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Logiciel Windows

Music Maker Hip Hop Edition

Music Maker Hip Hop Edition
Vos morceaux hip hop en un clic ! transformez votre ordinateur en véritable studio virtuel d’enregistrement et de mixage grâce au logiciel music maker hip hop edition 4 [...] Désormais avec music maker hip hop edition 4 c’est le studio qui vient à vous ! très performant ce logiciel met à votre disposition plus de 1000 sons boucles et effets audio inédits vous permettant de créer vos propres morceaux hip hop en toute simplicité , La dernière version de music maker hip hop edition 4 met l’accent sur une panoplie de nouveautés offrant un son de très haute qualité / Plus besoin de mettre des sommes folles dans la réservation d’un studio d’enregistrement pour pouvoir jouir pleinement de sa passion musicale | Vous pourrez par la suite les partager sur les réseaux sociaux facebook twitter ou encore myspace via l’outil de chargement soudcloud ; L’application song maker 2 vous permet par exemple de mettre au point des pistes sonores dans les moindres détails tandis que les archives audio flambant neuves vous permettront de tester plusieurs styles différents : r’n’b east coast gangsta g funk etc : Mais le top du top est sans nul doute la boîte à rythmes beatbox 2 grâce à laquelle vous pourrez réaliser vos beats en profitant des nombreux kits de percussions.

 vos m Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Music Maker Rock Edition

Music Maker Rock Edition
Dédié autant aux connaisseurs qu’aux débutants music maker rock edition 4 s’utilise de manière simple et rapide.

Devenez une légende du rock ! créez vos propres morceaux rock sur mesure grâce aux multiples riffs et divers sons de ce logiciel ultra performant , Music maker rock edition 4 est la solution de tous les zicos qui souhaitent concrétiser leur rêve musical / Avec son studio d’enregistrement et de mixage de qualité professionnelle il vous permet de réaliser vos propres titres depuis votre ordinateur | Profitez ainsi de plus de 1000 sons riffs et autres effets audio inédits pour des morceaux qui ne ressemblent qu’à vous ; Grâce à la nouvelle application de chargement de soundcloud vous pouvez désormais partager vos chansons en ligne via facebook twiter ou encore myspace : Pour un son toujours plus rock et percutant cette dernière version offre une panoplie de nouveaux outils dont un grand nombre d’instruments tels que guitares percussions basses… il y en a ainsi pour tous les goûts : du rock classique au rock alternatif [...] L’application song marker 2 vous donne quant à elle la possibilité de mettre au point un accompagnement à la guitare ou des chansons pour vous entraîner à jammer ,  dédi Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3

DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3
An easy to use dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain mix music and video from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects [...] Dj mixer express is a dj mixing software for mac and windows support automatic mixing beat matching seamless looping mix music from itunes etc , Easy beat matching and mp3 dj mixing software for windows / Dj mixer express is available for microsoft windows operating system and for apple mac os x.

When you launch dj mixer express for the first time it will ask you to add audio tracks to its library ; Also note that dj mixer express is free to use for a 30 day trial : Prosdj mixer express is available for windows and mac [...] Consfree to use for 30 days limited functionality in the trial , 2mb in size which is not much; on a high speed internet connection the download will complete in a blink / You can download dj mixer express free here | Dj mixer express puts two decks and user friendly functionality at your disposal so that you can mix your favorite songs like a dj ; The very nice thing about this application is that it beautifully brings together ease of use and functionality – it is quite easy to access all the application’s functionality and mix songs like ea Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

DRM Converter 3 for Mac

DRM Converter 3 for Mac
Convert itunes music to mp3 on mac os x drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 wav aiff or aac on mac os x.

Batch convert itunes drm protected m4p files to unprotected mp3 aac apple lossles aiff or wav files ready for use on any computers or mobile music devices , Batch convert itunes drm protected music files to unprotected mp3 aac ac3 m4a m4r mka au flac aiff or wav files ready for use on any computer or mobile music devices such as iphone ipad psp samsung galaxy s4 htc phone tablet pc ps vita mp3 player cd player xbox360 and android devices without any restrictions or drm protection / Its ability to convert drm protected music files into regular mp3 files makes it a perfect solution for people who purchase their music online but have compatibility issues with their music players | For mac os x 10 ; 5 please download drm converter 3 : Drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 or aac on mac os x [...] Drm converter 3 works with itunes and advanced drm removal technology to complete the entire ripping encoding process all in one , It converts m4p files on your itunes quickly and with cd quality / 3 10 | 6 ; 0  conve Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Mac

AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Mac
It allows mac users to recover deleted and lost photos music and video files or just about anything that can be written to digital media device [...] Applexsoft photo recovery is comprehensive digital media data recovery software   designed for mac users it featuring innovative recovery algorithms and an   extremely easy interface that allows mac users to recover deleted and lost photos   music documents video files or just about anything that can be written to digital   media device , Applexsoft photo recovery for mac is comprehensive recovery software for any digital media / The simple to use interface makes it easy to recover   your photos and video with just a few mouse clicks! now photo recovery for mac   has been further developed to recover many more file types from digital media   used in more than just digital cameras! mac photo recovery now recovers any   documents email spreadsheets text files hd video raw images and many more!   it also will allow you to create a backup image of your card and also allow recovery   from your backup image as well as other card image formats! fully compatible   with mac os x lion download free trial version of mac photo recovery to   recover your photo from digital cameras or any other digital media.

Recover photo documents video audio from any digital media on mac al Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

MP3 Toolkit

MP3 Toolkit
It also has the ability to cut a part of music from a video file or a movie [...] Mp3 toolkit is a free and powerful windows app includes mp3 converter cd ripper tag editor mp3 cutter mp3 merger and mp3 recorder for users who want to handle mp3 files easier , You can use mp3 toolkit to convert audio for mobile devices make ringtones fix tag information rip audio cd record sound or merge audio pieces to a complete mp3 file / Cd to mp3 ripper will help you to rip the audio from cd to mp3 wma ape or wav for common players | Free convert rip cut merge record mp3 all in one ; Free convert rip merge cut tag edit and record mp3 all in one : Besides standard mp3 format mp3 toolkit supports most of popular audio & video formats like wma wmv mp4 wav ogg flv and more also supports high quality audio like flac and ape [...] With mp3 toolkit you are able to convert cut merge rip and record mp3 free , Features & benefits mp3 converter you can convert audio file formats between standard mp3 audio and wma wav ogg aac and more / It can also extract the audio stream from popular video formats like mp4 flv avi etc | Cd to mp3 ripper the audio cd contains audio tracks ; Cda files which cannot be copied to use directly.

Mp3 tag editor with this program you will be able to edit mp3 tag information al Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

DJ Mixer Express for Mac v5.8.3

DJ Mixer Express for Mac v5.8.3
Dj mixer express for mac is an easy to use dj software with dual player decks automatic mixing automatic tempo control instant beat matching crossfading seamless looping automatic bpm detection automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation apply multiple effects support mix your music and videos from itunes [...] With dj mixer express anyone can mix their music karaoke and videos with program's simple interface , The application features include dual player decks visualize waveforms automatic audio/video mixing automatic bpm detection automatic tempo control and one click beat matching seamless beat aware loop and cue points crossfading smart sync automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation keylock fx effects support mix your music video and karaoke and from itunes / With dj mixer express mix & perform your music files at a professional level anyone can mix their music and video with program's simple interface in just minutes | Automatic beat matching and dj mixing software for mac os x ; Dj mixer express for mac is an easy to use dj mxing software provides instant bpm beat matching automatic mixing automatic bpm detection completed mixes compatible with itunes live recording : Dj mixer express for mac is an easy to use dj mixing software that mix not only audio tracks but also video or karaoke songs.

Support record your mixes for burn them mi Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Able2Extract PDF Editor 10

Able2Extract PDF Editor 10
Able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology is perfect for editing converting and creating pdfs [...] Investintech is a software developer company that has been a leader in pdf products for more than 15 years , Download it from the link above and start saving precious hours / With able2extract can create pdf documents from numerous supported file types | Also you can convert pdf to 12 different file formats add and remove text merge rotate and extract pages ; Their best known tool is able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology : With their latest built in feature the pdf editing panel users can edit pdf easily happy in minutes and save hours per document [...]    some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document , Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document.

All done in just 3 clicks | Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market ; Convert pdf to more than 12 file formats other including word excel csv autocad and many...able2 Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

MP3 Normalizer

MP3 Normalizer
Mp3 normalizer is ideal if you want to have an optimal level of volume in all the mp3 files from your music collection [...] Tired of constantly adjusting your audio's volume? mp3 normalizer ensures that all your music play at the same volume level , Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your mp3 files or wave files with the same volume / Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your audio mp3 or wave files with the same volume | Or you can normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds ; Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of improving the quality of mp3 and wav files by normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume : With mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume for keep.

Or normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds , Normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume / Mp3 normalizer can normalize both mp3 and wav files in batches | Normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume ; With this advanced mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume : Mp3 normalizer can normalize both audio mp3 and wav files [...] And it supports batch normalizing that is you...mp3 n Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Easy DRM Converter for Windows v4.9.5

Easy DRM Converter for Windows v4.9.5
The legal way to convert itunes drm protected music to unprotected mp3 [...] Convert itunes drm protected m4p music to unprotected mp3 files at high speed and with cd quality , Easy drm converter for windows is specially designed for windows users to convert any audio which can be played in itunes such as apple music drm protected m4p protected audiobooks or other downloaded music to unprotected mp3 files at high speed and with cd quality / The purpose of drm converter is allows you to free your itunes music store purchases from their drm restrictions with no sound quality loss | It is perfect drm removal tool designed for remove drm protection from itunes m4p files and convert all of your drm m4p songs in your itunes library or in a playlist to standard format files mp3 aac ac3 m4r mka aiff m4a that you can playing offline on your iphone ipad and any mp3 player.

Easy drm converter for windows works on windows xp vista windows 7 8 windows 10 and later : These songs can then be played outside of the itunes environment even on operating systems not supported by itunes [...] It is very easy to use just with the intuitive interface you can convert itunes audio quickly with a few clicks , And no extra hardware or virtual drive neededthe l Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Easy M4P Converter v2.2.3

Easy M4P Converter v2.2.3
Remove drm from itunes convert m4p to mp3 easy m4p converter is a drm removal software for windows designed to legally remove drm from m4p music apple music and audiobooks and convert purchased itunes m4p music to mp3 format at high speed and with cd quality for play anywhere you like [...] Easy m4p converter is a drm removal software for windows designed to legally remove drm from m4p music apple music and audiobooks and convert purchased itunes m4p music to the most frequently used audio formats like mp3 aac m4a mka au m4r ac3 and etc , Easy m4p converter for windows seamlessly integrate itunes gives you instant access of music library and playlist information / So you can quickly convert all of your itunes songs and apple music in your itunes library or in a playlist to unprotected mp3 formats with id tags preserved | It is especially useful in case if you have tracks purchased from itunes music stores and you want to listen to them on playback devices which don't support its format and because these music tracks are drm protected ; Easy m4p converter lets you enjoy your music freely with no limitations on any device you like : For play anywhere you like.

Support convert multiple drm protected files and unprotected audio files at a time with turbo speed , Besides easy m4p converter supports conversion of unprotected audio and audiobook formats like...remov Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

Easy Audio Converter for Mac v4.0.9

Easy Audio Converter for Mac v4.0.9
Easy audio converter for mac provides full itunes integration that will auto imports converted music to itunes and lets you edit the album artist and track information [...] Convert any video and audio to mp3 on mac easy audio converter for mac is the easiest and fastest batch audio converter and extractor allowing you to both convert between different audio formats and extract audio from video and save audio in 13 different formats , Easy audio converter for mac is the easiest and fastest batch audio converter and extractor allowing you to both convert between different audio formats and extract audio from video to popular audio formats.

Supports many audio and video file formats including mp3 m4a wma wav aac ac3 flac ogg speex vobis mka amr dsd mp4 avi mpeg wmv mov flv mkv swf vob rm rmvb ts mts asf nsv ogm among many others | It is multi thread supported so you can batch convert multiple audio and video at onceeasy Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

CF Card Recovery for Mac v3.0.1

CF Card Recovery for Mac v3.0.1
Recover photos videos music from from cf card on mac.

Supports raw recovery for all popular digital camera , Cf card recovery for mac is an easy to use and reliable recovery tool which offers you an  efficient way to recovers lost or deleted photos videos audio from compactflash card on mac os x you can also use the software to recover lost files from other media such as memory cards memory sticks digital cameras usb flash drive and others / Supports photo recovery of raw image formats for all popular digital cameras | Cf card recovery for mac is an easy to use and reliable recovery tool which offers you an easy and efficient way to recovers lost or deleted photos videos audio from your compactflash card on mac os x even if you have erased them reformatted the card or your compactflash card has become corrupted ; Supports photo recovery of high end raw image formats for all popular digital cameras including nikon sony panasonic canon minolta olympus and kodak etc : Furthermore sd card recovery for mac also includes card reformatting create backup image for your media and secure deletion features [...] Restore lost deleted or corrupted photos pictures video from various memory cards on mac , Preview photos before recovery / Preview photo before recovery | You can also use the software to recover lost files from...recov Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

SD Card Recovery

SD Card Recovery
Recover photos images video music email spreadsheets office documents text files & more [...] Creates a backup image of your sd card for archiving , Recover deleted formatted corrupted or lost files from sd card.

Sd card recovery is an easy to use professional sd card data recovery software that can effectively recover and rescue deleted formatted corrupted or lost photos and video files from all kinds of sd cards and memory card | Sd card recovery is able to save is deleted lost formatted damaged photos and files from the cf card sdhc minisd card microsd memory card and xd cards as well ; This is an advanced data rescue program sd card : Whether you delete photos from a digital camera or incorrectly formatted your sd card or if you've experienced slump sd cards can be restored [...] Simply connect to your computer media card reader recommended and then run the sd card recovery , Photos or other files are automatically saved to another location / Some of the highlights of sd card recovery are: recovers from various kinds of storage devices including; mmc sd minisd microsd xd and flash cards | Works with all the types of media used in digital camera sd cards cf cards memeory sticks etc ; Supports recover from all major cameras like sony nikon kodak canon fuji olympus and...recov Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

CuteDJ for Mac

CuteDJ for Mac
 this exciting mac dj mixing software will find songs very fast let you mix automatically or manually play music to multiple sound systems at the same time change song pitch seamless looping auto crossfade control advanced effects processing harmonic mixing itunes integration midi learn and much much more [...] The ultimate mac dj software for mixing audio video and karaoke , Cutedj for mac is a dj mixing program for amateur and professional djs that offers everything you need to dj mixing scratch remixing vinyl emulation / Cutedj is a professional dj program for amateur and professional djs that offers everything you need to dj mixing scratch remixing vinyl emulation and live performance | Perfect for weddings clubs hotels parties even at home ; Features include auto beat matching video mixing seamless looping itunes integration : In addition cutedj mac mixing software allows you to control your dj mixes with midi/hid controllers [...] There are over 70 hardware controllers natively zero configure supported from numark behringer denon hercules reloop akai american audio beamz m audio vestax.

Any midi controller can be used and visually mapped by using the intuitive learn feature / Simply connect your hardware controller to your mac connect to your sound system and you are in action | So try it and you...  Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Driver Updater

Driver Updater
Driver updater will scan your computer for outdated or missing drivers and provide you with an easy way to download and install the latest driver versions which effectively resolves driver related system errors and device malfunctions [...]   no need to  waste any more time on manual updates searching for latest drivers manually not only takes longer but also carries the risk of getting the wrong version or coming across sites infected with malware , Scans and updates all your drivers / All your hardware and devices will perform at their best | All your hardware and  devices  will perform at their best ; With access to a comprehensive database of over 200 000 drivers you can be sure you will always have the latest updates and enjoy uninterrupted device operation :   saves time and ensures efficiency [...] Driverupdater handles the task in the most efficient way lets you forget about these risks and breathe easy knowing you will always have the correct version of the official manufacturer issued driver ,   improves computer  performance   enjoy faster  speed and better system  stability.

Manufacturers often release driver updates with improved functionality or new features that can help your hardware components and devices work better | By keeping your drivers up to date driverupdater helps prevent system errors Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

MacX Video Converter Free Edition

MacX Video Converter Free Edition
Besides the unparallel video converting ability this free mac video converter also provides excellent functions to edit video extract music and image from video create photo slideshow etc [...] With this free mac video converter you can extract music from original video to save as mp3 ac3 wma etc , Fastest video converter to free convert video to mac mp4 iphone ipad android macx video converter free edition is a totally free yet full featured video converter software for mac which can freely convert between hd videos mkv m2ts avchd and sd videos avi mp4 mov flv etc on mac with zero quality loss / Macx video converter free edition is a totally free yet full featured video converter software for mac which can freely convert between hd videos mkv m2ts avchd and sd videos avi mp4 mov flv etc on mac with zero quality loss | Convert all hd high definition videos for free such as mkv avchd m2ts h ; The built in slideshow maker allows you to combine several photos into an amazing slideshow and convert to mp4 mov etc for playback on iphone ipad android or upload to youtube blog etc : Moreover with the various preset profiles you can easily convert any videos to mp4 mov files playable on quicktime player and iphone ipad ipod android microsoft devices etc [...] Main features: 1 , 264/avc mod etc.

2 | Converting videos...besid Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

MacX Video Converter Pro

MacX Video Converter Pro
Macx video converter pro is the fastest video converter for mac users to convert any video to mp4 h [...] 264 mov flv avi etc for playing on ios android tabs and phones with superb quality , Macx video converter pro is the best and fastest video converter for mac user that can convert video to any format like mp4 h / Download and convert youtube videos to different video formats for offline playback on ios and android mobiles; 4 | Make favorite photos into stunning video slideshow for transferring to mobile devices youtube facebook; 6 ; Record on screen activity with the built in screen recorder for uploading to youtube facebook blog etc; 7 : It also can download record edit video and make slideshow [...] Besides this mac video converter also acts as an all in one software which offers prominent ability to download youtube video record screen edit video and make photo slideshow on mac , Fastest video converter to convert mp4 mov flv avi mkv to iphone ipad android / 264 mpeg avi flv mov wmv mp3 aac etc and transfer hd video avchd m2ts mkv to iphone 5s ipad air/mini 2 with retina display apple tv 3 android samsung galaxy note 10 | 1 2014 edition note 3 google new nexus 7 psp ps4 surface pro 2 etc with 32x faster speed and flawless video quality.

It supports 320 input and 180 output video...macx Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

iEasyRecorder for Mac 1.24.1

iEasyRecorder for Mac 1.24.1
Effortlessly record sounds and music from any sources on mac [...] Ieasyrecorder is unique sound recording software for mac which can not only record anything you can hear from your computer but can record any sounds perfectly from any application , Ieasyrecorder is unique sound recording software for mac which can not only record anything you can hear from your computer but can record any sounds perfectly from any applications such as firefox google chrome skype quicktime player realplayer itunes vlc dvd player etc / Sound recorder express is able to record up to 4 tracks at the same time without any interference or unexpected sounds | Record whatever you want! you can choose to separate the sounds of your computer system and the sounds of your equipments or mix them.

When you record from the sound cards you may also mix human voice in through microphone : If you try to record an educational video or tutorial video you may find this feature even more helpful [...] You may also add a line in application and output the audio with or without the soundeffor Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

DJ Mixer Express for Mac

DJ Mixer Express for Mac
Dj mixer express for mac is an affordable and easy to use dj software with dual player decks automatic mixing automatic bpm detection automatic tempo control instant beat matching crossfading seamless looping automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation multiple effects support mix your music from itunes.

With dj mixer express anyone can mix their music with program's simple interface in just minutes , The applications features include dual player decks automatic mixing automatic bpm detection automatic tempo control and one click instant beat matching synchronization crossfading seamless looping automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation multiple effects support mix your music from itunes / With dj mixer express mix & perform your music files at a professional level anyone can mix their music with program's simple interface in just minutes | Automatic beat matching and dj mixing software for mac os x ; Dj mixer express for mac is an affordable and easy to use dj software provides instant bpm beat matching automatic mixing automatic bpm detection completed mixes compatible with itunes live recording : Dj mixer express for mac is an affordable and easy to use dj software to create your own custom dj style music [...] Support record your mixes to wav/aiff formats for burn them to cds , Dj mixer express for mac is used by 1000's of mi Lire la suite