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Logiciel Windows
PrintOnly V1.0

Pof printonly file qui est imperméable à la visualisation ou à la modification [...] Restreint l'impression directe des fichiers qui ne peuvent être ni visualisés ni modifiés , Printonly est un logiciel windows qui limite l'impression des documents pdf image word excel powerpoint et autres aux seules imprimantes physiques usb sans possibilité de les visualiser ou de les modifier / Printonly est un outil logiciel windows qui limite l'impression des documents aux seules imprimantes usb physiques sans possibilité de les visualiser ou de les modifier | Cela permet d'éviter que le contenu du document ne soit modifié avant l'impression.
Printonly prend en charge un grand nombre de formats de documents notamment pdf ms word excel images jpg/png/tif txt powerpoint rtf etc : Le programme utilise un format de document unique appelé [...] Grâce à ce format vos documents ne peuvent être imprimés que par des imprimantes usb physiques utilisant le programme client printonlyclient ce qui ajoute une couche supplémentaire de sécurité contre l'accès non autorisé ou les modifications , En outre printonly peut limiter le nombre d'impressions d'un document sur chaque ordinateur et vous permet également d'ajouter un filigrane sur le...pof Lire la suite
Printonly prend en charge un grand nombre de formats de documents notamment pdf ms word excel images jpg/png/tif txt powerpoint rtf etc : Le programme utilise un format de document unique appelé [...] Grâce à ce format vos documents ne peuvent être imprimés que par des imprimantes usb physiques utilisant le programme client printonlyclient ce qui ajoute une couche supplémentaire de sécurité contre l'accès non autorisé ou les modifications , En outre printonly peut limiter le nombre d'impressions d'un document sur chaque ordinateur et vous permet également d'ajouter un filigrane sur le...pof Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows

Convert jpg to pdf
create a pdf file from images like jpg/png/tif/bmp/gif etc [...] Easy to use software
add a pdf file > select the output file format > click on start converting button then just have a cup of coffee : , Convert pdf files to word excel plain text images html files or flash / Pdfzilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert pdf files into editable ms word documents excel forms rich text documents plain text files images html files and shockwave flash swf files | Pdfzilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert pdf files into editable ms word documents ms excel tables rich text documents plain text files images html files and shockwave flash swf files ; Pdzilla also allows users to rotate cut and merge pdf files : Besides the program can convert images like png tif bmp or jpg to pdf files which means users can simply create pdf files from images [...]
pdfzilla key features
convert pdf to word
convert pdf to word with all text and graphical data.
Convert pdf to excel convert pdf to ms excel format so that you can edit and extract pdf forms / Convert pdf to rtf convert pdf to rich text files | You can edit all text and graphic by windows wordpad ; Convert pdf to txt convert pdf to plain text files : You can edit text by...conve Lire la suite
Convert pdf to excel convert pdf to ms excel format so that you can edit and extract pdf forms / Convert pdf to rtf convert pdf to rich text files | You can edit all text and graphic by windows wordpad ; Convert pdf to txt convert pdf to plain text files : You can edit text by...conve Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
PDF Password Remover

Have you ever been in a situation where a password protected file suddenly brought your work to a complete halt when you least needed it? do you know the embarrassment of seeing a warning message telling you that you can't print your file or copy text from it when you really need to do it and fast ? if you've been there and don't want to deal with these problems ever again you need pdf password remover [...] After pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters , Once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal document / Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction fast and easily | Pdf password remover is a windows utility that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation ; Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately : Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately.
Pdf password remover also has a portable version which can be stored in flash disk and take it to anywhere , pdf password remover is a super compact and extremely affordable tool that will help you remove password protection from pdf files preventing you from printing ...have Lire la suite
Pdf password remover also has a portable version which can be stored in flash disk and take it to anywhere , pdf password remover is a super compact and extremely affordable tool that will help you remove password protection from pdf files preventing you from printing ...have Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows

Pdf ocr also supports batch mode to ocr all pages of pdf file to text at a time [...] Ocr pdf files to editable text fast and easily , Pdf ocr is based on ocr technology to convert scanned pdf paper books and documents into editable electronic text files fast and easily / Pdf ocr has a build in text editor which allows you to edit ocr result text without ms word.
Pdf ocr has a scanned image to pdf converter which means you can create your own scanned pdf books ; pdf ocr features convert scanned pdf to text pdf ocr converts scanned pdf to text then you can edit or use the pdf content : Support all page size pdf ocr supports a4 a3 b3 b4 b5 and all other scanned page size [...] Convert scanned images to pdf document pdf ocr converts scanned images to pdf document and creates scanned pdf books , Easy to use pdf ocr converts pdf to text within 3 clicks / Ocr pdf fast pdf ocr will processes 10+ pages in 45 seconds | Build in text editor pdf ocr has a build in text editor which allows you to edit the ocr result text without ms word or wordpad ; 3 pdf ocr mode pdf ocr supports 3 pdf ocr mode single page page range and all page ocr batch : 10+ languages supported besides english pdf ocr also supports german french spanish italian and many languages elsepdf o Lire la suite
Pdf ocr has a scanned image to pdf converter which means you can create your own scanned pdf books ; pdf ocr features convert scanned pdf to text pdf ocr converts scanned pdf to text then you can edit or use the pdf content : Support all page size pdf ocr supports a4 a3 b3 b4 b5 and all other scanned page size [...] Convert scanned images to pdf document pdf ocr converts scanned images to pdf document and creates scanned pdf books , Easy to use pdf ocr converts pdf to text within 3 clicks / Ocr pdf fast pdf ocr will processes 10+ pages in 45 seconds | Build in text editor pdf ocr has a build in text editor which allows you to edit the ocr result text without ms word or wordpad ; 3 pdf ocr mode pdf ocr supports 3 pdf ocr mode single page page range and all page ocr batch : 10+ languages supported besides english pdf ocr also supports german french spanish italian and many languages elsepdf o Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows

there are many advantages of converting a pdf file into a jpg file.
A computer user can use advanced and modified computer tools can easily aid font embed image compression and resolution in the converted file format , Convert pdf to jpg tif bmp png and gif formats pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif / Users are able to customize dpi and page range in conversion setting | Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode ; Pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif : Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode that converts hundreds of pdf documents into images at a time [...] One of the primary advantages of doing so is that the jpg conversion supports multiple document conversion and this format also improves the data accessibility to a great deal , A pdf application is one which is portable and compatible in nature as the very name suggests / Unlimited amounts of images can be stored in the pdf format | When the graphics or images are converted from pdf format to jpg format it gives a user with a certain capability to keep the quality and original formatting of the images and graphics as intact as well as secure and safe as possible ; The original quality of the data...  Lire la suite
A computer user can use advanced and modified computer tools can easily aid font embed image compression and resolution in the converted file format , Convert pdf to jpg tif bmp png and gif formats pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif / Users are able to customize dpi and page range in conversion setting | Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode ; Pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif : Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode that converts hundreds of pdf documents into images at a time [...] One of the primary advantages of doing so is that the jpg conversion supports multiple document conversion and this format also improves the data accessibility to a great deal , A pdf application is one which is portable and compatible in nature as the very name suggests / Unlimited amounts of images can be stored in the pdf format | When the graphics or images are converted from pdf format to jpg format it gives a user with a certain capability to keep the quality and original formatting of the images and graphics as intact as well as secure and safe as possible ; The original quality of the data...  Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
PDF Combine

You can simply drag and drop pdf files to the file list directly and click the combine now button to start the task.
Pdf combine is a windows application to combine pdf files to a single one , You may have a few burst pdf document pages or pieces on your work and need a tool to combine those pdf pages and files to a single pdf document / Pdf combine is a freeware application to combine pdf pieces and files to a single one | Pdf is the standard document and electronic fax format today so people always face with a lot of pdf contracts and documents in the office ; Sometimes there are few scanned pdf pages need to be bound to the old pdf contract; or you need to merge two or more related pdf ebooks to a single pdf ebook : Pdf combine can do those for you with few simply clicks [...] Features: not required adobe acrobat installed support all languages pdf combine tens of pdf files in few seconds organizing collections of digital documents is a concern for many who are finding that most of their personal library exists on their computer , The portable document format pdf is the most popular technology used in the encoding of these books / pdf combine is a powerful tool that helps people manipulate pdf files | pdf combine allows even new computer users to have access to a full set of features when working with...you c Lire la suite
Pdf combine is a windows application to combine pdf files to a single one , You may have a few burst pdf document pages or pieces on your work and need a tool to combine those pdf pages and files to a single pdf document / Pdf combine is a freeware application to combine pdf pieces and files to a single one | Pdf is the standard document and electronic fax format today so people always face with a lot of pdf contracts and documents in the office ; Sometimes there are few scanned pdf pages need to be bound to the old pdf contract; or you need to merge two or more related pdf ebooks to a single pdf ebook : Pdf combine can do those for you with few simply clicks [...] Features: not required adobe acrobat installed support all languages pdf combine tens of pdf files in few seconds organizing collections of digital documents is a concern for many who are finding that most of their personal library exists on their computer , The portable document format pdf is the most popular technology used in the encoding of these books / pdf combine is a powerful tool that helps people manipulate pdf files | pdf combine allows even new computer users to have access to a full set of features when working with...you c Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
PDF To JPG Converter

Batch mode
users can add hundreds of pdf documents from a folder or drag them and drop to the file list [...] Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif formats pdf to jpg converter is a windows utility that quickly convert pdf files into jpg bmp tif gif png images , With pdf to jpg converter users can also convert pdf to jpg in page range and set the output image dpi / Pdf to jpg converter is a windows utility that quickly convert pdf files into jpg bmp tif gif png images | Pdf to jpg converter features & benefits
convert pdf to jpg/jpeg images
pdf to jpg converter allows users to convert pdf to jpg images so that users will be able to use the pdf information on website or read the content without pdf readers ; Export pdf to high quality images
by modifying the dpi setting to a high number pdf to jpg converter will export large and high quality images from pdf : Users can use the exported high quality images for printing or publishing ads [...] pdf to jpg converter will convert pdfs to images in separate folders , Fast conversion
pdf to jpg converter has a fast conversion engine which will convert pdf docs 180% faster than other normal pdf converters / Saving time is saving money.
More output formats converting pdf to jpg is not the only function of pdf to jpg converter ; The...batch Lire la suite
More output formats converting pdf to jpg is not the only function of pdf to jpg converter ; The...batch Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
PDF to Excel Converter

Pdf to excel converter supports page range selection which means users can convert selected form pages from a big pdf file and it will save much more time than converting the whole pdf file.
Pdf to excel converter converts pdf document to excel xls format pdf to excel converter is a windows application to convert pdf document to excel xls format fast and easily , With pdf to excel converter users will be able to edit their pdf forms in ms excel in few clicks / Pdf to excel converter is a windows application to convert pdf document to excel xls format fast and easily | Also pdf to excel converter has the batch mode to convert hundreds of pdf documents to excel xls files at one time ; pdf to excel converter key features convert pdf to excel convert pdf to excel xls format you can edit pdf forms in ms excel : no need microsoft excel installed pdf to excel converter can convert pdf to excel without microsoft excel installed [...] Full conversion pdf to excel converter will not only convert forms but also keep all pdf text into excel result file , Easy to use with pdf to excel converter you can convert pdf to excel in only 3 clicks / Fast conversion pdf to excel converter conversion engine is 160% faster than other pdf converters | Batch...pdf t Lire la suite
Pdf to excel converter converts pdf document to excel xls format pdf to excel converter is a windows application to convert pdf document to excel xls format fast and easily , With pdf to excel converter users will be able to edit their pdf forms in ms excel in few clicks / Pdf to excel converter is a windows application to convert pdf document to excel xls format fast and easily | Also pdf to excel converter has the batch mode to convert hundreds of pdf documents to excel xls files at one time ; pdf to excel converter key features convert pdf to excel convert pdf to excel xls format you can edit pdf forms in ms excel : no need microsoft excel installed pdf to excel converter can convert pdf to excel without microsoft excel installed [...] Full conversion pdf to excel converter will not only convert forms but also keep all pdf text into excel result file , Easy to use with pdf to excel converter you can convert pdf to excel in only 3 clicks / Fast conversion pdf to excel converter conversion engine is 160% faster than other pdf converters | Batch...pdf t Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
MP3 Toolkit

Features & benefits
mp3 converter you can convert audio file formats between standard mp3 audio and wma wav ogg aac and more [...] It also has the ability to cut a part of music from a video file or a movie , Free convert rip cut merge record mp3 all in one / Mp3 toolkit is a free and powerful windows app includes mp3 converter cd ripper tag editor mp3 cutter mp3 merger and mp3 recorder for users who want to handle mp3 files easier | Free convert rip merge cut tag edit and record mp3 all in one ; Besides standard mp3 format mp3 toolkit supports most of popular audio & video formats like wma wmv mp4 wav ogg flv and more also supports high quality audio like flac and ape : With mp3 toolkit you are able to convert cut merge rip and record mp3 free [...] You can use mp3 toolkit to convert audio for mobile devices make ringtones fix tag information rip audio cd record sound or merge audio pieces to a complete mp3 file , It can also extract the audio stream from popular video formats like mp4 flv avi etc / Cd to mp3 ripper the audio cd contains audio tracks.
Cda files which cannot be copied to use directly ; Cd to mp3 ripper will help you to rip the audio from cd to mp3 wma ape or wav for common players : Mp3 tag editor with this program you will be able to edit mp3 tag information in...featu Lire la suite
Cda files which cannot be copied to use directly ; Cd to mp3 ripper will help you to rip the audio from cd to mp3 wma ape or wav for common players : Mp3 tag editor with this program you will be able to edit mp3 tag information in...featu Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
MP3 Cutter

Mp3 cutter is a windows application allow you to cut large music or video file to small music pieces [...] Cut mp3 and popular audio & video formats easily and fast , With mp3 cutter you are able to cut not only mp3 format but also wma wav amr wmv avi mpg 3gp mp4 flac ogg wmv mov and 40+ formats / With mp3 cutter you are able to cut not only mp3 format but also wma wav amr wmv avi mpg 3gp mp4 flac ogg wmv mov and more than 40 audio & video formats | features: easy to use cut mp3 music to pieces in few clicks ; 40+ formats supported mp3 cutter supports more than 40 popular audio & video formats : audio converter convert audio files between mp3 and other formats [...] audio extractor extract music from video files to mp3 format , ringtone maker make ringtones from any audio or video files / pros:mp3 cutter is lightweight and it lets you cut and save audio files immediately.
The best part is that you can load files in over 40 different formats so you can also use it as a converter ; with mp3 cutter you can cut any segment of an audio track and save it immediately : The interface's straightforward design lets you perform this task with only a few clicks [...] mp3 c Lire la suite
The best part is that you can load files in over 40 different formats so you can also use it as a converter ; with mp3 cutter you can cut any segment of an audio track and save it immediately : The interface's straightforward design lets you perform this task with only a few clicks [...] mp3 c Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
JPG to PDF Converter

You can control the compression ratio of your pdf files for optimal quality/size balance and specify such pdf file properties as title creation date subject and keywords.
Convert jpg bmp tif gif png psd to pdf document , Jpg to pdf converter is a windows utility that quickly convert multiple images into a single pdf document / With jpg to pdf converter users can create pdf files from image formats like jpg gif bmp tif png and psd | Jpg to pdf converter is an ultra fast converter of images to the pdf format supporting the majority of modern graphic formats including gif bmp tif png jpg ico and psd ; Tests show that jpg to pdf converter is up to 92% faster than its competitors which means that you can do almost twice as much in the same period of time and this speed factor does count when it comes to converting dozens or hundreds of documents : Jpg to pdf converter has a simple interface that will take seconds to get used to and will allow even novices to efficiently create lightweight pdf documents from multiple image files [...] If you need to quickly convert regular images in a variety of formats into compact pdf files jpg to pdf converter will provide everything you will possibly need to that!you c Lire la suite
Convert jpg bmp tif gif png psd to pdf document , Jpg to pdf converter is a windows utility that quickly convert multiple images into a single pdf document / With jpg to pdf converter users can create pdf files from image formats like jpg gif bmp tif png and psd | Jpg to pdf converter is an ultra fast converter of images to the pdf format supporting the majority of modern graphic formats including gif bmp tif png jpg ico and psd ; Tests show that jpg to pdf converter is up to 92% faster than its competitors which means that you can do almost twice as much in the same period of time and this speed factor does count when it comes to converting dozens or hundreds of documents : Jpg to pdf converter has a simple interface that will take seconds to get used to and will allow even novices to efficiently create lightweight pdf documents from multiple image files [...] If you need to quickly convert regular images in a variety of formats into compact pdf files jpg to pdf converter will provide everything you will possibly need to that!you c Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows

convert in batch modethe converter has a file list so that users can add hundreds of flac files to the converter then convert them to mp3 with only one click [...] Easily and fast convert flac to mp3 audio format , Flac to mp3 is a windows flac to mp3 converter application to convert flac to mp3 audio fast and easily / With flac to mp3 users can convert flac music to mp3 audio format in few clicks | Also flac to mp3 supports batch mode.
Also flac to mp3 supports batch mode to convert hundreds of flac audio to mp3 music at one time : Features & benefits easy to usethe usage of the program is simple and doesn't need any knowledge [...] Just drag your flac audio files onto the program and drop them then click on start converting button the conversion will be started immediately , for portable devicesif you want to listen to the music on the way you need to copy music to portable devices like ipod iphone or portable players / However most of portable devices don't support flac format | You can use the converter to convert flac audio to the most popular audio format mp3 then transfer to your devices ; save more disk spaceflac is the free lossless audio codec and gives users the best audio quality performance : However it needs a large...  Lire la suite
Also flac to mp3 supports batch mode to convert hundreds of flac audio to mp3 music at one time : Features & benefits easy to usethe usage of the program is simple and doesn't need any knowledge [...] Just drag your flac audio files onto the program and drop them then click on start converting button the conversion will be started immediately , for portable devicesif you want to listen to the music on the way you need to copy music to portable devices like ipod iphone or portable players / However most of portable devices don't support flac format | You can use the converter to convert flac audio to the most popular audio format mp3 then transfer to your devices ; save more disk spaceflac is the free lossless audio codec and gives users the best audio quality performance : However it needs a large...  Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows

Then the converted audio file will be cut automatically [...] Your uploaded video/audio will be deleted on the server immediately the conversion completed and the converted file will be deleted automatically after 1 hour , Convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats / An online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats | It supports most of popular video and audio formats like mp4 avi wmv m4p mov mpg mp3 wma ogg flac aac etc ; You can set the audio bitrate rate and channels by clicking "advanced setting" : By clicking "cut the audio file" you can set the start time and the end time [...] Features:
100% free to use
compatible with all modern web browsers
supports most video/audio formats
various output formats: mp3 aac flac m4a ogg and wma.
No software/components installation required registration is not required crop the audio file multi language: english german french italian spanish portuguese dutch polish japanese and korean / Iphone/ipad/android web browser supportedthen Lire la suite
No software/components installation required registration is not required crop the audio file multi language: english german french italian spanish portuguese dutch polish japanese and korean / Iphone/ipad/android web browser supportedthen Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3

The windows installation file is little over 3 [...] Run the aforementioned file click through the setup wizard that shows up and moments later you will be done with the installation process , Easy beat matching and mp3 dj mixing software for windows.
An easy to use dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain mix music and video from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects | Dj mixer express is a dj mixing software for mac and windows support automatic mixing beat matching seamless looping mix music from itunes etc ; Dj mixer express puts two decks and user friendly functionality at your disposal so that you can mix your favorite songs like a dj : The very nice thing about this application is that it beautifully brings together ease of use and functionality – it is quite easy to access all the application’s functionality and mix songs like a dj [...] Dj mixer express is available for microsoft windows operating system and for apple mac os x , 2mb in size which is not much; on a high speed internet connection the download will complete in a blink / At the top of the application’s dark themed interface there are two decks and the corresponding playback and mixing buttons | Underneath there’s a section that lists the...the w Lire la suite
An easy to use dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain mix music and video from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects | Dj mixer express is a dj mixing software for mac and windows support automatic mixing beat matching seamless looping mix music from itunes etc ; Dj mixer express puts two decks and user friendly functionality at your disposal so that you can mix your favorite songs like a dj : The very nice thing about this application is that it beautifully brings together ease of use and functionality – it is quite easy to access all the application’s functionality and mix songs like a dj [...] Dj mixer express is available for microsoft windows operating system and for apple mac os x , 2mb in size which is not much; on a high speed internet connection the download will complete in a blink / At the top of the application’s dark themed interface there are two decks and the corresponding playback and mixing buttons | Underneath there’s a section that lists the...the w Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : macdjmixer
Logiciel Mac
PDF Merger Mac

The merged pdf file will keep the original formatting page size and page orientation [...] Or simply click on a file and while holding down on the mouse button drag it to its fresh position in the list , Pdf merger mac is a mac os x application to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file / Pdf merger mac is a free mac os x application that let you merge several pdf documents into one single pdf file.
Pdf merger mac also allows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simply add your pdf documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders ; Merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds keep original page size orientation and formatting allow users to adjust the pdf merging order 100% free merging pdf files with the app is an easy three step process : First click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window [...] Second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged pdf document , The third and final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the merging process / The progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar | Occasionally before clicking...the m Lire la suite
Pdf merger mac also allows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simply add your pdf documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders ; Merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds keep original page size orientation and formatting allow users to adjust the pdf merging order 100% free merging pdf files with the app is an easy three step process : First click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window [...] Second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged pdf document , The third and final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the merging process / The progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar | Occasionally before clicking...the m Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
Able2Extract PDF Editor 10

With able2extract can create pdf documents from numerous supported file types [...] Also you can convert pdf to 12 different file formats add and remove text merge rotate and extract pages , Convert pdf to more than 12 file formats other including word excel csv autocad and many more / Able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology is perfect for editing converting and creating pdfs | Investintech is a software developer company that has been a leader in pdf products for more than 15 years ; Their best known tool is able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology : With their latest built in feature the pdf editing panel users can edit pdf easily happy in minutes and save hours per document.
some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document , Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document / All done in just 3 clicks | Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market ; Create pdf and seamlessly set up advanced security features such as...with Lire la suite
some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document , Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document / All done in just 3 clicks | Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market ; Create pdf and seamlessly set up advanced security features such as...with Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Investintech.com
Logiciel Windows

Vous pouvez également gérer des anomalies sur les contacts pièces produits contrats etc indispensable pour une certification iso.
Gestan le couteau suisse de la gestion d'entreprise vous accompagne dans votre activité , Gestan est un logiciel de gestion d'entreprise complet qui saura répondre à vos besoins / Puissant complet intuitif peu onéreux robuste multi utilisateurs | Gestan l’interface unifiée de gestion de votre entreprise ; Gestan est un logiciel de gestion d’entreprise pgi ou erp en anglais qui s’adresse aussi bien aux indépendants qu’aux entreprises ayant jusqu’à 50 utilisateurs : Ses fonctionnalités correspondent aux métiers de l’entreprise : le commercial et la relation client la production la gestion des stocks et des produits la gestion administrative et financière… [...] Toutes ces fonctionnalités sont organisées par module comme pour un couteau suisse ! gestion commerciale et de la relation client il s’agit du module socle de gestan pour intégrer votre relation client aussi appelé fonctions grc ou crm de en anglais : devis commandes factures bons de livraison comptabilité client ce module est le cœur d’activité de toute entreprise et pour cette raison vous pouvez...vous Lire la suite
Gestan le couteau suisse de la gestion d'entreprise vous accompagne dans votre activité , Gestan est un logiciel de gestion d'entreprise complet qui saura répondre à vos besoins / Puissant complet intuitif peu onéreux robuste multi utilisateurs | Gestan l’interface unifiée de gestion de votre entreprise ; Gestan est un logiciel de gestion d’entreprise pgi ou erp en anglais qui s’adresse aussi bien aux indépendants qu’aux entreprises ayant jusqu’à 50 utilisateurs : Ses fonctionnalités correspondent aux métiers de l’entreprise : le commercial et la relation client la production la gestion des stocks et des produits la gestion administrative et financière… [...] Toutes ces fonctionnalités sont organisées par module comme pour un couteau suisse ! gestion commerciale et de la relation client il s’agit du module socle de gestan pour intégrer votre relation client aussi appelé fonctions grc ou crm de en anglais : devis commandes factures bons de livraison comptabilité client ce module est le cœur d’activité de toute entreprise et pour cette raison vous pouvez...vous Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : ICS-Informatique
Logiciel Windows
File Date Corrector

Easily retrieve original file date created with file date corrector.
Easily correct file dates 'created' and 'modified' of all your documents video audio and image files with file date corrector for windows , File date corrector is able to correct file dates of complete file directories at once / Your newly set up computer shows all files with wrong file dates 'created'? all the images you just copied from your camera / smartphone to your computer show now the wrong file date 'created' and not the original date taken? file date corrector is a program for windows and enables to correct the system provided file dates 'created' and 'modified' of documents video audio and image files | File date corrector can extract the necessary information from metadata and correct the system provided file date taking into account the correct time zone ; Besides being able to restore the original date taken of image audio and video files file date corrector can correct the file dates 'created' and 'modified' of microsoft office documents word excel pdf as well as of open documents open office libre office google docs ibm docs etc : File date corrector runs under windows xp/vista/7/8/10 [...] The correction is made according to the meta information contained in the files or according to a specified date , Before execution of the correction a preview is providedeasil Lire la suite
Easily correct file dates 'created' and 'modified' of all your documents video audio and image files with file date corrector for windows , File date corrector is able to correct file dates of complete file directories at once / Your newly set up computer shows all files with wrong file dates 'created'? all the images you just copied from your camera / smartphone to your computer show now the wrong file date 'created' and not the original date taken? file date corrector is a program for windows and enables to correct the system provided file dates 'created' and 'modified' of documents video audio and image files | File date corrector can extract the necessary information from metadata and correct the system provided file date taking into account the correct time zone ; Besides being able to restore the original date taken of image audio and video files file date corrector can correct the file dates 'created' and 'modified' of microsoft office documents word excel pdf as well as of open documents open office libre office google docs ibm docs etc : File date corrector runs under windows xp/vista/7/8/10 [...] The correction is made according to the meta information contained in the files or according to a specified date , Before execution of the correction a preview is providedeasil Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Infonautics
Logiciel Windows
4Videosoft Blu-ray Créateur

Il peut non seulement vous aider à graver vos vidéos enregistrées sur un disque blu ray avec deux types bd 25 et bd 50 mais aussi vous permet de créer un dossier/fichier iso blu ray avec un clic [...] Convertir des fichiers vidéo en dossier/fichier iso blu ray
3 , 4videosoft blu ray créateur est un des meilleurs logiciels de gravure blu ray / 4videosoft blu ray créateur est un des meilleurs logiciels de gravure blu ray | Equipé des fonctions de montage puissantes il peut personnaliser votre menu ajouter votre fichier audio favori et insérer les sous titres ; De plus vous pouvez couper rogner et filigraner votre vidéo pour plus d'effets spéciaux : 1 [...] Créer un disque blu ray avec vos fichiers vidéo
Définir la piste audio les sous titres et le menu 4 / Editer le fichier/disque blu ray par couper/rogner/ajuster/filigraner les vidéos ...il pe Lire la suite
Définir la piste audio les sous titres et le menu 4 / Editer le fichier/disque blu ray par couper/rogner/ajuster/filigraner les vidéos ...il pe Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : 4Videosoft
Logiciel Mac
PDF Password Remover Mac

After pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters [...] Once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal document , Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction on mac os x / Pdf password remover mac is a mac os x application that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation | Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window and then the application will start immediately ; What can you do after removing pdf password
copy the content from pdf
after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want : Convert the pdf document to other formats
the restricted pdf document can not be converted.
Print the pdf before removing the password from the protected pdf users doesn't have the authority to print the pdf , Now just download the pdf password remover mac to remove all restrctions from protected pdf files!after Lire la suite
Print the pdf before removing the password from the protected pdf users doesn't have the authority to print the pdf , Now just download the pdf password remover mac to remove all restrctions from protected pdf files!after Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF