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Logiciel Windows
I Don't Want Windows 10

I don't want windows 10 est un petit programme qui vous permet de bloquer la mise à niveau vers windows 10 en supprimant la mise à jour responsable de la mise à niveau vers windows 10 cette application va vous permettre de rester sur windows 7 ou 8 [...] X et que vous êtes gêné par les boites de dialogues intempestives qui vous poussent à migrer vers windows 10 i dont'want windows 10 peut être une solution , Si vous préferez rester sur windows 7 ou 8 / Ce programme gratuit va tout simplement effectuer la désinstallation de la mise à jour kb3035583 responsable des notifications à répétition censées vous donnez envie de passer sur windows 10 | Il vous suffit d'extraire et de lancer l'exécutable contenu dans l'archive téléchargée et de cliquer sur le bouton "agree".
Le processus de désinstallation s'enclenchera et vous pourrez enfin dire au revoir à windows 10i don Lire la suite
Le processus de désinstallation s'enclenchera et vous pourrez enfin dire au revoir à windows 10i don Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : rn10950
Logiciel Windows
I Am Alive

Un univers post apocalyptique vous attend partez à la recherche de votre femme et votre fille disparues à la suite d’un évènement apocalyptique.
Un an après le « choc » adam le personnage que vous incarnez revient à haventon sa ville d’origine afin de retrouver sa femme et sa fille parmi les décombres , Mais à sa grande surprise il ne reste quasiment plus rien de sa vie d’avant à part quelques ruines d’immeubles effondrés empilés les uns sur les autres dans des rues poussièreuses baignées dans un brouillard épais qui ne cessera de vous aveugler tout au long de votre aventure / I am alive offre un gameplay qui se scinde en deux aspects principaux : l’exploration qui comporte la gestion de votre endurance et le combat qu’il vous faudra appréhender avec précaution | Vous devrez ainsi traverser la ville à l’aide de la map semi ouverte mise à votre disposition ; Mais attention si vous êtes certes très athéltique vous n’êtes cependant pas infaillible et encore moins immortel : Vous tomberez à la moindre balle bien placée ou sous un coup de machetteun un Lire la suite
Un an après le « choc » adam le personnage que vous incarnez revient à haventon sa ville d’origine afin de retrouver sa femme et sa fille parmi les décombres , Mais à sa grande surprise il ne reste quasiment plus rien de sa vie d’avant à part quelques ruines d’immeubles effondrés empilés les uns sur les autres dans des rues poussièreuses baignées dans un brouillard épais qui ne cessera de vous aveugler tout au long de votre aventure / I am alive offre un gameplay qui se scinde en deux aspects principaux : l’exploration qui comporte la gestion de votre endurance et le combat qu’il vous faudra appréhender avec précaution | Vous devrez ainsi traverser la ville à l’aide de la map semi ouverte mise à votre disposition ; Mais attention si vous êtes certes très athéltique vous n’êtes cependant pas infaillible et encore moins immortel : Vous tomberez à la moindre balle bien placée ou sous un coup de machetteun un Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : Ubi Soft
Logiciel Windows
AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Windows

The easiest way to recover photo and data from all types of digital media! applexsoft photo recovery for windows is the standard in digital media data recovery that designed for recover photo and data from all types of digital media!
accidently formatted your digital cameras memory card? deleted those important
photos? we have the solution! applexsoft photo recovery is the standard in
digital media data recovery that designed for recover photo and data from all
types of digital media! it is a user friendly and full featured application for digital
cameras memory stick smartmedia sd cards xd cards sim cards mmc pen
drives usb flash drives compactflash i and ii micro drives floppy disk zip disk
cd dvd disk and most other storage media.
Compared with other similar software applexsoft photo recovery has many advantages such as the following: it features a world wide first recovery algorithm for audio and video recovery; reads corrupted cards even if they're not recogni by windows ; recovers photo documents video music or just about anything that can be written to media device; allows you to create a backup image of your media card for archiving; support recover data from palm pilots pda devices digital cameras and camcorders mp3 players digital recorders and other devices; secure media wiping and is included for permanent deletion of data on your media; it is safe...the e Lire la suite
Compared with other similar software applexsoft photo recovery has many advantages such as the following: it features a world wide first recovery algorithm for audio and video recovery; reads corrupted cards even if they're not recogni by windows ; recovers photo documents video music or just about anything that can be written to media device; allows you to create a backup image of your media card for archiving; support recover data from palm pilots pda devices digital cameras and camcorders mp3 players digital recorders and other devices; secure media wiping and is included for permanent deletion of data on your media; it is safe...the e Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : AppleXsoft

Ubisoft vient d’annoncer la sortie de la version pc d’i am alive dès demain soit une semaine avant la date prévue à l’origine [...] I am alive le jeu post apocalyptique d’ubisoft sortira dès demain sur pc , L’éditeur qui a annoncé la nouvelle n’a toutefois rien précisé concernant les raisons de ce changement de date / A l’origine ce jeu sorti sur psn et xbla en avril dernier été prévu pour le 13 septembre 2012 sur pc | Le titre sera mis à disposition des gamers directement via son site de vente en ligne ainsi que sur ceux d’un panel de distributeurs tiers au prix de 14 99 € ; Ce dernier intègrera pour l’occasion les modes facile et replay et bénéficiera d’améliorations visuelles : Afin de vous faire patienter jusqu’à demain nous vous proposons de découvrir ou de redécouvrir le trailer de lancement d’i am alive.
Vous pouvez également précommander dès maintenant le jeu via cette page , ubiso Lire la suite
Vous pouvez également précommander dès maintenant le jeu via cette page , ubiso Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows
PDF Password Remover

what can i do after removing pdf password
copy the content from pdf
after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want [...] Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction fast and easily , Pdf password remover is a windows utility that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation.
Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately | Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately ; Pdf password remover also has a portable version which can be stored in flash disk and take it to anywhere : Have you ever been in a situation where a password protected file suddenly brought your work to a complete halt when you least needed it? do you know the embarrassment of seeing a warning message telling you that you can't print your file or copy text from it when you really need to do it and fast ? if you've been there and don't want to deal with these problems ever again you need pdf password remover [...] pdf password remover is a super compact and extremely affordable tool that will help you remove password protection from pdf files preventing you from printing modifying or converting them to other formats , Convert the pdf...  Lire la suite
Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately | Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately ; Pdf password remover also has a portable version which can be stored in flash disk and take it to anywhere : Have you ever been in a situation where a password protected file suddenly brought your work to a complete halt when you least needed it? do you know the embarrassment of seeing a warning message telling you that you can't print your file or copy text from it when you really need to do it and fast ? if you've been there and don't want to deal with these problems ever again you need pdf password remover [...] pdf password remover is a super compact and extremely affordable tool that will help you remove password protection from pdf files preventing you from printing modifying or converting them to other formats , Convert the pdf...  Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows

When the graphics or images are converted from pdf format to jpg format it gives a user with a certain capability to keep the quality and original formatting of the images and graphics as intact as well as secure and safe as possible.
Convert pdf to jpg tif bmp png and gif formats pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif , Users are able to customize dpi and page range in conversion setting / Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode | Pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif ; Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode that converts hundreds of pdf documents into images at a time : there are many advantages of converting a pdf file into a jpg file [...] One of the primary advantages of doing so is that the jpg conversion supports multiple document conversion and this format also improves the data accessibility to a great deal , A pdf application is one which is portable and compatible in nature as the very name suggests / Unlimited amounts of images can be stored in the pdf format | The original quality of the data is not hampered with and nor is it distorted ; A computer user can use advanced and modified computer tools can easily aid font embed image compression...when Lire la suite
Convert pdf to jpg tif bmp png and gif formats pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif , Users are able to customize dpi and page range in conversion setting / Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode | Pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif ; Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode that converts hundreds of pdf documents into images at a time : there are many advantages of converting a pdf file into a jpg file [...] One of the primary advantages of doing so is that the jpg conversion supports multiple document conversion and this format also improves the data accessibility to a great deal , A pdf application is one which is portable and compatible in nature as the very name suggests / Unlimited amounts of images can be stored in the pdf format | The original quality of the data is not hampered with and nor is it distorted ; A computer user can use advanced and modified computer tools can easily aid font embed image compression...when Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3

Dj mixer express is available for microsoft windows operating system and for apple mac os x [...] Easy beat matching and mp3 dj mixing software for windows , An easy to use dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain mix music and video from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects.
Dj mixer express is a dj mixing software for mac and windows support automatic mixing beat matching seamless looping mix music from itunes etc | Dj mixer express puts two decks and user friendly functionality at your disposal so that you can mix your favorite songs like a dj ; The very nice thing about this application is that it beautifully brings together ease of use and functionality – it is quite easy to access all the application’s functionality and mix songs like a dj : The windows installation file is little over 3 [...] 2mb in size which is not much; on a high speed internet connection the download will complete in a blink , Run the aforementioned file click through the setup wizard that shows up and moments later you will be done with the installation process / At the top of the application’s dark themed interface there are two decks and the corresponding playback and mixing buttons | Underneath there’s a section that lists the...dj mi Lire la suite
Dj mixer express is a dj mixing software for mac and windows support automatic mixing beat matching seamless looping mix music from itunes etc | Dj mixer express puts two decks and user friendly functionality at your disposal so that you can mix your favorite songs like a dj ; The very nice thing about this application is that it beautifully brings together ease of use and functionality – it is quite easy to access all the application’s functionality and mix songs like a dj : The windows installation file is little over 3 [...] 2mb in size which is not much; on a high speed internet connection the download will complete in a blink , Run the aforementioned file click through the setup wizard that shows up and moments later you will be done with the installation process / At the top of the application’s dark themed interface there are two decks and the corresponding playback and mixing buttons | Underneath there’s a section that lists the...dj mi Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : macdjmixer
Logiciel Windows
Kaspersky Total Security 2021

Le module safe kids lui vous permet de laisser les enfants utiliser l’ordinateur sans craindre qu’ils ne tombent sur des contenus inappropriés [...] La suite de sécurité qu’il vous faut au quotidien , Kaspersky total security 2021 est le produit le plus abouti proposé par l’éditeur antivirus / Ce logiciel vous permet de protéger plusieurs appareils tout en vous donnant les outils pour surfer en tout sécurité.
Kaspersky total security 2021 est sans aucun doute le logiciel le plus complet de l’éditeur ; Il s’agit d’un programme qui protège non seulement votre ordinateur mais aussi les autres appareils que vous avez chez vous comme un mac un smartphone android ou ios ou une tablette : Son moteur de détection antivirus continue de s’améliorer pour vous affranchir des virus malwares et même des spams [...] Si vous faîtes fréquemment des achats sur internet vous pourrez profiter de son navigateur sécurisé qui protège vos données bancaires , Kaspersky total security 2021 propose aussi un gestionnaire de mots de passe intégré pour ceux qui veulent opter pour une protection maximalele mo Lire la suite
Kaspersky total security 2021 est sans aucun doute le logiciel le plus complet de l’éditeur ; Il s’agit d’un programme qui protège non seulement votre ordinateur mais aussi les autres appareils que vous avez chez vous comme un mac un smartphone android ou ios ou une tablette : Son moteur de détection antivirus continue de s’améliorer pour vous affranchir des virus malwares et même des spams [...] Si vous faîtes fréquemment des achats sur internet vous pourrez profiter de son navigateur sécurisé qui protège vos données bancaires , Kaspersky total security 2021 propose aussi un gestionnaire de mots de passe intégré pour ceux qui veulent opter pour une protection maximalele mo Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Kaspersky
Logiciel Windows
File Date Corrector

Your newly set up computer shows all files with wrong file dates 'created'? all the images you just copied from your camera / smartphone to your computer show now the wrong file date 'created' and not the original date taken? file date corrector is a program for windows and enables to correct the system provided file dates 'created' and 'modified' of documents video audio and image files [...] File date corrector can extract the necessary information from metadata and correct the system provided file date taking into account the correct time zone , Easily retrieve original file date created with file date corrector / Easily correct file dates 'created' and 'modified' of all your documents video audio and image files with file date corrector for windows.
File date corrector is able to correct file dates of complete file directories at once ; The correction is made according to the meta information contained in the files or according to a specified date : Before execution of the correction a preview is provided [...] Besides being able to restore the original date taken of image audio and video files file date corrector can correct the file dates 'created' and 'modified' of microsoft office documents word excel pdf as well as of open documents open office libre office google docs ibm docs etc , File date corrector runs under windows xp/vista/7/8/10your Lire la suite
File date corrector is able to correct file dates of complete file directories at once ; The correction is made according to the meta information contained in the files or according to a specified date : Before execution of the correction a preview is provided [...] Besides being able to restore the original date taken of image audio and video files file date corrector can correct the file dates 'created' and 'modified' of microsoft office documents word excel pdf as well as of open documents open office libre office google docs ibm docs etc , File date corrector runs under windows xp/vista/7/8/10your Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Infonautics
Logiciel Mac

Le nettoyage de system vous donne une optimisation remarquable sur votre iphone et ipad en vous permettant de gérer toutes les sortes de tâches quotidiennes avec facilité [...] Votre outil de nettoyage protection et optimisation pour l’appareil ios phoneclean est un outil de nettoyage ultime et tout en un qui donne des assurances à la sécurité de la vie privée le nettoyage de stockage et l'optimisation des performances sur votre iphone ipad et ipod touch , Phoneclean offre une solution de nettoyage très facile et complet pour iphone ipad et ipod touch / En vous apportant le nettoyage automatique la protection en profondeur de la vie privée la vitesse ultra rapide et une gamme de fonctionnalités de maintenance de ios phoneclean arrive à élever votre expérience à une toute nouvelle échelle | Comme le premier et le meilleur dans son genre phoneclean a évolué avec simplicité et intelligence.
Il sait exactement ce qui a avalé votre espace de l’iphone et comment les supprimer : C’est la solution de protection de la vie privée de l'iphone la plus complète et le plus profonde jusqu’à présent en vous permettant de nettoyer vos historiques d’appels messages et même des attachements [...] Le nettoyage d’internet est...le ne Lire la suite
Il sait exactement ce qui a avalé votre espace de l’iphone et comment les supprimer : C’est la solution de protection de la vie privée de l'iphone la plus complète et le plus profonde jusqu’à présent en vous permettant de nettoyer vos historiques d’appels messages et même des attachements [...] Le nettoyage d’internet est...le ne Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : iMobie
Logiciel Windows
SD Card Recovery

Safe and non destructive sd card rescue software no write operation performed.
Recover deleted formatted corrupted or lost files from sd card , Sd card recovery is an easy to use professional sd card data recovery software that can effectively recover and rescue deleted formatted corrupted or lost photos and video files from all kinds of sd cards and memory card / Sd card recovery is able to save is deleted lost formatted damaged photos and files from the cf card sdhc minisd card microsd memory card and xd cards as well | This is an advanced data rescue program sd card ; Whether you delete photos from a digital camera or incorrectly formatted your sd card or if you've experienced slump sd cards can be restored : Simply connect to your computer media card reader recommended and then run the sd card recovery [...] Photos or other files are automatically saved to another location , Some of the highlights of sd card recovery are: recovers from various kinds of storage devices including; mmc sd minisd microsd xd and flash cards / Recover photos images video music email spreadsheets office documents text files & more | Works with all the types of media used in digital camera sd cards cf cards memeory sticks etc ; Supports recover from all major cameras like sony nikon kodak canon fuji ...safe Lire la suite
Recover deleted formatted corrupted or lost files from sd card , Sd card recovery is an easy to use professional sd card data recovery software that can effectively recover and rescue deleted formatted corrupted or lost photos and video files from all kinds of sd cards and memory card / Sd card recovery is able to save is deleted lost formatted damaged photos and files from the cf card sdhc minisd card microsd memory card and xd cards as well | This is an advanced data rescue program sd card ; Whether you delete photos from a digital camera or incorrectly formatted your sd card or if you've experienced slump sd cards can be restored : Simply connect to your computer media card reader recommended and then run the sd card recovery [...] Photos or other files are automatically saved to another location , Some of the highlights of sd card recovery are: recovers from various kinds of storage devices including; mmc sd minisd microsd xd and flash cards / Recover photos images video music email spreadsheets office documents text files & more | Works with all the types of media used in digital camera sd cards cf cards memeory sticks etc ; Supports recover from all major cameras like sony nikon kodak canon fuji ...safe Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : AppleXsoft
Logiciel Mac
CuteDJ for Mac

Simply connect your hardware controller to your mac connect to your sound system and you are in action [...] The ultimate mac dj software for mixing audio video and karaoke , Cutedj for mac is a dj mixing program for amateur and professional djs that offers everything you need to dj mixing scratch remixing vinyl emulation.
Features include auto beat matching video mixing seamless looping itunes integration | Cutedj is a professional dj program for amateur and professional djs that offers everything you need to dj mixing scratch remixing vinyl emulation and live performance ; Perfect for weddings clubs hotels parties even at home : this exciting mac dj mixing software will find songs very fast let you mix automatically or manually play music to multiple sound systems at the same time change song pitch seamless looping auto crossfade control advanced effects processing harmonic mixing itunes integration midi learn and much much more [...] In addition cutedj mac mixing software allows you to control your dj mixes with midi/hid controllers , There are over 70 hardware controllers natively zero configure supported from numark behringer denon hercules reloop akai american audio beamz m audio vestax / Any midi controller can be used and visually mapped by using the intuitive learn feature | So try it and you...simpl Lire la suite
Features include auto beat matching video mixing seamless looping itunes integration | Cutedj is a professional dj program for amateur and professional djs that offers everything you need to dj mixing scratch remixing vinyl emulation and live performance ; Perfect for weddings clubs hotels parties even at home : this exciting mac dj mixing software will find songs very fast let you mix automatically or manually play music to multiple sound systems at the same time change song pitch seamless looping auto crossfade control advanced effects processing harmonic mixing itunes integration midi learn and much much more [...] In addition cutedj mac mixing software allows you to control your dj mixes with midi/hid controllers , There are over 70 hardware controllers natively zero configure supported from numark behringer denon hercules reloop akai american audio beamz m audio vestax / Any midi controller can be used and visually mapped by using the intuitive learn feature | So try it and you...simpl Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : CuteDJ
Logiciel Mac
321Soft iPhone Data Recovery for Mac

And due to it performs non destructive and read only scan it is reliable and safe for customers to trust [...] Recover deleted and lost files from iphone ipad and ipod touch , 321soft iphone data recovery for mac is a full featured and world leading tool which runs on mac os x to recover deleted or lost files from iphone ipad and ipod touch / Supports recover photos videos sms contacts messages notes and more | 321soft iphone data recovery for mac is a full featured and world leading tool which runs on mac os x to recover deleted and lost files from iphone ipad and ipod touch ; No matter what kind of reason leads to the data loss you can use 321soft mac iphone data rescue software to retrieve up to 12 types of lost files from your ios devices such as sms photos videos contacts call history text sms messages notes and more : It provides two recovery modes to meet different needs: recover data from ios device & recover from itunes backup files.
This software has user friendly interface to guide users to easily recover ios files , So if you lose your precious data on your ios devices due to accidental deletion ios upgrade jailbreak factory settings restore physical damage or other reasons why not try 321soft iphone data recovery for mac? this software also has trial version for users to preview recoverable files before they decide to...and d Lire la suite
This software has user friendly interface to guide users to easily recover ios files , So if you lose your precious data on your ios devices due to accidental deletion ios upgrade jailbreak factory settings restore physical damage or other reasons why not try 321soft iphone data recovery for mac? this software also has trial version for users to preview recoverable files before they decide to...and d Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : submit
Logiciel Mac
321Soft Data Recovery for Mac v5.5.5.1

Regardless of the reason for data loss be it from virus attack accidental deleted formatted partition damaged power failure or bad sectors and even re install of a operating system 321soft data recovery can still restore your data with intuitive wizard driven interface [...] A comprehensive mac data recovery software to recover any data from mac , 321soft data recovery for mac is a comprehensive data recovery software designed to recovers lost formatted and deleted files from mac hard drives usb flash drives sd memory card mobile devices or any other type storage devices / 321soft data recovery is a full featured complete data recovery solution for mac os x that is designed to recover deleted lost formatted files from hard drives usb flash drives sd memory card mobile devices or any other type portable storage devices | In addition to being a full featured mac data recovery utility 321soft data recovery for mac also includes a powerful raid reconstructor that can reconstruct lost or damaged raids! a feature rich hex editor and a disk clone/imaging module that allow you to create disk image files to recover data from drives having bad sectors ; Flexible parameter settings give you absolute control over mac data recovery.
It is incredibly easy to use [...] File preview is available so that user can preview files before recovery , It fully compatible with...regar Lire la suite
It is incredibly easy to use [...] File preview is available so that user can preview files before recovery , It fully compatible with...regar Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : submit
Logiciel Windows

Pcsuite diagnoses your wind cleans out junk files restores system restores system stability improves computer speed protects your privacy and automates system maintenance [...] Since diagnosis is half the cure
pcsuite runs a complete checkup of your entire system locating junk files speed reducing issues and causes of any system or application errors or crashes ,
cleans out junk files
a clean pc means better efficiency
we designed the cleaning module in pcsuite to sweep out all types of pc junk such as unneeded system and user temporary files web browser cache unused error logs leftover windows update files temporary sun java files unneeded microsoft office cache and a lot more /
restores system stability
errors and crashes are a thing of the past
like an experienced surgeon pcsuite employs precision tools to carefully remove corrupt keys and invalid entries from the windows registry taking care not to damage anything vital.
improves computer speed everything on your pc works faster pcsuite tweaks non optimal system settings to help most processes and operations go at a faster pace ; protects your privacy your system is more secure from hackers most of us are concerned about personal information getting into the wrong hands : automates system maintenance set and forget scheduling convenience with pcsuite you can schedule automatic...pcsui Lire la suite
improves computer speed everything on your pc works faster pcsuite tweaks non optimal system settings to help most processes and operations go at a faster pace ; protects your privacy your system is more secure from hackers most of us are concerned about personal information getting into the wrong hands : automates system maintenance set and forget scheduling convenience with pcsuite you can schedule automatic...pcsui Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : TweakBit
Logiciel Windows
Driver Updater

Driver updater will scan your computer for outdated or missing drivers and provide you with an easy way to download and install the latest driver versions which effectively resolves driver related system errors and device malfunctions [...] By keeping your drivers up to date driverupdater helps prevent system errors compatibility issues and other driver related problems making your pc run smoother faster and more productively , Scans and updates all your drivers / All your hardware and devices will perform at their best.
All your hardware and devices will perform at their best ; With access to a comprehensive database of over 200 000 drivers you can be sure you will always have the latest updates and enjoy uninterrupted device operation : saves time and ensures efficiency [...] no need to waste any more time on manual updates searching for latest drivers manually not only takes longer but also carries the risk of getting the wrong version or coming across sites infected with malware , Driverupdater handles the task in the most efficient way lets you forget about these risks and breathe easy knowing you will always have the correct version of the official manufacturer issued driver / improves computer performance enjoy faster speed and better system stability | Manufacturers often release driver updates...drive Lire la suite
All your hardware and devices will perform at their best ; With access to a comprehensive database of over 200 000 drivers you can be sure you will always have the latest updates and enjoy uninterrupted device operation : saves time and ensures efficiency [...] no need to waste any more time on manual updates searching for latest drivers manually not only takes longer but also carries the risk of getting the wrong version or coming across sites infected with malware , Driverupdater handles the task in the most efficient way lets you forget about these risks and breathe easy knowing you will always have the correct version of the official manufacturer issued driver / improves computer performance enjoy faster speed and better system stability | Manufacturers often release driver updates...drive Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : TweakBit
Logiciel Windows

Pcspeedup diagnoses your windows system improves computers speed and safeguards system performance the one solution to all your pc speed issues! pcspeedup diagnoses your windows system improves computers speed and safeguards system performance [...] Pcspeedup diagnoses and runs a comprehensive checkup on your system and detects every issue that may be slowing it down , Then pcspeedup defragments your hard drive cleans up the registry tweaks system and internet settings and speeds up system shutdown to make your pc visibly faster / Safeguards system performance | Since diagnosis is half the cure ; We have developed powerful scanners that zero in on registry errors fragmentation incorrect system or internet settings and other speed thieves for a precise verdict : Improves computer speed [...] Everything on your pc will work faster.
We made this software to bring you real results so that you can enjoy things happening at a faster pace / Guaranteed | Add an extra speed boost for real time effect ; We included automatic tools you can enable to keep your pc running at optimal speed : They keep your memory and cpu consumption optimized for current tasks help your files open and save faster thanks to live disk management and reduce computer shutdown time [...] pcspe Lire la suite
We made this software to bring you real results so that you can enjoy things happening at a faster pace / Guaranteed | Add an extra speed boost for real time effect ; We included automatic tools you can enable to keep your pc running at optimal speed : They keep your memory and cpu consumption optimized for current tasks help your files open and save faster thanks to live disk management and reduce computer shutdown time [...] pcspe Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : TweakBit
Logiciel Mac
iEasyRecorder for Mac 1.24.1

Record whatever you want!
you can choose to separate the sounds of your computer system and the sounds of your equipments or mix them [...] Effortlessly record sounds and music from any sources on mac , Ieasyrecorder is unique sound recording software for mac which can not only record anything you can hear from your computer but can record any sounds perfectly from any application.
Ieasyrecorder is unique sound recording software for mac which can not only record anything you can hear from your computer but can record any sounds perfectly from any applications such as firefox google chrome skype quicktime player realplayer itunes vlc dvd player etc | Sound recorder express is able to record up to 4 tracks at the same time without any interference or unexpected sounds ; When you record from the sound cards you may also mix human voice in through microphone : If you try to record an educational video or tutorial video you may find this feature even more helpful [...] You may also add a line in application and output the audio with or without the soundrecor Lire la suite
Ieasyrecorder is unique sound recording software for mac which can not only record anything you can hear from your computer but can record any sounds perfectly from any applications such as firefox google chrome skype quicktime player realplayer itunes vlc dvd player etc | Sound recorder express is able to record up to 4 tracks at the same time without any interference or unexpected sounds ; When you record from the sound cards you may also mix human voice in through microphone : If you try to record an educational video or tutorial video you may find this feature even more helpful [...] You may also add a line in application and output the audio with or without the soundrecor Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : 321Soft
Logiciel Windows
SD Card Recovery for Windows

Using sd card recovery is safe and risk free [...] Recover deleted formatted corrupted or lost files from sd card , Sd card recovery is an easy to use professional sd card data recovery software that can effectively recover and rescue deleted formatted corrupted or lost photos and video files from all kinds of sd cards and memory card / Sd card recovery is an easy to use professional sd card data recovery software to recover deleted formatted corrupted or lost photos videos or files from damaged unreadable sd cards | The software supports all kinds of sd card types including sd secure digital card memory stick mmc microsd minisd sdhc and more ; And various file formats are supported : It has a easy to use interface and allows you to easily recover photos video raw images or any other files from sd memory card [...] It supports all brands including sandisk kingston hp pny lexar panasonic lowepro transcent sony pqi and more , The software performs read only operations on your memory card / It doesn't move delete and modify the data on your sd card to avoid causing further damage or overwriting | It recovers the photos and files from the source sd card and saves them to the destination location you specify.
Undoubtedly this program will be very useful for any owner of a digital camera or digital media ...using Lire la suite
Undoubtedly this program will be very useful for any owner of a digital camera or digital media ...using Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : SDCardRecover.com
Logiciel Mac
SD Card Recovery for Mac

Using sd card recovery for mac is safe and risk free [...] Recover deleted formatted corrupted or lost files from sd card , Sd card recovery is an easy to use professional sd card data recovery software for mac users it can effectively recover and rescue deleted formatted corrupted or lost data from all kinds of sd cards / Sd card recovery is an easy to use professional sd card data recovery software for mac users it can effectively recover and rescue deleted photos raw images video music and other files from formatted corrupted or unreadable sd cards | The software supports all kinds of sd card types including sd card memory stick mmc microsd minisd sdhc and more ; And various file formats are supported : It has a easy to use interface and allows you to easily recover photos or any other files from sd memory card [...] It supports all brands including sandisk kingston hp pny lexar panasonic lowepro transcent sony pqi and more.
The software performs read only operations on your memory card / It doesn't move delete and modify the data on your sd card to avoid causing further damage or overwriting | It recovers the photos and files from the source sd card and saves them to the destination location you specify ; Undoubtedly this program will be very useful for any owner of a digital camera or digital...using Lire la suite
The software performs read only operations on your memory card / It doesn't move delete and modify the data on your sd card to avoid causing further damage or overwriting | It recovers the photos and files from the source sd card and saves them to the destination location you specify ; Undoubtedly this program will be very useful for any owner of a digital camera or digital...using Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : SDCardRecover.com