour mac vous propose les outils indispensable pour un travail de qualité , Retrouvez dans votre suite bureautique office famille et petite entreprise 2016 pour mac tous les outils pour travailler efficacement word excel powerpoint outlook etc / Conçue aussi bien pour les particuliers que pour les professionnels cette suite via l’ensemble de ses outils vous permettra de réaliser un travail de grande qualité | Avec outlook vous gérerez vos emails votre calendrier et vos contacts ; Bien plus qu’un simple éditeur de texte vous permettant de créer modifier ou partager des documents word va mettre à votre disposition de nouvelles fonctionnalités comme smartlook qui enrichira vos documents d’information contextuelles issues du web : Gagnez du temps en visualisant et analysant vos documents simplement avec excel qui dispose d’un grand nombre de fonctionnalités analysis toolpak slicers et formula builder [...] Powerpoint quant à lui deviendra l’assistant idéal pour vos présentations , La fonction « view » vous affichera le contenu de vos diaporamas ainsi que des informations importantes...micro Lire la suite
La suite office famille et petite entreprise 2016 pour mac vous propose les outils indispensable pour un travail de qualité , Retrouvez dans votre suite bureautique office famille et petite entreprise 2016 pour mac tous les outils pour travailler efficacement word excel powerpoint outlook etc / Conçue aussi bien pour les particuliers que pour les professionnels cette suite via l’ensemble de ses outils vous permettra de réaliser un travail de grande qualité | Avec outlook vous gérerez vos emails votre calendrier et vos contacts ; Bien plus qu’un simple éditeur de texte vous permettant de créer modifier ou partager des documents word va mettre à votre disposition de nouvelles fonctionnalités comme smartlook qui enrichira vos documents d’information contextuelles issues du web : Gagnez du temps en visualisant et analysant vos documents simplement avec excel qui dispose d’un grand nombre de fonctionnalités analysis toolpak slicers et formula builder [...] Powerpoint quant à lui deviendra l’assistant idéal pour vos présentations , La fonction « view » vous affichera le contenu de vos diaporamas ainsi que des informations importantes...micro Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Payant
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Microsoft
Logiciel Windows
Able2Extract PDF Editor 10

Download it from the link above and start saving precious hours [...] Able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology is perfect for editing converting and creating pdfs , With able2extract can create pdf documents from numerous supported file types / Also you can convert pdf to 12 different file formats add and remove text merge rotate and extract pages | Investintech is a software developer company that has been a leader in pdf products for more than 15 years ; Their best known tool is able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology : With their latest built in feature the pdf editing panel users can edit pdf easily happy in minutes and save hours per document.
some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document , Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document / All done in just 3 clicks | Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market ; Convert pdf to more than 12 file formats other including word excel csv autocad and many...downl Lire la suite
some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document , Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document / All done in just 3 clicks | Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market ; Convert pdf to more than 12 file formats other including word excel csv autocad and many...downl Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Investintech.com
Logiciel Windows
Easy M4P Converter v2.2.3

Easy m4p converter for windows seamlessly integrate itunes gives you instant access of music library and playlist information [...] Remove drm from itunes convert m4p to mp3 easy m4p converter is a drm removal software for windows designed to legally remove drm from m4p music apple music and audiobooks and convert purchased itunes m4p music to mp3 format at high speed and with cd quality for play anywhere you like , Easy m4p converter is a drm removal software for windows designed to legally remove drm from m4p music apple music and audiobooks and convert purchased itunes m4p music to the most frequently used audio formats like mp3 aac m4a mka au m4r ac3 and etc.
For play anywhere you like | Support convert multiple drm protected files and unprotected audio files at a time with turbo speed ; So you can quickly convert all of your itunes songs and apple music in your itunes library or in a playlist to unprotected mp3 formats with id tags preserved : Besides easy m4p converter supports conversion of unprotected audio and audiobook formats like aac m4a m4r wav mp3 mka ac3 aiff audiobooks m4b aa and aax and so on [...] It is especially useful in case if you have tracks purchased from itunes music stores and you want to listen to them on playback devices which don't support its format and because these music tracks are drm protected , Easy m4p...easy Lire la suite
For play anywhere you like | Support convert multiple drm protected files and unprotected audio files at a time with turbo speed ; So you can quickly convert all of your itunes songs and apple music in your itunes library or in a playlist to unprotected mp3 formats with id tags preserved : Besides easy m4p converter supports conversion of unprotected audio and audiobook formats like aac m4a m4r wav mp3 mka ac3 aiff audiobooks m4b aa and aax and so on [...] It is especially useful in case if you have tracks purchased from itunes music stores and you want to listen to them on playback devices which don't support its format and because these music tracks are drm protected , Easy m4p...easy Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : m4p-converter
Logiciel Mac
PDF Password Remover Mac

Now just download the pdf password remover mac to remove all restrctions from protected pdf files! [...] Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction on mac os x , Pdf password remover mac is a mac os x application that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation / Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window and then the application will start immediately | What can you do after removing pdf password
copy the content from pdf
after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want ; Convert the pdf document to other formats
the restricted pdf document can not be converted : After pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters [...] Print the pdf
before removing the password from the protected pdf users doesn't have the authority to print the pdf.
Once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal documentnow j Lire la suite
Once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal documentnow j Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
Stellar OST To PST Converter

So you can re access to all your inccessibles mails and other elements such as calendar entries contacts tasks notes and journal entries.
Stellar ost to pst converter convertit les ost compresse ou divise les pst stellar ost to pst convert est l'outil ultime qui convertit un fichier ost corrompu en un fichier pst et qui facilite aussi la compression ou la division du fichier converti avant de l'enregistrer en tant que pst , Stellar ost to pst converter is the best converter to pst ost that proves wonderful for administrators or technicians specialized in data recovery / The tool has many advantages | It allows the conversion of ost data files for outlook even if they are corrupt ; The option to compress or share the converted before saving them to pst format ost files added assets to this software : Through a software interface very simple and user friendly functions allow you to select or find the ost files to be converted [...] Preview all your messages and other items just after the ost file is analyzed and ready for analysis , Here are some promising features of stellar ost to pst converter technician edition / Features stellar ost to pst converter convert ost into pst file for allows conversion of a corrupt ost file facilitates compression and division of pst file lets you preview messages and other items prior to analysis allows...so yo Lire la suite
Stellar ost to pst converter convertit les ost compresse ou divise les pst stellar ost to pst convert est l'outil ultime qui convertit un fichier ost corrompu en un fichier pst et qui facilite aussi la compression ou la division du fichier converti avant de l'enregistrer en tant que pst , Stellar ost to pst converter is the best converter to pst ost that proves wonderful for administrators or technicians specialized in data recovery / The tool has many advantages | It allows the conversion of ost data files for outlook even if they are corrupt ; The option to compress or share the converted before saving them to pst format ost files added assets to this software : Through a software interface very simple and user friendly functions allow you to select or find the ost files to be converted [...] Preview all your messages and other items just after the ost file is analyzed and ready for analysis , Here are some promising features of stellar ost to pst converter technician edition / Features stellar ost to pst converter convert ost into pst file for allows conversion of a corrupt ost file facilitates compression and division of pst file lets you preview messages and other items prior to analysis allows...so yo Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Demo
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : Stellar Information Systems
Logiciel Mac
MacX Video Converter Pro

It also can download record edit video and make slideshow [...] Besides this mac video converter also acts as an all in one software which offers prominent ability to download youtube video record screen edit video and make photo slideshow on mac , Download and convert youtube videos to different video formats for offline playback on ios and android mobiles; 4.
Fastest video converter to convert mp4 mov flv avi mkv to iphone ipad android | Macx video converter pro is the fastest video converter for mac users to convert any video to mp4 h ; 264 mov flv avi etc for playing on ios android tabs and phones with superb quality : Macx video converter pro is the best and fastest video converter for mac user that can convert video to any format like mp4 h [...] 264 mpeg avi flv mov wmv mp3 aac etc and transfer hd video avchd m2ts mkv to iphone 5s ipad air/mini 2 with retina display apple tv 3 android samsung galaxy note 10 , 1 2014 edition note 3 google new nexus 7 psp ps4 surface pro 2 etc with 32x faster speed and flawless video quality / It supports 320 input and 180 output video formats | The versatile mac video converter gives you full control over all of your video collections as you please ; Main features: 1 : Convert video to any format like mp4 h [...] 264 mov mpeg m4v ...it al Lire la suite
Fastest video converter to convert mp4 mov flv avi mkv to iphone ipad android | Macx video converter pro is the fastest video converter for mac users to convert any video to mp4 h ; 264 mov flv avi etc for playing on ios android tabs and phones with superb quality : Macx video converter pro is the best and fastest video converter for mac user that can convert video to any format like mp4 h [...] 264 mpeg avi flv mov wmv mp3 aac etc and transfer hd video avchd m2ts mkv to iphone 5s ipad air/mini 2 with retina display apple tv 3 android samsung galaxy note 10 , 1 2014 edition note 3 google new nexus 7 psp ps4 surface pro 2 etc with 32x faster speed and flawless video quality / It supports 320 input and 180 output video formats | The versatile mac video converter gives you full control over all of your video collections as you please ; Main features: 1 : Convert video to any format like mp4 h [...] 264 mov mpeg m4v ...it al Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Digiarty
Logiciel Mac
AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter for Mac

The demo version allows you to try the mac graphic converter for 30 days and is available to download at http://www [...] Batch convert and resize images in all popular formats on mac os x applemacsoft graphic converter for mac allows you to batch convert and resize thousands of graphic files on mac os x with a few clicks , It supports more than 50 graphic formats applemacsoft graphic converter for mac allows you to easily convert multiple graphic files on mac os x with a few clicks / What's more you can batch resize thousands of graphics and photos | It uses special convert and resize algorithms to produce high quality images.
It supports a variety of graphic formats which includes jpg gif tiff png bmp tga psd pcx ras ico cur raw formats etc : Fully compatible with mac os x 10 [...] 7 lion , Applemacsoft graphic converter for mac is the easy to use batch image converter and photo resizer utility for mac users allowing you to convert hundreds of images at a time with just a few mouse clicks / Applemacsoft mac graphic converter is also a perfect utility for resizing images and photos | Applemacsoft graphic converter for mac provides a simple user interface that allows you to convert and resize graphics in batch ; Process multiple graphics fast and easily you can convert batches of different formats graphics to one...the d Lire la suite
It supports a variety of graphic formats which includes jpg gif tiff png bmp tga psd pcx ras ico cur raw formats etc : Fully compatible with mac os x 10 [...] 7 lion , Applemacsoft graphic converter for mac is the easy to use batch image converter and photo resizer utility for mac users allowing you to convert hundreds of images at a time with just a few mouse clicks / Applemacsoft mac graphic converter is also a perfect utility for resizing images and photos | Applemacsoft graphic converter for mac provides a simple user interface that allows you to convert and resize graphics in batch ; Process multiple graphics fast and easily you can convert batches of different formats graphics to one...the d Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : applemacsoft
Logiciel Windows
AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter

The evaluation version allows you to try the program for 30 days and is available to download at http://www.
Batch image converter and photo resizer applemacsoft graphic converter allows you to batch convert and resize thousands of graphic files at the click of a button , It supports more than 50 graphic formats / Applemacsoft graphic converter allows you to easily convert multiple graphic files at the click of a button | What's more you can batch resize thousands of images and photos ; Applemacsoft graphic converter provides a simple user interface that allows you to convert and resize graphics in no more than 3 steps : It supports a variety of image formats which includes jpg gif tiff png bmp tga psd pcx ras ico cur raw formats etc [...] Applemacsoft graphic converter is the perfect solution for instant batch image processing allowing you to convert multiple graphics file from different formats at the click of a button , More than that you can also resize reduce or enlarge any single or batches of photos or graphics for the purpose of sending it by email publish it on the web / Applemacsoft graphic converter can take any number of images in any format and convert them | The program supports more than 50 popular graphic formats including jpg bmp tiff png gif psd pcx ras ico cur raw formats ...the e Lire la suite
Batch image converter and photo resizer applemacsoft graphic converter allows you to batch convert and resize thousands of graphic files at the click of a button , It supports more than 50 graphic formats / Applemacsoft graphic converter allows you to easily convert multiple graphic files at the click of a button | What's more you can batch resize thousands of images and photos ; Applemacsoft graphic converter provides a simple user interface that allows you to convert and resize graphics in no more than 3 steps : It supports a variety of image formats which includes jpg gif tiff png bmp tga psd pcx ras ico cur raw formats etc [...] Applemacsoft graphic converter is the perfect solution for instant batch image processing allowing you to convert multiple graphics file from different formats at the click of a button , More than that you can also resize reduce or enlarge any single or batches of photos or graphics for the purpose of sending it by email publish it on the web / Applemacsoft graphic converter can take any number of images in any format and convert them | The program supports more than 50 popular graphic formats including jpg bmp tiff png gif psd pcx ras ico cur raw formats ...the e Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Demo
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : applemacsoft
Logiciel Mac
DRM Converter 3 for Mac

5 please download drm converter 3 [...] Convert itunes music to mp3 on mac os x drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 wav aiff or aac on mac os x , Batch convert itunes drm protected m4p files to unprotected mp3 aac apple lossles aiff or wav files ready for use on any computers or mobile music devices / Drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 or aac on mac os x | Batch convert itunes drm protected music files to unprotected mp3 aac ac3 m4a m4r mka au flac aiff or wav files ready for use on any computer or mobile music devices such as iphone ipad psp samsung galaxy s4 htc phone tablet pc ps vita mp3 player cd player xbox360 and android devices without any restrictions or drm protection ; Drm converter 3 works with itunes and advanced drm removal technology to complete the entire ripping encoding process all in one.
It converts m4p files on your itunes quickly and with cd quality [...] Its ability to convert drm protected music files into regular mp3 files makes it a perfect solution for people who purchase their music online but have compatibility issues with their music players , For mac os x 10 / 3 10 | 6 ; 0 Â 5 pl Lire la suite
It converts m4p files on your itunes quickly and with cd quality [...] Its ability to convert drm protected music files into regular mp3 files makes it a perfect solution for people who purchase their music online but have compatibility issues with their music players , For mac os x 10 / 3 10 | 6 ; 0 Â 5 pl Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : applemacsoft
Logiciel Mac
AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Mac

The simple to use interface makes it easy to recover
your photos and video with just a few mouse clicks! now photo recovery for mac
has been further developed to recover many more file types from digital media
used in more than just digital cameras! mac photo recovery now recovers any
documents email spreadsheets text files hd video raw images and many more!
it also will allow you to create a backup image of your card and also allow recovery
from your backup image as well as other card image formats! fully compatible
with mac os x lion download free trial version of mac photo recovery to
recover your photo from digital cameras or any other digital media [...] Recover photo documents video audio from any digital media on mac os x , Applexsoft photo recovery for mac is comprehensive recovery software for any digital media.
It allows mac users to recover deleted and lost photos music and video files or just about anything that can be written to digital media device | Applexsoft photo recovery is comprehensive digital media data recovery software designed for mac users it featuring innovative recovery algorithms and an extremely easy interface that allows mac users to recover deleted and lost photos music documents video files or just about anything that can be written to digital media...the s Lire la suite
It allows mac users to recover deleted and lost photos music and video files or just about anything that can be written to digital media device | Applexsoft photo recovery is comprehensive digital media data recovery software designed for mac users it featuring innovative recovery algorithms and an extremely easy interface that allows mac users to recover deleted and lost photos music documents video files or just about anything that can be written to digital media...the s Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : AppleXsoft
Logiciel Mac
AppleXsoft File Recovery for Mac

trial version of mac data recovery software to recover lost or deleted data from
mac the latest compatible with mac os x 10 [...] An advanced file recovery software to recovers lost and deleted files from mac.
Mac file recovery software is the safest most powerful data recovery software tool which recovers mac computer's data from corrupted lost deleted formatted partitions or from crashed drives / Applexsoft mac file recovery software is an advanced mac data recovery software tool which recovers mac data from deleted lost corrupted formatted partitions and from crashed drives where mac based system are installed | Support recovers data from hfs+ fat ntfs partitions ; This software is the best solution to recover lost data when a volume has been formatted/reformatted volume is not getting mounted files and folders are accidentally deleted drive has been initialized disk verify and repair fails any sort of corruption causing inability to boot mac operating system : You can also use this siftware to recovers all types of files from your usb flash drives sd cards compactflash memory card cd dvd and mobile devices [...] It is professional level mac file recovery software used by data recovery specialists forensic recovery teams and it groups worldwide , 8 liondownl Lire la suite
Mac file recovery software is the safest most powerful data recovery software tool which recovers mac computer's data from corrupted lost deleted formatted partitions or from crashed drives / Applexsoft mac file recovery software is an advanced mac data recovery software tool which recovers mac data from deleted lost corrupted formatted partitions and from crashed drives where mac based system are installed | Support recovers data from hfs+ fat ntfs partitions ; This software is the best solution to recover lost data when a volume has been formatted/reformatted volume is not getting mounted files and folders are accidentally deleted drive has been initialized disk verify and repair fails any sort of corruption causing inability to boot mac operating system : You can also use this siftware to recovers all types of files from your usb flash drives sd cards compactflash memory card cd dvd and mobile devices [...] It is professional level mac file recovery software used by data recovery specialists forensic recovery teams and it groups worldwide , 8 liondownl Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : AppleXsoft
Logiciel Windows
Internet Download Manager

Internet download manager est la solution idéale pour augmenter la vitesse de vos téléchargements [...] Internet download manager supporte les serveurs proxy les pare feu les redirections les cookies ainsi que les protocoles http et ftp , Accélérer le téléchargement compatible avec windows 8 ce logiciel optimise et accélère vos téléchargements quelque soit le navigateur que vous utilisez.
Riche en fonctionnalités le logiciel permet de planifier et de reprendre les téléchargements en suspens ou interrompus suite à une connexion internet défaillante des problèmes de réseau ou une panne de courant | Ce dernier dispose d’un accélérateur de téléchargement intelligent qui augmente de 5 fois la vitesse du processus et offre une segmentation dynamique des fichiers ; Le logiciel s’intègre également aux navigateurs web les plus populaires à savoir internet explorer mozilla firefox google chrome opera netscape et bien d’autres : Simple d’utilisation idm présente une interface claire intégrant un panneau de téléchargement web players pouvant être utilisé pour télécharger des vidéos flash via des sites comme youtube google vidéos ou encore myspacetvinter Lire la suite
Riche en fonctionnalités le logiciel permet de planifier et de reprendre les téléchargements en suspens ou interrompus suite à une connexion internet défaillante des problèmes de réseau ou une panne de courant | Ce dernier dispose d’un accélérateur de téléchargement intelligent qui augmente de 5 fois la vitesse du processus et offre une segmentation dynamique des fichiers ; Le logiciel s’intègre également aux navigateurs web les plus populaires à savoir internet explorer mozilla firefox google chrome opera netscape et bien d’autres : Simple d’utilisation idm présente une interface claire intégrant un panneau de téléchargement web players pouvant être utilisé pour télécharger des vidéos flash via des sites comme youtube google vidéos ou encore myspacetvinter Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Tonec
Logiciel Windows
Access Denied

La protection de vos données en version améliorée access denied est un logiciel de sécurité pour windows 2000 et xp qui vous permet de protéger vos données personnelles et d’empêcher l’accès à votre pc via mot de passe [...] Access denied est un utilitaire qui verrouille le bureau de votre ordinateur par mot de passe afin de le protéger des utilisateurs non autorisés , Access denied vous permet ainsi d’être averti de toutes les tentatives d’accès à votre système et d’agir en fonction.
Ce programme enregistre les tentatives d’accès dans un fichier log qui vous permet de visualiser les intrus qui essayent d’accéder à votre ordinateurla pr Lire la suite
Ce programme enregistre les tentatives d’accès dans un fichier log qui vous permet de visualiser les intrus qui essayent d’accéder à votre ordinateurla pr Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : Johnru