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Logiciel Mac

PDF Merger Mac

PDF Merger Mac
Pdf merger mac is a mac os x application to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file [...] Pdf merger mac is a free mac os x application that let you merge several pdf documents into one single pdf file.

Pdf merger mac also allows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simply add your pdf documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders / First click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window | Pdf merger mac makes it simple to reorder the source files in order to create the correct sequence of files in the final document ; The merged pdf file will keep the original formatting page size and page orientation : Merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds keep original page size orientation and formatting allow users to adjust the pdf merging order 100% free merging pdf files with the app is an easy three step process [...] Second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged pdf document , The third and final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the merging process / The progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar | Occasionally ...pdf m Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF Editor Mac

PDF Editor Mac
Pdf editor mac lets users edit pdf document content on mac os x.

Pdf editor mac is a os x free application that allows users to add text insert images put watermarks to label their copyright changing font size and color and perform other editings of a pdf document , Pdf editor mac is a free application on mac os x that allows users to add text insert images put watermarks to label their copyright changing font size and color and perform other changes of a pdf document / Better than normal pdf readers and annotators pdf editor mac can permanently save the modified pdf content changes | Pdf editor mac features write text you can add text and move it to any location on the pdf page ; Pdf editor mac allows you to set the text size font and color : With the pdf editor mac you can easily fill in the various pdf form files [...] Delete content pdf editor mac contains an eraser tool and you can use it to delete any of your unwanted text or graphics , Pdf editor mac supports most popular image formats such as jpg png gif bmp and tif and so on and it can also keep the original image transparent / You can use pen v line and h line to draw free lines vertical lines or horizontal lines | After adding text and images you can change the text font and color resize the image height and width or move them as well ; If...pdf e Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Mac

AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Mac
Recover photo documents video audio from any digital media on mac os x [...] Applexsoft photo recovery for mac is comprehensive recovery software for any digital media , It allows mac users to recover deleted and lost photos music and video files or just about anything that can be written to digital media device.

Applexsoft photo recovery is comprehensive digital media data recovery software   designed for mac users it featuring innovative recovery algorithms and an   extremely easy interface that allows mac users to recover deleted and lost photos   music documents video files or just about anything that can be written to digital   media device | The simple to use interface makes it easy to recover   your photos and video with just a few mouse clicks! now photo recovery for mac   has been further developed to recover many more file types from digital media   used in more than just digital cameras! mac photo recovery now recovers any   documents email spreadsheets text files hd video raw images and many more!   it also will allow you to create a backup image of your card and also allow recovery   from your backup image as well as other card image formats! fully compatible   with mac os x lion download free trial version of mac photo recovery to   recover your photo from digital cameras or any other digital...recov Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

Avira Free Mac Security

Avira Free Mac Security
La solution de sécurité qui protège votre mac contre les chevaux de troie spécialement conçu pour mac os x ce logiciel antivirus gratuit met votre machine à l'abri des menaces liées à internet.

Avira free mac security détecte et bloque les nouveaux virus logiciels espions et tentatives de phishing , Il protège votre ordinateur contre les malwares chevaux de troie spécifiques au mac mais aussi contre les menaces windows évitant ainsi l’infection d’une machine à une autre / Le planificateur intégré assure des analyses régulières de votre mac ainsi que de nombreuses mises à jour assurant la protection optimale de votre machine | Avira free mac security inspecte chaque fichier à la recherche de la moindre menace et met en quarantaine ceux qui pourraient constituer un potentiel danger pour la sécurité de votre système ; Le moindre octet est sécurisé tout comme l'ensemble de vos données privées et confidentielles : Ce logiciel antivirus met à votre disposition plusieurs types de scans : complet et rapide effectuant l’un et l’autre une analyse silencieuse de votre ordinateur afin de ne pas vous gêner dans vos activitésla so Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

iBoysoft NTFS for Mac 7.0

iBoysoft NTFS for Mac 7.0
Outil ntfs for mac pour ouvrir un lecteur ntfs en mode lecture écriture un outil professionnel ntfs pour mac pour ouvrir le lecteur ntfs en mode lecture écriture copier et écrire des fichiers rapidement et efficacement [...] Le meilleur logiciel ntfs pour mac pour monter vos volumes ntfs windows en mode lecture écriture , Supprimez éditez renommez et écrivez des fichiers sur des disques ntfs dans macos & mac os x librement sans formatage / Insérez votre disque ntfs il sera automatiquement monté sans lancer l'application puis vous pouvez commencer à lire et écrire le disque ntfs dans le finder comme le disque natif de votre mac comme supprimer copier renommer taguer airdrop synchroniser des fichiers et même stocker des sauvegardes time machine.

Après avoir utilisé le disque ntfs veuillez cliquer sur le bouton d'éjection de l'application pour l'éjecter en toute sécurité puis débranchez le de votre mac ; Ce faisant vous éviterez d'endommager vos fichiers ou votre disque : Iboysoft ntfs est entièrement compatible avec macos monterey big sur catalina et apple silicon m1 m1 pro m1 max macoutil Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows


Un puissant logiciel de diagrammes tout en un riches ressources gratuites pour améliorer la productivité  edraw max est un logiciel de diagramme tout en un pour pc windows qui est également compatible avec les systèmes mac os x et linux et qui simplifie la création d'organigrammes de logigramme de diagrammes de réseau de présentations commerciales de plans de construction de cartes mentales d'illustration scientifique de conceptions de mode de diagrammes uml de flux de travail structures de programme diagrammes de conception web diagrammes de génie électrique cartes directionnelles diagrammes de base de données et plus encore [...] Entièrement compatible avec windows mac et linux , Avec de grandes bibliothèques pré dessinées et plus de 6000 symboles vectoriels le dessin ne pourrait pas être plus facile ! edrawmax vous permet de créer une large gamme de diagrammes à l'aide de modèles de formes et d'outils de dessin tout en travaillant dans un environnement de style office intuitif et familier.

Edrawmax est certainement le logiciel de visualisation le plus simple et le plus rapide pour créer des diagrammes de tout type pour tout utilisateur quel que soit son rôle | Libérez votre créativité avec ce logiciel intelligent facile à...un pu Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac


Convert flac audio to mp3 and more formats on mac os [...] Flac to mp3 mac is a free mac os application which converts flac to mp3 wma m4a aac ogg and wav audio formats , The user interface is quite simple and you can drag and drop your flac files onto the program then the conversion would start instantly flac to mp3 mac will convert all your flac music at once.

Audio extracting flac to mp3 mac can extract audio from all popular video formats like mp4 mov avi mpg wmv m4p no drm etc | The app also transfer the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversion ; Besides flac format the app could also convert other media formats to mp3 including video and audio media formats : The app also transfers the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversion [...] Features: easy to use simply dropping flac songs onto the program would start the converting immediately , 6 output audio formats supports 6 most popular audio formats in the world: mp3 aac m4a ogg wav and wma / Convert other audio formats the application could also convert media files other audio formats as input to mp3 like wav wma and aac etc | Convert in bulk drag & drop all your flac files to convert them at onceconve Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3

DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3
Dj mixer express is a dj mixing software for mac and windows support automatic mixing beat matching seamless looping mix music from itunes etc.

Dj mixer express is available for microsoft windows operating system and for apple mac os x , It is a pleasure to use dj mixer express on a pc or mac and mix songs like a dj / Also note that dj mixer express is free to use for a 30 day trial | You can download dj mixer express free here ; Easy beat matching and mp3 dj mixing software for windows : An easy to use dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain mix music and video from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects [...] Dj mixer express puts two decks and user friendly functionality at your disposal so that you can mix your favorite songs like a dj , The very nice thing about this application is that it beautifully brings together ease of use and functionality – it is quite easy to access all the application’s functionality and mix songs like a dj / The windows installation file is little over 3 | 2mb in size which is not much; on a high speed internet connection the download will complete in a blink ; Run the aforementioned file click through the setup wizard that shows up and moments later you will be mi Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF Password Remover Mac

PDF Password Remover Mac
Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction on mac os x [...] Pdf password remover mac is a mac os x application that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation , Now just download the pdf password remover mac to remove all restrctions from protected pdf files! / Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window and then the application will start immediately | What can you do after removing pdf password copy the content from pdf after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want.

Convert the pdf document to other formats the restricted pdf document can not be converted : After pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters [...] Print the pdf before removing the password from the protected pdf users doesn't have the authority to print the pdf , Once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal documentremov Lire la suite
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac Free v 11.8(Fr)
Logiciel gratuit et le plus puissant de récupération de données qui est facile à utiliser pour récupérer des photos vidéos documents emails dossiers et les autres d'ordinateur de mac appareil numérique ou support de stockage etc [...] Supporter les dispositifs différents récupérer les données perdues de l'ordinateur mac mac server disque dur dispositif numérique support de stockage tels que disque usb carte sd carte mémoire disque externe etc , 12 sierra mac os x 10 / Gratuiciel de récupération de données perdues à cause de suppression formatage perte de partition exploitation inappropriée.

Easeus data recovery wizard for mac free   un logiciel gratuit de récupération de données mac peut être appliqué à récupérer les photos  vidéos  documents et emails perdues à cause de la suppression  formatage  perte de partition  exploitation inappropriée   attaque virale etc ;  d'un disque dur basé sur mac  disque dur externe  carte de mémoire...logic Lire la suite
Aiseesoft iPhone Software Pack pour Mac
Aiseesoft iphone software pack pour mac est un trousse à outils qui fusionne quatre logiciel en un.

Aiseesoft iphone software pack pour mac est un trousse à outils qui fusionne quatre logiciel en un tels que aiseesoft mac fonelab aiseesoft mac fonetrans aiseesoft créateur sonnerie iphone pour mac et aiseesoft mac convertisseur vidéo ultimate , Supprimés et perdus à partir de l’appareil ios ou à partir de la sauvegarde itunes ou icloud avec aiseesoft mac fonelab / Transférer et sauvegarder des fichiers entre iphone ipad ipod et mac ou transférer entre les appareils ios | Les fichiers pris en charge contiennent sms contacts photos etc avec aiseesoft mac fonetrans ; Convertir tous les formats vidéos et audio et même convertir des disques dvd non protégé comme vous voulez sur mac avec aiseesoft mac convertisseur vidéo ultimate : Ce logiciel fonctionne sous mac os x 10 [...] Avec ces quatres logiciels vous pouvez : 1 , Récupérer des sms des contacts des photos des notes des historiques des appels etc / 2 | 3 ; Créer des sonneries avec des fichiers vidéo et audio pour iphone avec aiseesoft créateur sonnerie iphone pour mac : 4 [...] 5 ou version...aisee Lire la suite
Aiseesoft AMV Convertisseur pour Mac
Aiseesoft amv convertisseur pour mac est un convertisseur amv professionnel qui permet de convertir toute la video en amv [...] Aiseesoft amv convertisseur pour mac est un convertisseur amv professionnel qui permet aux utilisateurs de convertir n’importe quelle vidéo en amv mtv et mp3 pour la lire sur un lecteur mp4/mp3 ou d’autres lecteurs vidéo pour que vous puissiez profiter des films ou des musiques à volonté n’importe quand et n’importe où , Une interface facile à utiliser avec un dessin convivial configurations requises os supporté : mac os x 10 / Convertir toute la vidéo en amv/mtv extraire la piste audio et l'enregistrer en format mp3 etc.

5 ou version ultérieure processeur : 1ghz intel/amd cpu ou supérieur ram : 1g ram ou plus ...aisee Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

CF Card Recovery for Mac v3.0.1

CF Card Recovery for Mac v3.0.1
Cf card recovery for mac is an easy to use and reliable recovery tool which offers you an  efficient way to recovers lost or deleted photos videos audio from compactflash card on mac os x you can also use the software to recover lost files from other media such as memory cards memory sticks digital cameras usb flash drive and others [...] Cf card recovery for mac is an easy to use and reliable recovery tool which offers you an easy and efficient way to recovers lost or deleted photos videos audio from your compactflash card on mac os x even if you have erased them reformatted the card or your compactflash card has become corrupted , Furthermore sd card recovery for mac also includes card reformatting create backup image for your media and secure deletion features / Recover photos videos music from from cf card on mac | Restore lost deleted or corrupted photos pictures video from various memory cards on mac ; Supports raw recovery for all popular digital camera : Preview photos before recovery.

Supports photo recovery of raw image formats for all popular digital cameras , Preview photo before recovery / You can also use the software to recover lost files from other media such as memory cards memory sticks digital cameras usb flash drive and others | Supports photo recovery of high end raw image formats for ca Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

SD Card Recovery

SD Card Recovery
100% compatible with mac os x 10 [...] 9 mavericks mac 10 , Recover deleted formatted corrupted or lost files from sd card / Sd card recovery is an easy to use professional sd card data recovery software that can effectively recover and rescue deleted formatted corrupted or lost photos and video files from all kinds of sd cards and memory card | Sd card recovery is able to save is deleted lost formatted damaged photos and files from the cf card sdhc minisd card microsd memory card and xd cards as well ; This is an advanced data rescue program sd card : Whether you delete photos from a digital camera or incorrectly formatted your sd card or if you've experienced slump sd cards can be restored [...] Simply connect to your computer media card reader recommended and then run the sd card recovery , Photos or other files are automatically saved to another location.

Some of the highlights of sd card recovery are: recovers from various kinds of storage devices including; mmc sd minisd microsd xd and flash cards | Recover photos images video music email spreadsheets office documents text files & more ; Works with all the types of media used in digital camera sd cards cf cards memeory sticks etc : Supports recover from all major cameras like sony nikon kodak canon fuji olympus and...100% Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

CuteDJ for Mac

CuteDJ for Mac
The ultimate mac dj software for mixing audio video and karaoke [...] Cutedj for mac is a dj mixing program for amateur and professional djs that offers everything you need to dj mixing scratch remixing vinyl emulation ,  this exciting mac dj mixing software will find songs very fast let you mix automatically or manually play music to multiple sound systems at the same time change song pitch seamless looping auto crossfade control advanced effects processing harmonic mixing itunes integration midi learn and much much more / In addition cutedj mac mixing software allows you to control your dj mixes with midi/hid controllers.

Simply connect your hardware controller to your mac connect to your sound system and you are in action ; Fully compatible with mac os x 10 : Features include auto beat matching video mixing seamless looping itunes integration [...] Cutedj is a professional dj program for amateur and professional djs that offers everything you need to dj mixing scratch remixing vinyl emulation and live performance , Perfect for weddings clubs hotels parties even at home / There are over 70 hardware controllers natively zero configure supported from numark behringer denon hercules reloop akai american audio beamz m audio vestax | Any midi controller can be used and visually mapped by using the...the u Lire la suite
321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3
321soft usb flash recovery for mac is developed to recover photo video and other files from usb drive flash memory card mobile phones and any type of storage device [...] And compatible with mac os x 10 , 321soft usb flash recovery for mac is the most advanced data recovery software specifically developed for usb drive and memory card / Moreover usb flash recovery for mac supports recovery of high end raw photos and hd video that are generated by professional cameras like canon nikon fuji panasonic sony olympus pentax etc | The trial version of 321soft usb flash recovery for mac allows you to scan and preview all recoverable photos before purchase ; It fully compatible with mac os x 10 : Recover deleted/lost photo video and files from from usb and memory card.

It supports recovery of raw photo and hd video , Preview files before recovery / If your files were lost deleted formatted or corrupted 321soft usb flash recovery can help you restore them quickly and safely | It also supports recovery of high end raw photo and hd video ; Support scan and preview recoverable files : 6 or later [...] It can recover photos video documents and other files from usb drive flash memory card memory sticks cd/dvd mobile phones and virtually any type of data storage device that work as a removable...321so Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

321Soft iPhone Data Recovery for Mac

321Soft iPhone Data Recovery for Mac
321soft iphone data recovery for mac is a full featured and world leading tool which runs on mac os x to recover deleted or lost files from iphone ipad and ipod touch [...] 321soft iphone data recovery for mac is a full featured and world leading tool which runs on mac os x to recover deleted and lost files from iphone ipad and ipod touch , No matter what kind of reason leads to the data loss you can use 321soft mac iphone data rescue software to retrieve up to 12 types of lost files from your ios devices such as sms photos videos contacts call history text sms messages notes and more / Recover deleted and lost files from iphone ipad and ipod touch.

Supports recover photos videos sms contacts messages notes and more ; It provides two recovery modes to meet different needs: recover data from ios device & recover from itunes backup files : This software has user friendly interface to guide users to easily recover ios files [...] And due to it performs non destructive and read only scan it is reliable and safe for customers to trust , So if you lose your precious data on your ios devices due to accidental deletion ios upgrade jailbreak factory settings restore physical damage or other reasons why not try 321soft iphone data recovery for mac? this software also has trial version for users to preview recoverable files before they decide to...321so Lire la suite
321Soft Data Recovery for Mac v5.5.5.1
A comprehensive mac data recovery software to recover any data from mac [...] 321soft data recovery for mac is a comprehensive data recovery software designed to recovers lost formatted and deleted files from mac hard drives usb flash drives sd memory card mobile devices or any other type storage devices , 321soft data recovery is a full featured complete data recovery solution for mac os x that is designed to recover deleted lost formatted files from hard drives usb flash drives sd memory card mobile devices or any other type portable storage devices / In addition to being a full featured mac data recovery utility 321soft data recovery for mac also includes a powerful raid reconstructor that can reconstruct lost or damaged raids! a feature rich hex editor and a disk clone/imaging module that allow you to create disk image files to recover data from drives having bad sectors | Flexible parameter settings give you absolute control over mac data recovery ; It fully compatible with mac os x 10 : 9 mavericks and mac os x 10.

Regardless of the reason for data loss be it from virus attack accidental deleted formatted partition damaged power failure or bad sectors and even re install of a operating system 321soft data recovery can still restore your data with intuitive wizard driven interface , It is incredibly easy to use / File preview is...a com Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

321Soft Image Converter for Mac

321Soft Image Converter for Mac
Convert between many different image file formats on mac os x [...] 321soft image converter is incredibly easy to use image converter lets you convert photos and images to many different formats on mac os x , 321soft image converter for mac os x and easiest method to provide the fastest batch convert between various images it is easy to convert single or multiple image formats / 321soft image converter for mac user friendly interface means that it can be used by anyone.

We received a warm welcome! 321soft image converter is the fastest and easiest batch image conversion app for mac os x that allows you to convert multiple image files quickly and efficiently ; Support a variety of popular image formats: jpg png bmp gif tiff jpeg 2000 psd pdf and tga 321soft image converter also reads a wide range of specialized formats from mac icon : A user friendly interface of 321soft image converter for mac means it can be used by anyone [...] Run on mac os x 10 , 321soft image converter is the fastest and easiest but also realize the batch image conversion application that supports all common picture to multiple image files quickly and efficiently converts mac os x's / 321soft image converter can also read multiple formats profession from mac icon | Just drag and drop multiple image files window the program can automatically convert all...conve Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac
Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif formats on mac os x pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff [...] Pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff , Pdf to jpg converter for mac developed free converter to convert pdf files in bulk / What's more pdf to jpg converter for mac allows them to convert pdf files in bulk and has the capability to output images from each pdf file to separated folders | In addition to convert normal pdf documents to popular image formats pdf to jpg converter for mac also converts restricted pdf files smoothly without asking for the owner password ; Pdf to jpg converter for mac features 1 support 5 popular image formats output2 customize output image dpi3 batch mode4 restricted pdf supported : Getting high quality images from pdf is easy since this free pdf to image converter works with the dpi option [...] The program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large or small size images.

The program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large high quality images or small thumbnails / When users want to convert several pdf files in bulk there is a folder creation function can convert each pdf...conve Lire la suite