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Télécharger One drive windows7 gratuit
Logiciel Windows

Pcspeedup diagnoses your windows system improves computers speed and safeguards system performance the one solution to all your pc speed issues! pcspeedup diagnoses your windows system improves computers speed and safeguards system performance [...] Then pcspeedup defragments your hard drive cleans up the registry tweaks system and internet settings and speeds up system shutdown to make your pc visibly faster , Since diagnosis is half the cure / Pcspeedup diagnoses and runs a comprehensive checkup on your system and detects every issue that may be slowing it down | We have developed powerful scanners that zero in on registry errors fragmentation incorrect system or internet settings and other speed thieves for a precise verdict ; Improves computer speed : Everything on your pc will work faster [...] We made this software to bring you real results so that you can enjoy things happening at a faster pace , Guaranteed / Safeguards system performance | Add an extra speed boost for real time effect ; We included automatic tools you can enable to keep your pc running at optimal speed.
They keep your memory and cpu consumption optimized for current tasks help your files open and save faster thanks to live disk management and reduce computer shutdown time [...] pcspe Lire la suite
They keep your memory and cpu consumption optimized for current tasks help your files open and save faster thanks to live disk management and reduce computer shutdown time [...] pcspe Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : TweakBit
Logiciel Windows
AppleXsoft Hard Drive Copy

One click ssd hdd pc cloning & migration easily migrate os to ssd [...]
upgrading your desktop or notebook hard drive is one the easiest ways to
increase performance and capacity , Applexsoft
hard drive copy provides three different copy options including one click disk
copy advanced disk or partition copy and files/folders copy / Applexsoft hard drive copy is a reliable disk migration and clone software for windows | Applexsoft hard drive copy makes this
process simple by copying all of your data documents operating systems
applications and personal settings to a new disk or ssd dive in just three simple
steps ; You can also easily and rapidly clone only the system partitions to a new
solid state drive even of a smaller capacity : Applexsoft hard drive copy will
automatically or manually adjust partitions during cloning process.
additionally after migrating to the new hard drive you can securely wipe all confidential data in the old disk to make it unrecoverable , Applexsoft hard drive copy is a perfect solution for hard drive upgrades or backup entire hard disk / It is designed to copying all data including os applications settings to another disk hdd or ssd ...one c Lire la suite
additionally after migrating to the new hard drive you can securely wipe all confidential data in the old disk to make it unrecoverable , Applexsoft hard drive copy is a perfect solution for hard drive upgrades or backup entire hard disk / It is designed to copying all data including os applications settings to another disk hdd or ssd ...one c Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : AppleXsoft
Logiciel Windows
Icecream Video Editor 2.66

Téléchargez les projets vidéo sur youtube google drive et dropbox [...] Découper des vidéos ajouter des images du son du texte et des couleurs avec cet éditeur de vidéo gratuit icecream video editor est un puissant logiciel de montage vidéo pouvant créer des projets vidéo à partir de vidéos d’images et de fichiers audio.
Ajoutez des couleurs rognez des vidéos ajoutez du texte ajoutez des effets visuels et des transitions / Par icecream video editor est un logiciel de montage vidéo gratuit qui offre les fonctionnalités avancées pour créer des projets vidéo | Ajoutez des fichiers vidéo des images et des fichiers audio au programme et placez les fichiers sur la timeline ; Ajoutez des scènes de couleurs vierges au plan de montage si nécessaire : Appliquez les effets de transition entre les scènes et ajoutez du texte [...] Recadrer faire pivoter et retourner des vidéos et des images , Couper les fichiers vidéo et audio / Ajoutez des effets visuels pour chaque scène définissez la saturation la luminosité et la teinte | Définissez le format la résolution et la qualité de la vidéo pour les vidéos créées ; Reprendre l'ancien projet de...t&eac Lire la suite
Ajoutez des couleurs rognez des vidéos ajoutez du texte ajoutez des effets visuels et des transitions / Par icecream video editor est un logiciel de montage vidéo gratuit qui offre les fonctionnalités avancées pour créer des projets vidéo | Ajoutez des fichiers vidéo des images et des fichiers audio au programme et placez les fichiers sur la timeline ; Ajoutez des scènes de couleurs vierges au plan de montage si nécessaire : Appliquez les effets de transition entre les scènes et ajoutez du texte [...] Recadrer faire pivoter et retourner des vidéos et des images , Couper les fichiers vidéo et audio / Ajoutez des effets visuels pour chaque scène définissez la saturation la luminosité et la teinte | Définissez le format la résolution et la qualité de la vidéo pour les vidéos créées ; Reprendre l'ancien projet de...t&eac Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : IceCream Apps
Logiciel Mac
PDF Merger Mac

Pdf merger mac is a free mac os x application that let you merge several pdf documents into one single pdf file [...] Second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged pdf document , Pdf merger mac is a mac os x application to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file / The merged pdf file will keep the original formatting page size and page orientation | Pdf merger mac also allows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simply add your pdf documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders ; Merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds
keep original page size orientation and formatting
allow users to adjust the pdf merging order
100% free
merging pdf files with the app is an easy three step process.
First click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window [...] The third and final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the merging process , The progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar / Occasionally before clicking the "start now" button a user will realize they added the documents to the merge list in the wrong order | Pdf...pdf m Lire la suite
First click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window [...] The third and final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the merging process , The progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar / Occasionally before clicking the "start now" button a user will realize they added the documents to the merge list in the wrong order | Pdf...pdf m Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
Duplicate Media Finder

dmf fonctionne sous windows mais peut analyser tous les supports connectés à votre pc
disques externes
cloud onedrive dropbox google drive icloud [...] Supprimez vos photos vidéos et musiques similaires en double duplicate media finder trouve et supprime les doublons similaires et identiques présents sur votre pc disques réseau cloud et tous les appareils connectés smartphones android/iphone , Duplicate media finder dmf est un nouveau logiciel de recherche et de suppression de doublons fichiers en double / Une de ses particularités est de pouvoir détecter les similitudes entre n'importe quels fichiers multimédias:
photos raw bmp gif jpeg & jpeg 2000 png tiff | Vidéos mp4 avi mkv wmv ; Musiques mp3 ogg ac3 flac m4a wav wma :
il saura ainsi retrouver deux vidéos enregistrés dans deux formats différents mkv mp4 [...] Deux musiques enregistrés avec différents niveaux sonores ou des photos retouchées , Dmf peut regrouper les photos en fonction de leur position gps ou de l'heure de prise de vue / Idéal pour regrouper les photos prises par plusieurs utilisateurs | Duplicate media finder est bien entendu capable de retrouver les fichiers identiques documents exécutables.
Dmf possède plusieurs particularités qui en font un logiciel unique: il... Lire la suite
Dmf possède plusieurs particularités qui en font un logiciel unique: il... Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Demo
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : KDO-RG
Logiciel Windows

Connectez les éditeurs en ligne au cloud de onlyoffice ou à un système de stockage cloud choisi google drive box onedrive sharepoint dropbox nextcloud owncloud kdrive pour accéder aux fichiers et les co éditer en temps réel.
Environnement collaboratif complet à code ouvert puissant et sécurisé la suite bureautique libre polyvalente et complète inclut tout en un des éditeurs de documents assurant à 100% la compatibilité avec les formats courants une plate forme de collaboration performante mail talk et un panneau de configuration onlyoffice workspace inclut : onlyoffice docs les éditeurs en ligne performants pour travailler sur les documents texte les feuilles de calcul et les présentations , Onlyoffice groups les applications de produictivité pour gérer les documents les projets les contacts et les mails et un panneau de configuration intuitif / Onlyoffice mail server l’outil pour créer des boîtes de messagerie professionnelles et les gérer | Onlyoffice xmpp server la messagerie instantanée ; Onlyoffice workspace fournit des outils d’édition professionnels couplés à des fonctionnalités de productivité et représente ainsi une alternative particulièrement complète à ms office et g suite tout en...conne Lire la suite
Environnement collaboratif complet à code ouvert puissant et sécurisé la suite bureautique libre polyvalente et complète inclut tout en un des éditeurs de documents assurant à 100% la compatibilité avec les formats courants une plate forme de collaboration performante mail talk et un panneau de configuration onlyoffice workspace inclut : onlyoffice docs les éditeurs en ligne performants pour travailler sur les documents texte les feuilles de calcul et les présentations , Onlyoffice groups les applications de produictivité pour gérer les documents les projets les contacts et les mails et un panneau de configuration intuitif / Onlyoffice mail server l’outil pour créer des boîtes de messagerie professionnelles et les gérer | Onlyoffice xmpp server la messagerie instantanée ; Onlyoffice workspace fournit des outils d’édition professionnels couplés à des fonctionnalités de productivité et représente ainsi une alternative particulièrement complète à ms office et g suite tout en...conne Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Ascensio System SIA
Logiciel Mac
AnyDrive (Mac)

avec un compte unifié vous pouvez centraliser et gérer de multiples clouds réputés dans un endroit y compris dropbox google drive icloud drive onedrive pcloud box et d'autres services majeurs de stockage en ligne [...] Votre gestionnaire de cloud intelligent et sécurisé , Anydrive est un gestionnaire puissant de cloud avec lequel vous pouvez gérer transférer et synchroniser facilement vos fichiers de cloud / Anydrive est un gestionnaire de cloud intelligent et sécurisé | Avec lequel vous pouvez gérer facilement vos contenus de cloud transférer efficacement des données à travers différents clouds et synchroniser rapidement les contenus de cloud en un seul interface ; En ce qui concernant la transfert des données anydrive est toujours satisfaisant : La transfert des données et des fichiers peut être exécutée directement d’un cloud à un autre immédiatement ou en un temps planifié [...] Il vous permettre aussi de télécharger/importer des fichiers et des dossiers par lots de/vers cloud à la vitesse de l’éclair , Ou téléchargez /importez simultanément des fichiers de/vers multiples clouds.
Anydrive fait aussi le partage des données plus...  Lire la suite
Anydrive fait aussi le partage des données plus...  Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : iMobie
Logiciel Windows

Gérez de multiples clouds en un seul endroit y compris dropbox google drive icloud drive onedrive pcloud box et d'autres services majeurs de stockage en ligne [...] Votre gestionnaire de cloud intelligent et sécurisé , Anydrive est un gestionnaire puissant de cloud avec lequel vous pouvez gérer transférer et synchroniser facilement vos fichiers de cloud / Anydrive est un gestionnaire puissant qui peut vous aide à gérer vos contenus de cloud transférer des fichier ou des dossiers à travers différents clouds et synchroniser les contenus de cloud en un seul endroit | Transférez des données et des fichiers directement d’un cloud à un autre immédiatement ou comme planifié ; Téléchargez/importez des fichiers et des dossiers par lots de/vers cloud à la vitesse de l’éclair : Et aussi téléchargez/importez simultanément des fichiers de/vers multiples clouds [...] Partagez des fichiers/dossiers avec vos amis via un simple lien facebook twitter google plus ou un e mail , Définissez les paramètres avancés du partage : le type de partage public ou privé la durée de validité la limitation du téléchargement du contenu de partage.
Recherches et localisez...g&eac Lire la suite
Recherches et localisez...g&eac Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : iMobie
Logiciel Windows
FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

80+ text fonts and 30+ preset text styles that can be applied with one click.
Fotojet designer for pc allows users to create their own designs like a real and pro designer with thousand of templates tools , Windows fotojet designer creates cards invitations posters flyers banners social media graphics for facebook youtube twitter pinterest instagram and tumblr in a seconds with 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools / Fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simple | Fotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever ; It gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks : It has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can use directly or modify for your own use [...] It gives you the ability to create unique graphics with powerful 900+ templates resources and powerful editing tools , Its stylish interface is intuitive and makes straightforward designs which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced / Christmas cards business cards youtube banners facebook banners birthday invitations etc | It offers thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example ; Simply click template object to adjust or replace...80+ t Lire la suite
Fotojet designer for pc allows users to create their own designs like a real and pro designer with thousand of templates tools , Windows fotojet designer creates cards invitations posters flyers banners social media graphics for facebook youtube twitter pinterest instagram and tumblr in a seconds with 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools / Fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simple | Fotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever ; It gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks : It has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can use directly or modify for your own use [...] It gives you the ability to create unique graphics with powerful 900+ templates resources and powerful editing tools , Its stylish interface is intuitive and makes straightforward designs which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced / Christmas cards business cards youtube banners facebook banners birthday invitations etc | It offers thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example ; Simply click template object to adjust or replace...80+ t Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : PearlMountain
Logiciel Windows

Rotate merge and cut pdf files
you can rotate pdf files 90 & 180 degrees or merge several pdf files into one or delete and cut pdf pages [...] Convert pdf files to word excel plain text images html files or flash.
Pdfzilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert pdf files into editable ms word documents excel forms rich text documents plain text files images html files and shockwave flash swf files / Pdfzilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert pdf files into editable ms word documents ms excel tables rich text documents plain text files images html files and shockwave flash swf files | Pdzilla also allows users to rotate cut and merge pdf files ; Besides the program can convert images like png tif bmp or jpg to pdf files which means users can simply create pdf files from images : pdfzilla key features convert pdf to word convert pdf to word with all text and graphical data [...] Convert pdf to excel convert pdf to ms excel format so that you can edit and extract pdf forms , Convert pdf to rtf convert pdf to rich text files / You can edit all text and graphic by windows wordpad | Convert pdf to txt convert pdf to plain text files ; You can edit text by notepad : Convert pdf to images convert pdf to bmp jpg gif or tif...rotat Lire la suite
Pdfzilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert pdf files into editable ms word documents excel forms rich text documents plain text files images html files and shockwave flash swf files / Pdfzilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert pdf files into editable ms word documents ms excel tables rich text documents plain text files images html files and shockwave flash swf files | Pdzilla also allows users to rotate cut and merge pdf files ; Besides the program can convert images like png tif bmp or jpg to pdf files which means users can simply create pdf files from images : pdfzilla key features convert pdf to word convert pdf to word with all text and graphical data [...] Convert pdf to excel convert pdf to ms excel format so that you can edit and extract pdf forms , Convert pdf to rtf convert pdf to rich text files / You can edit all text and graphic by windows wordpad | Convert pdf to txt convert pdf to plain text files ; You can edit text by notepad : Convert pdf to images convert pdf to bmp jpg gif or tif...rotat Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows

One of the primary advantages of doing so is that the jpg conversion supports multiple document conversion and this format also improves the data accessibility to a great deal [...] A pdf application is one which is portable and compatible in nature as the very name suggests , Convert pdf to jpg tif bmp png and gif formats pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif / Users are able to customize dpi and page range in conversion setting.
Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode ; Pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif : Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode that converts hundreds of pdf documents into images at a time [...] there are many advantages of converting a pdf file into a jpg file , Unlimited amounts of images can be stored in the pdf format / When the graphics or images are converted from pdf format to jpg format it gives a user with a certain capability to keep the quality and original formatting of the images and graphics as intact as well as secure and safe as possible | The original quality of the data is not hampered with and nor is it distorted ; A computer user can use advanced and modified computer tools can easily aid font embed image compression...one o Lire la suite
Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode ; Pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif : Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode that converts hundreds of pdf documents into images at a time [...] there are many advantages of converting a pdf file into a jpg file , Unlimited amounts of images can be stored in the pdf format / When the graphics or images are converted from pdf format to jpg format it gives a user with a certain capability to keep the quality and original formatting of the images and graphics as intact as well as secure and safe as possible | The original quality of the data is not hampered with and nor is it distorted ; A computer user can use advanced and modified computer tools can easily aid font embed image compression...one o Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
PDF To Word Converter

Also pdf to word converter supports batch mode to convert hundreds of pdf to word documents at one time [...] Pdf to word converter is a free windows application to convert pdf to word doc format fast and easily , With pdf to word converte zilla pdf to txt converter is a freeware to convert pdf files to plain text format files in batch mode.
Zilla pdf to txt converter also support convert specific pages range to txt files | With pdf to word converter users can convert pdf to word format in few clicks ; key features convert pdf to ms word spot convert pdf to doc format you can edit pdf content in ms word : No need microsoft word installed spot the converter can convert pdf to ms word without microsoft word installed [...] Auto decyption spot the program will decrypt restricted pdf files to word docs automatically , Full conversion image spot this converter will not only convert text but also keep all pdf graphic information into word result file / Easy to use image spot with the converter you can convert pdf documents to word in only 3 clicks | Fast conversion image the program conversion engine is 170% faster than other pdf converters ; Batch mode image you can convert hundreds of pdf documents to word doc files with batch modealso Lire la suite
Zilla pdf to txt converter also support convert specific pages range to txt files | With pdf to word converter users can convert pdf to word format in few clicks ; key features convert pdf to ms word spot convert pdf to doc format you can edit pdf content in ms word : No need microsoft word installed spot the converter can convert pdf to ms word without microsoft word installed [...] Auto decyption spot the program will decrypt restricted pdf files to word docs automatically , Full conversion image spot this converter will not only convert text but also keep all pdf graphic information into word result file / Easy to use image spot with the converter you can convert pdf documents to word in only 3 clicks | Fast conversion image the program conversion engine is 170% faster than other pdf converters ; Batch mode image you can convert hundreds of pdf documents to word doc files with batch modealso Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
PDF to Excel Converter

Also pdf to excel converter has the batch mode to convert hundreds of pdf documents to excel xls files at one time [...] Pdf to excel converter converts pdf document to excel xls format pdf to excel converter is a windows application to convert pdf document to excel xls format fast and easily.
With pdf to excel converter users will be able to edit their pdf forms in ms excel in few clicks / Pdf to excel converter is a windows application to convert pdf document to excel xls format fast and easily | Pdf to excel converter supports page range selection which means users can convert selected form pages from a big pdf file and it will save much more time than converting the whole pdf file ; pdf to excel converter key features convert pdf to excel convert pdf to excel xls format you can edit pdf forms in ms excel : no need microsoft excel installed pdf to excel converter can convert pdf to excel without microsoft excel installed [...] Full conversion pdf to excel converter will not only convert forms but also keep all pdf text into excel result file , Easy to use with pdf to excel converter you can convert pdf to excel in only 3 clicks / Fast conversion pdf to excel converter conversion engine is 160% faster than other pdf converters | Batch...also Lire la suite
With pdf to excel converter users will be able to edit their pdf forms in ms excel in few clicks / Pdf to excel converter is a windows application to convert pdf document to excel xls format fast and easily | Pdf to excel converter supports page range selection which means users can convert selected form pages from a big pdf file and it will save much more time than converting the whole pdf file ; pdf to excel converter key features convert pdf to excel convert pdf to excel xls format you can edit pdf forms in ms excel : no need microsoft excel installed pdf to excel converter can convert pdf to excel without microsoft excel installed [...] Full conversion pdf to excel converter will not only convert forms but also keep all pdf text into excel result file , Easy to use with pdf to excel converter you can convert pdf to excel in only 3 clicks / Fast conversion pdf to excel converter conversion engine is 160% faster than other pdf converters | Batch...also Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows

Also flac to mp3 supports batch mode to convert hundreds of flac audio to mp3 music at one time [...] convert in batch modethe converter has a file list so that users can add hundreds of flac files to the converter then convert them to mp3 with only one click , Easily and fast convert flac to mp3 audio format / Flac to mp3 is a windows flac to mp3 converter application to convert flac to mp3 audio fast and easily | With flac to mp3 users can convert flac music to mp3 audio format in few clicks.
Also flac to mp3 supports batch mode : Features & benefits easy to usethe usage of the program is simple and doesn't need any knowledge [...] Just drag your flac audio files onto the program and drop them then click on start converting button the conversion will be started immediately , for portable devicesif you want to listen to the music on the way you need to copy music to portable devices like ipod iphone or portable players / However most of portable devices don't support flac format | You can use the converter to convert flac audio to the most popular audio format mp3 then transfer to your devices ; save more disk spaceflac is the free lossless audio codec and gives users the best audio quality performance : However it needs a large...also Lire la suite
Also flac to mp3 supports batch mode : Features & benefits easy to usethe usage of the program is simple and doesn't need any knowledge [...] Just drag your flac audio files onto the program and drop them then click on start converting button the conversion will be started immediately , for portable devicesif you want to listen to the music on the way you need to copy music to portable devices like ipod iphone or portable players / However most of portable devices don't support flac format | You can use the converter to convert flac audio to the most popular audio format mp3 then transfer to your devices ; save more disk spaceflac is the free lossless audio codec and gives users the best audio quality performance : However it needs a large...also Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
DVD to MP4

It can automatically retreive videos from the dvd drive and rip videos in bulk [...] Rip & convert dvd and blue ray dvd into mp4 and more popular video formats , Dvd to mp4 is a windows freeware tool that rips normal dvd & blue ray dvd to mp4 and more video formats and then you can watch movies on the pc or save them much easier / Besides converting to standard mpeg4 video format dvd to mp4 also supports h264 dvd to mp4 is a windows freeware tool that rips normal dvd & blue ray dvd to mp4 and more video formats and then you can watch movies on the pc or save them much easier | Besides converting to standard mpeg4 video format dvd to mp4 also supports h264 video codec and most of popular video formats output like avi wmv flv mov ; It allows you to set the video bitrate to get better video quality as well.
Dvd to mp4 does not only support normal dvd vob format but also supports the blue ray dvd m2ts format [...] You can use this tiny tool to rip all of your dvdsit ca Lire la suite
Dvd to mp4 does not only support normal dvd vob format but also supports the blue ray dvd m2ts format [...] You can use this tiny tool to rip all of your dvdsit ca Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Speed Elixir

Le jeu sera disponible en décembre sur pc xbox one et ps4.
Speed elixir nous promet des courses folles dans le désert au volant de bolides aussi puissants que magnifiques , Speed elixir est un jeu de voiture en monde ouvert prometteur dont le moteur graphique utilise les dernières technologie en matière de rendu graphique speed elixir est le dernier projet en date d'electro phantom game / Ce jeu utilise un moteur graphique alpha beast qui utilise des technologies telles que le hdr lightning pour produire des graphismes de qualité | Dans ce jeu en monde ouvert vous découvrirez au volant de bolides incroyables des paysages montagneux ou désertiques magnifiques sans oublier les autoroutes plus réalistes que jamais ; vous pourrez réaliser des courses classiques ou des contres la montre des poursuites à 15 joueurs ou plusle je Lire la suite
Speed elixir nous promet des courses folles dans le désert au volant de bolides aussi puissants que magnifiques , Speed elixir est un jeu de voiture en monde ouvert prometteur dont le moteur graphique utilise les dernières technologie en matière de rendu graphique speed elixir est le dernier projet en date d'electro phantom game / Ce jeu utilise un moteur graphique alpha beast qui utilise des technologies telles que le hdr lightning pour produire des graphismes de qualité | Dans ce jeu en monde ouvert vous découvrirez au volant de bolides incroyables des paysages montagneux ou désertiques magnifiques sans oublier les autoroutes plus réalistes que jamais ; vous pourrez réaliser des courses classiques ou des contres la montre des poursuites à 15 joueurs ou plusle je Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Site
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Electro Phantom Games
Logiciel Windows
DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3

Drag a track onto the first mixer another one on the second mixer and you will be able to play and mix them like a dj [...] Easy beat matching and mp3 dj mixing software for windows , An easy to use dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain mix music and video from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects / Dj mixer express is a dj mixing software for mac and windows support automatic mixing beat matching seamless looping mix music from itunes etc | Dj mixer express puts two decks and user friendly functionality at your disposal so that you can mix your favorite songs like a dj ; The very nice thing about this application is that it beautifully brings together ease of use and functionality – it is quite easy to access all the application’s functionality and mix songs like a dj : Dj mixer express is available for microsoft windows operating system and for apple mac os x [...] The windows installation file is little over 3 , 2mb in size which is not much; on a high speed internet connection the download will complete in a blink.
Run the aforementioned file click through the setup wizard that shows up and moments later you will be done with the installation process | At the top of the application’s dark themed interface...drag Lire la suite
Run the aforementioned file click through the setup wizard that shows up and moments later you will be done with the installation process | At the top of the application’s dark themed interface...drag Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : macdjmixer
Logiciel Mac
DJ Mixer Express for Mac v5.8.3

The application features include dual player decks visualize waveforms automatic audio/video mixing automatic bpm detection automatic tempo control and one click beat matching seamless beat aware loop and cue points crossfading smart sync automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation keylock fx effects support mix your music video and karaoke and from itunes [...] Automatic beat matching and dj mixing software for mac os x , Dj mixer express for mac is an easy to use dj mxing software provides instant bpm beat matching automatic mixing automatic bpm detection completed mixes compatible with itunes live recording / And professional sound quality | Dj mixer express for mac is an easy to use dj software with dual player decks automatic mixing automatic tempo control instant beat matching crossfading seamless looping automatic bpm detection automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation apply multiple effects support mix your music and videos from itunes ; With dj mixer express anyone can mix their music karaoke and videos with program's simple interface : Dj mixer express for mac is an easy to use dj mixing software that mix not only audio tracks but also video or karaoke songs [...] Support record your mixes for burn them to cds.
With dj mixer express mix & perform your music files at a professional level anyone can mix their music and video...the a Lire la suite
With dj mixer express mix & perform your music files at a professional level anyone can mix their music and video...the a Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : macdjmixer
Logiciel Windows
Able2Extract PDF Editor 10

Able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology is perfect for editing converting and creating pdfs [...] Their best known tool is able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology.
Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document / With able2extract can create pdf documents from numerous supported file types | Also you can convert pdf to 12 different file formats add and remove text merge rotate and extract pages ; Investintech is a software developer company that has been a leader in pdf products for more than 15 years : With their latest built in feature the pdf editing panel users can edit pdf easily happy in minutes and save hours per document [...] some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document , All done in just 3 clicks / Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market | Convert pdf to more than 12 file formats other including word excel csv autocad and many more ; Create pdf and seamlessly set up advanced security features such as...able2 Lire la suite
Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document / With able2extract can create pdf documents from numerous supported file types | Also you can convert pdf to 12 different file formats add and remove text merge rotate and extract pages ; Investintech is a software developer company that has been a leader in pdf products for more than 15 years : With their latest built in feature the pdf editing panel users can edit pdf easily happy in minutes and save hours per document [...] some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document , All done in just 3 clicks / Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market | Convert pdf to more than 12 file formats other including word excel csv autocad and many more ; Create pdf and seamlessly set up advanced security features such as...able2 Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Investintech.com
Logiciel Windows
Forza Horizon 3

Le nouvel opus de forza horizon débarque sur windows 10 et sur xbox one avec play anywhere forza horizon 3 propose un tout nouveau gameplay et vous permet de personnaliser tous les éléments du jeu son du klaxon musique plaques d'immatriculation voitures personnages [...] Le nouveau forza horizon propose plus de 350 véhicules mythiques au volant desquels vous parcourerez les routes australiennes et montrerez au monde entier que vous êtes le roi de l'asphalte ,
dans ce nouvel opus microsoft offre la possibilité de personnaliser bien plus que les voitures / Vous pourrez en effet rajouter votre touche personnelle aux plaques d'immatriculation au klaxon ou tout simplement créer votre playlist avec votre propre musique.
forza horizon 3 propose un mode coop en ligne à 4 participants dans lequel vous découvrirez de nouvelles récompenses et une nouvelle vision du jeu ; Vous aurez également la possibilité de créer votre propre festival pour recruter vos amis vous récolterez plus de fans ! le no Lire la suite
forza horizon 3 propose un mode coop en ligne à 4 participants dans lequel vous découvrirez de nouvelles récompenses et une nouvelle vision du jeu ; Vous aurez également la possibilité de créer votre propre festival pour recruter vos amis vous récolterez plus de fans ! le no Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Payant
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Microsoft