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Logiciel Windows
FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

Add photos from computer facebook or online photo stock.
Fotojet designer for pc allows users to create their own designs like a real and pro designer with thousand of templates tools , Windows fotojet designer creates cards invitations posters flyers banners social media graphics for facebook youtube twitter pinterest instagram and tumblr in a seconds with 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools / Fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simple | Fotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever ; It gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks : It has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can use directly or modify for your own use [...] It gives you the ability to create unique graphics with powerful 900+ templates resources and powerful editing tools , Its stylish interface is intuitive and makes straightforward designs which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced / Christmas cards business cards youtube banners facebook banners birthday invitations etc | It offers thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example ; Simply click template object to adjust or replace it : Also you can make...add p Lire la suite
Fotojet designer for pc allows users to create their own designs like a real and pro designer with thousand of templates tools , Windows fotojet designer creates cards invitations posters flyers banners social media graphics for facebook youtube twitter pinterest instagram and tumblr in a seconds with 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools / Fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simple | Fotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever ; It gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks : It has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can use directly or modify for your own use [...] It gives you the ability to create unique graphics with powerful 900+ templates resources and powerful editing tools , Its stylish interface is intuitive and makes straightforward designs which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced / Christmas cards business cards youtube banners facebook banners birthday invitations etc | It offers thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example ; Simply click template object to adjust or replace it : Also you can make...add p Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : PearlMountain
Logiciel Windows

An online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats [...] Convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats , It supports most of popular video and audio formats like mp4 avi wmv m4p mov mpg mp3 wma ogg flac aac etc / You can set the audio bitrate rate and channels by clicking "advanced setting" | By clicking "cut the audio file" you can set the start time and the end time ; Then the converted audio file will be cut automatically : Your uploaded video/audio will be deleted on the server immediately the conversion completed and the converted file will be deleted automatically after 1 hour [...] Features:
100% free to use
compatible with all modern web browsers
supports most video/audio formats
various output formats: mp3 aac flac m4a ogg and wma.
No software/components installation required registration is not required crop the audio file multi language: english german french italian spanish portuguese dutch polish japanese and korean / Iphone/ipad/android web browser supportedan on Lire la suite
No software/components installation required registration is not required crop the audio file multi language: english german french italian spanish portuguese dutch polish japanese and korean / Iphone/ipad/android web browser supportedan on Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
Sound Recorder Professional 1.24

Sound recorder professional makes your pc a professional sound recording and audio recording studio in the way of recording your voice online music or your vinyls from all line in line out microphone application webpages cassette player tv cd/dvd as well as other media player or recording online music played by other programs like firefox ie quicktime realplayer vlc flash games or dvd player and save your recorded audio as mp3 wav wma flac ape mpc spx tta wv and ogg file in realtime [...] Works seamlessly with online radio websites including itunes radio bbc radio audio aol music pandora napster lastfm guba and so on , Record voice sound music or any other audio from various input devices sound recorder professional enables you to record your own voice music or any other sound / It supports recording from a microphone external input devices as well as other applications | Save your recorded sound as mp3 wav wma ape ogg and etc.
More importantly sound recorder professional is able to skip silence while recording sound : This functions may be useful if you want the program to monitor and record skype calls it will record the discussions and skip pauses between them [...] The built in voice recording scheduler allows you to set a scheduled task and the program will auto start and stop the recording , It is the simple solution to...sound Lire la suite
More importantly sound recorder professional is able to skip silence while recording sound : This functions may be useful if you want the program to monitor and record skype calls it will record the discussions and skip pauses between them [...] The built in voice recording scheduler allows you to set a scheduled task and the program will auto start and stop the recording , It is the simple solution to...sound Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Sound-Recorder.com
Logiciel Mac
DRM Converter 3 for Mac

Its ability to convert drm protected music files into regular mp3 files makes it a perfect solution for people who purchase their music online but have compatibility issues with their music players.
Convert itunes music to mp3 on mac os x drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 wav aiff or aac on mac os x , Batch convert itunes drm protected m4p files to unprotected mp3 aac apple lossles aiff or wav files ready for use on any computers or mobile music devices / Drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 or aac on mac os x | Batch convert itunes drm protected music files to unprotected mp3 aac ac3 m4a m4r mka au flac aiff or wav files ready for use on any computer or mobile music devices such as iphone ipad psp samsung galaxy s4 htc phone tablet pc ps vita mp3 player cd player xbox360 and android devices without any restrictions or drm protection ; Drm converter 3 works with itunes and advanced drm removal technology to complete the entire ripping encoding process all in one : It converts m4p files on your itunes quickly and with cd quality [...] For mac os x 10 , 3 10 / 5 please download drm converter 3 | 6 ; 0 its a Lire la suite
Convert itunes music to mp3 on mac os x drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 wav aiff or aac on mac os x , Batch convert itunes drm protected m4p files to unprotected mp3 aac apple lossles aiff or wav files ready for use on any computers or mobile music devices / Drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 or aac on mac os x | Batch convert itunes drm protected music files to unprotected mp3 aac ac3 m4a m4r mka au flac aiff or wav files ready for use on any computer or mobile music devices such as iphone ipad psp samsung galaxy s4 htc phone tablet pc ps vita mp3 player cd player xbox360 and android devices without any restrictions or drm protection ; Drm converter 3 works with itunes and advanced drm removal technology to complete the entire ripping encoding process all in one : It converts m4p files on your itunes quickly and with cd quality [...] For mac os x 10 , 3 10 / 5 please download drm converter 3 | 6 ; 0 its a Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : applemacsoft

sid meier’s civilization v game of the year edition vous immerge dans un vaste monde aux paysages diversifiés [...] Grâce à ses 18 civilisations différentes sid meier’s civilization v game of the year edition séduit à la fois les amateurs d’histoire et de jeu de combats armées qui auront eux même la possibilité de réécrire le passé , La référence des jeux de stratégie dirigez une civilisation entière depuis sa création et faites capituler l’ennemi afin d’imposer vos lois et augmenter la puissance de votre royaume / A la tête d’un royaume vous devez tout mettre en œuvre pour guider votre civilisation dans des conquêtes spatiales et l’imposer ainsi comme la plus importante de toutes.
Pour cela vous devrez analyser les situations une après l’autre afin de prendre la meilleure décision possible ; Si la diplomatie n’est pas suffisante vous serez dans l’obligation d’en venir aux armes et combattre vos ennemis sur de multiples champs de batailles plus vrais que nature : Ce jeu présente des graphismes de grande qualité et une jouabilité vraiment agréable [...] Lire la suite
Pour cela vous devrez analyser les situations une après l’autre afin de prendre la meilleure décision possible ; Si la diplomatie n’est pas suffisante vous serez dans l’obligation d’en venir aux armes et combattre vos ennemis sur de multiples champs de batailles plus vrais que nature : Ce jeu présente des graphismes de grande qualité et une jouabilité vraiment agréable [...] Lire la suite
- Editeur : Aspyr
Logiciel Mac
Batman : Arkham City Game of the Year Edition

batman : arkham city game of the year edition vous plonge dans un cauchemar gothique où le justicier masqué se retrouvera bon nombre de fois confronter à ses pires ennemis que sont le joker double face l’homme mystère mr freeze ou encore le pingouin.
Tentez de percer le mystère d’arkham city le chevalier noir est de retour dans une aventure plus sombre que jamais en plein cœur d’une étrange prison remplie de malfrats et de psychopathes , Quincy sharp le nouveau maire de gotham city a transformé les bas fonds de la ville en une terrifiante prison à ciel ouvert qui abrite les plus violents voyous et psychopathes présents dans les environs / Mais quelles sont les raisons de cette construction terrifiante ? c’est la question à laquelle vous devrez répondre dans cet opus | Pour cela vous devrez utiliser toutes les capacités physiques et intellectuelles de batman ainsi que ses nombreux gadgets qui l’aideront à s’échapper des situations les plus délicates ; Vous pourrez compter sur un arsenal digne de ce nom composé du batarang télécommandé de gel explosif et du célèbre grappin permettant à la chauve souris de s’accrocher n’importe où : Ce jeu vous donnera également la possibilité de prendre le temps d’une intrigue secondaire la place de catwoman pour une épopée très féline [...] Lire la suite
Tentez de percer le mystère d’arkham city le chevalier noir est de retour dans une aventure plus sombre que jamais en plein cœur d’une étrange prison remplie de malfrats et de psychopathes , Quincy sharp le nouveau maire de gotham city a transformé les bas fonds de la ville en une terrifiante prison à ciel ouvert qui abrite les plus violents voyous et psychopathes présents dans les environs / Mais quelles sont les raisons de cette construction terrifiante ? c’est la question à laquelle vous devrez répondre dans cet opus | Pour cela vous devrez utiliser toutes les capacités physiques et intellectuelles de batman ainsi que ses nombreux gadgets qui l’aideront à s’échapper des situations les plus délicates ; Vous pourrez compter sur un arsenal digne de ce nom composé du batarang télécommandé de gel explosif et du célèbre grappin permettant à la chauve souris de s’accrocher n’importe où : Ce jeu vous donnera également la possibilité de prendre le temps d’une intrigue secondaire la place de catwoman pour une épopée très féline [...] Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Editeur : Feral Interactive
Logiciel Windows
The Settlers Online

Pour vous aider dans votre mission the settlers online met à votre disposition 9 soldats différents 50 ressources naturelles et 60 sortes de bâtiments que vous pourrez débloquer au cours de votre progression possible via la commercialisation de vos produits avec les autres joueurs en ligne et les nombreux combats.
Le nec le plus ultra ! utilisez pas moins de 50 ressources naturelles 60 types de bâtiments et 9 soldats différents pour construire une ville florissante digne de ce nom , Débarqué sur une île totalement vierge vous devez à l’aide des colons qui vous accompagnent dompter la nature et commencer à construire les premiers bâtiments servant à récolter les ressources de base / Les champs doivent être ressemés les puis recreusés les poissons régulièrement appâtés | Le but étant de bâtir votre ville de développer votre colonie et de partir combattre les camps adverses avec votre propre armée ; En ce qui concerne le gameplay ce dernier ne laisse aucune place à la stratégie puisqu’il vous suffira d’avoir la plus grande armée pour l’emporterpour Lire la suite
Le nec le plus ultra ! utilisez pas moins de 50 ressources naturelles 60 types de bâtiments et 9 soldats différents pour construire une ville florissante digne de ce nom , Débarqué sur une île totalement vierge vous devez à l’aide des colons qui vous accompagnent dompter la nature et commencer à construire les premiers bâtiments servant à récolter les ressources de base / Les champs doivent être ressemés les puis recreusés les poissons régulièrement appâtés | Le but étant de bâtir votre ville de développer votre colonie et de partir combattre les camps adverses avec votre propre armée ; En ce qui concerne le gameplay ce dernier ne laisse aucune place à la stratégie puisqu’il vous suffira d’avoir la plus grande armée pour l’emporterpour Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Site
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : Ubi Soft
Logiciel Windows
PDF Unlocker Online V1.0

Pdf unlocker online est un outil gratuit de suppression des autorisations pdf en ligne qui débloque les fichiers pdf sécurisés en pdf standard rapidement et facilement sur votre navigateur [...] Pdf unlocker online est un outil en ligne gratuit conçu pour supprimer les protections des pdf , Débloquer des fichiers pdf en ligne gratuitement sans limite de nombre de fichiers / Les fichiers pdf ordinaires peuvent être visualisés par les applications de lecture de pdf et permettent d'imprimer de copier le contenu ou de convertir le texte en d'autres fichiers modifiables | Certains pdf peuvent être consultés comme des pdf ordinaires mais vous ne pouvez pas les imprimer ou sélectionner et copier le texte pendant la lecture.
Il s'agit de pdf sécurisés auxquels ont été ajoutées des permissions et des restrictions par les créateurs du document : Caractéristiques et points forts pas de limite de nombre de fichiers pas besoin de télécharger les fichiers pdf déverrouille les fichiers pdf en quelques secondes fonctionne sur la plupart des navigateurs populaires l'enregistrement de l'utilisateur n'est pas nécessaire l'installation du logiciel n'est pas nécessaire protection des données et de la vie privée multi languepdf u Lire la suite
Il s'agit de pdf sécurisés auxquels ont été ajoutées des permissions et des restrictions par les créateurs du document : Caractéristiques et points forts pas de limite de nombre de fichiers pas besoin de télécharger les fichiers pdf déverrouille les fichiers pdf en quelques secondes fonctionne sur la plupart des navigateurs populaires l'enregistrement de l'utilisateur n'est pas nécessaire l'installation du logiciel n'est pas nécessaire protection des données et de la vie privée multi languepdf u Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
Rockstar Game Launcher

Rockstar game launcher c'est aussi la possibilité de tenir toujours à jour sa ludothèque et de jouer offline à tous ces merveilleux jeux qui sont souvent liés à une connexion internet [...] L'interface officielle de jeux rockstar rockstar prend les devants et lance son launcher officiel qui permet de retrouver tous les titres du studio depuis une seule et même interface et d'interagir directement depuis celle ci pour obtenir des infos supplémentaires sur son produit.
Rockstar est un acteur majeur du jeu vidéo et il est normal qu'il souhaite se démarquer de la concurrence en publiant son propre launcher / Le studio responsable des gta 1 | 2 ; 3 vice city san andreas iv v : De bully et d'autres jeux souhaite ainsi réunir tous les fans les plus fidèles autour d'un même écran afin de partager avec eux les dernières infos et contenus de leurs titres favoris [...] Et aussi récupérer leurs données mais bon , Bien évidemment le club est toujours accessible et il serait dommage de s'en priver / Vous voici donc devant un logiciel facultatif mais qui pourrait bien devenir indispensable aux inconditionnels des jeux rockstar car après tout rien ne dit que les futurs l | A noire ou manhunt ne seront pas des exclusivités de la plateformerocks Lire la suite
Rockstar est un acteur majeur du jeu vidéo et il est normal qu'il souhaite se démarquer de la concurrence en publiant son propre launcher / Le studio responsable des gta 1 | 2 ; 3 vice city san andreas iv v : De bully et d'autres jeux souhaite ainsi réunir tous les fans les plus fidèles autour d'un même écran afin de partager avec eux les dernières infos et contenus de leurs titres favoris [...] Et aussi récupérer leurs données mais bon , Bien évidemment le club est toujours accessible et il serait dommage de s'en priver / Vous voici donc devant un logiciel facultatif mais qui pourrait bien devenir indispensable aux inconditionnels des jeux rockstar car après tout rien ne dit que les futurs l | A noire ou manhunt ne seront pas des exclusivités de la plateformerocks Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Rockstargames
Logiciel Windows
FLAC To MP3 Converter Online

Flac to mp3 online converter convertit les chansons et les albums flac au format mp3 facilement et gratuitement [...] Flac to mp3 converter online fonctionne à 100% sur le navigateur et convertit les chansons flac sur votre ordinateur et enregistre les fichiers mp3 convertis du navigateur dans le dossier de destination en quelques secondes après avoir cliqué sur le gros bouton "télécharger" , Convertir flac en mp3 audio en ligne gratuitement / Cela ne vous oblige pas à enregistrer quoi que ce soit | La plupart des autres convertisseurs flac en ligne demandent aux utilisateurs de télécharger leurs chansons flac sur le serveur puis de commencer la conversion en fichiers mp3 sur le serveur avant de pouvoir télécharger des chansons converties ; Cela vous fera perdre beaucoup de temps à télécharger et à convertir : De plus puisque la conversion entière est traitée localement le convertisseur est 100% sûr.
Et les fichiers n'ont pas été téléchargés sur le serveur et restent localement sur le navigateur vous n'avez pas à vous soucier de la confidentialité , Ce convertisseur en ligne résout parfaitement le problème de la confidentialité et offre une conversion sécurisée / Caractéristiques de flac to mp3 converter online 100% gratuit le téléchargement de fichiers n'est pas requis convertissez localement et rapidement ...flac Lire la suite
Et les fichiers n'ont pas été téléchargés sur le serveur et restent localement sur le navigateur vous n'avez pas à vous soucier de la confidentialité , Ce convertisseur en ligne résout parfaitement le problème de la confidentialité et offre une conversion sécurisée / Caractéristiques de flac to mp3 converter online 100% gratuit le téléchargement de fichiers n'est pas requis convertissez localement et rapidement ...flac Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Logiciel Libre
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
WonderFox Photo Watermark 8.2

Helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyright watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator [...] It can helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyrights only watermarking software can verifies your pictures are protected from unauthorized use , If you are sharing photos to network you never know what will happen / Someone could take the photos for their own use or malicious revised you might never even know | Watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator ; Our photo watermark software is not only watermarking tool also can add pretty frames for your like crop images batch rename and photo resize etc : Watermark software is a fast batch photo processor and support all popular formats.
Function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photos , Pretty frames we provide more a great many frames for you you can edit it for you want to effects and these is free / Fast watermarking process the photo watermark software have a powerful batch processing function utilizes a fast second generation engine | Add pictures of the form as 800 * 600 pixels can finish it for you in 10 seconds ; Display exif information watermark software is an...helps Lire la suite
Function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photos , Pretty frames we provide more a great many frames for you you can edit it for you want to effects and these is free / Fast watermarking process the photo watermark software have a powerful batch processing function utilizes a fast second generation engine | Add pictures of the form as 800 * 600 pixels can finish it for you in 10 seconds ; Display exif information watermark software is an...helps Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : WonderFox Soft
Logiciel Windows
Icecream Password Manager

Intuitive password manager to manage your passwords various profiles and more [...] Easy in use password manager to securely store and manage your logins credit cards passports and more , The synchronization with dropbox will help to keep the data up to date.
Browser plugins are useful for working with the program in your browsers | Icecream password manager is a free software to manage your passwords credit cards identities software licenses secure notes driver licenses passports bank account and ftp accounts for free ; The program securely protects your data with aes 256 leading encryption so there is absolutely no need to worry about the privacy of the created items : The users only need to remember a single master password to access all the saved in icecream password manager profiles and items [...] Users can enable the synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices , The program supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users / Autolock of the program within a certain period of time and the feature to clean clipboard automatically within a set period of time that the users can set in the program's settings helps to lock and protect the sensitive information automatically | The feature to create automatic backups is...intui Lire la suite
Browser plugins are useful for working with the program in your browsers | Icecream password manager is a free software to manage your passwords credit cards identities software licenses secure notes driver licenses passports bank account and ftp accounts for free ; The program securely protects your data with aes 256 leading encryption so there is absolutely no need to worry about the privacy of the created items : The users only need to remember a single master password to access all the saved in icecream password manager profiles and items [...] Users can enable the synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices , The program supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users / Autolock of the program within a certain period of time and the feature to clean clipboard automatically within a set period of time that the users can set in the program's settings helps to lock and protect the sensitive information automatically | The feature to create automatic backups is...intui Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware,Shareware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : IceCream Apps
Logiciel Mac

Convert flac audio to mp3 and more formats on mac os [...] Flac to mp3 mac is a free mac os application which converts flac to mp3 wma m4a aac ogg and wav audio formats , The app also transfer the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversion / Besides flac format the app could also convert other media formats to mp3 including video and audio media formats | The app also transfers the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversion ; The user interface is quite simple and you can drag and drop your flac files onto the program then the conversion would start instantly flac to mp3 mac will convert all your flac music at once : Features:
easy to use
simply dropping flac songs onto the program would start the converting immediately.
6 output audio formats supports 6 most popular audio formats in the world: mp3 aac m4a ogg wav and wma , Convert other audio formats the application could also convert media files other audio formats as input to mp3 like wav wma and aac etc / Audio extracting flac to mp3 mac can extract audio from all popular video formats like mp4 mov avi mpg wmv m4p no drm etc | Convert in bulk drag & drop all your flac files to convert them at onceconve Lire la suite
6 output audio formats supports 6 most popular audio formats in the world: mp3 aac m4a ogg wav and wma , Convert other audio formats the application could also convert media files other audio formats as input to mp3 like wav wma and aac etc / Audio extracting flac to mp3 mac can extract audio from all popular video formats like mp4 mov avi mpg wmv m4p no drm etc | Convert in bulk drag & drop all your flac files to convert them at onceconve Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Mac
JPG to PDF Converter For Mac

Convert jpg and oither image formats to pdf document on mac os [...] Jpg to pdf converter for mac creates pdf documents fromjpg tif png bmp or gif files that you select , Simply drag and drop your images and photos onto the application and click convert now button to start the task / Jpg to pdf converter for mac creates pdf documents from image files that you select | If you want to change the page sequence simply click the move up or move down buttons or drag the image path and drop to the correct row ; With jpg to pdf converter for mac you can easily produce pdf ebooks from image materials and create pdf contract from scanned images & photos : Formats supported: jpg jpeg tiff tif bmp png gif [...] Jpg to pdf converter for mac features:
easy to use
simply drag and drop images and click convert now button to start the conversion.
Fast conversion the converter converts hundreds of images to pdf documents in few seconds / Make contract easily with jpg to pdf converter for mac you can make pdf contract from photos or scanned images | Image formats the application supports most popular image formats like jpg tiff bmp png and gifconve Lire la suite
Fast conversion the converter converts hundreds of images to pdf documents in few seconds / Make contract easily with jpg to pdf converter for mac you can make pdf contract from photos or scanned images | Image formats the application supports most popular image formats like jpg tiff bmp png and gifconve Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
Win PDF Editor

Win pdf editor lets users modify and edit pdf document content [...] Win pdf editor is a windows pdf editing software that lets users modify and edit pdf documents like adding text and images removing unwanted content drawing lines and rotating pdf pages , Win pdf editor is a windows pdf editing software product that lets you modify and edit pdf documents like adding text insert images removing unwanted content drawing lines and rotating pdf pages.
If you write text on the pdf you can change the text font size color and move it to anywhere you want on the page | After inserting an image into pdf you can resize the image and move it also ; If you find some words or images need to be removed simply use the eraser tool to erase : Better than other pdf reader applications win pdf editor can permanently save the edited pdf content changes in pdf [...] Features: add text you can write text and move it to any place on the pdf page , Win pdf editor allows you to set the text font size and color / With win pdf editor you can easily fill out the pdf forms now | Remove content there is an eraser tool in win pdf editor and you can use it to remove any unwanted text or graphics like erasing ; You can also change the line weight to make the eraser bigger or smaller : Rotate pdf the program has the ability to...win p Lire la suite
If you write text on the pdf you can change the text font size color and move it to anywhere you want on the page | After inserting an image into pdf you can resize the image and move it also ; If you find some words or images need to be removed simply use the eraser tool to erase : Better than other pdf reader applications win pdf editor can permanently save the edited pdf content changes in pdf [...] Features: add text you can write text and move it to any place on the pdf page , Win pdf editor allows you to set the text font size and color / With win pdf editor you can easily fill out the pdf forms now | Remove content there is an eraser tool in win pdf editor and you can use it to remove any unwanted text or graphics like erasing ; You can also change the line weight to make the eraser bigger or smaller : Rotate pdf the program has the ability to...win p Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
Video Rotator

Rotate videos 90 degree horizontal or vertical mirror videos [...] Video rotator is a freeware windows application for rotating video clips 90 degree clockwise anticlockwise horizontal mirror or upside down , The program supports more than 15 popular video input formats includes avi mpg flv mp4 wmv mov etc.
Video rotator supports most popular video input formats such as avi mpg flv mp4 wmv mov and 3gp etc | It also allows users to save the rotated videos to 5 popular video formats: mp4 mov flv avi and mpg ; Further more video rotator supports iphone / itouch mov format and smart phone mpeg4 format : The program supports batch mode so that users are able to rotate & flip videos in bulk [...] What can it do if you want to rotate video clips recorded by your phone video rotator is the best choice , It supports iphone/itouch mov format and smart phone mpeg4 format / Video rotator can not only rotate videos 90 degree but also do the video horizontal mirror | If the original video is upside down the program can flip it vertically ; Maybe you want to convert other video format videos to mp4 avi flv mov and mpg files : Select rotate option to [none] and the program will not rotate but only convertrotat Lire la suite
Video rotator supports most popular video input formats such as avi mpg flv mp4 wmv mov and 3gp etc | It also allows users to save the rotated videos to 5 popular video formats: mp4 mov flv avi and mpg ; Further more video rotator supports iphone / itouch mov format and smart phone mpeg4 format : The program supports batch mode so that users are able to rotate & flip videos in bulk [...] What can it do if you want to rotate video clips recorded by your phone video rotator is the best choice , It supports iphone/itouch mov format and smart phone mpeg4 format / Video rotator can not only rotate videos 90 degree but also do the video horizontal mirror | If the original video is upside down the program can flip it vertically ; Maybe you want to convert other video format videos to mp4 avi flv mov and mpg files : Select rotate option to [none] and the program will not rotate but only convertrotat Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows

Convert pdf files to word excel plain text images html files or flash [...] Pdfzilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert pdf files into editable ms word documents excel forms rich text documents plain text files images html files and shockwave flash swf files , Pdfzilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert pdf files into editable ms word documents ms excel tables rich text documents plain text files images html files and shockwave flash swf files / Pdzilla also allows users to rotate cut and merge pdf files.
Besides the program can convert images like png tif bmp or jpg to pdf files which means users can simply create pdf files from images ; pdfzilla key features convert pdf to word convert pdf to word with all text and graphical data : Convert pdf to excel convert pdf to ms excel format so that you can edit and extract pdf forms [...] Convert pdf to rtf convert pdf to rich text files , You can edit all text and graphic by windows wordpad / Convert pdf to txt convert pdf to plain text files | You can edit text by notepad ; Convert pdf to images convert pdf to bmp jpg gif or tif files : Convert pdf to html convert pdf to html files and automatically generate the index file [...] Convert pdf to swf convert pdf to...conve Lire la suite
Besides the program can convert images like png tif bmp or jpg to pdf files which means users can simply create pdf files from images ; pdfzilla key features convert pdf to word convert pdf to word with all text and graphical data : Convert pdf to excel convert pdf to ms excel format so that you can edit and extract pdf forms [...] Convert pdf to rtf convert pdf to rich text files , You can edit all text and graphic by windows wordpad / Convert pdf to txt convert pdf to plain text files | You can edit text by notepad ; Convert pdf to images convert pdf to bmp jpg gif or tif files : Convert pdf to html convert pdf to html files and automatically generate the index file [...] Convert pdf to swf convert pdf to...conve Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
PDF Rotator

Pdf rotator is a windows app permanently rotates pdf files 90 or 180 degrees pdf rotator is a windows application permanently rotates pdf files 90 or 180 degrees clockwise and counterclockwise simply [...] With pdf rotator users are able to rotate pdf document pages properly and it supports page range rotation.
Pdf rotator is a windows application permanently rotates pdf files 90 or 180 degrees clockwise and counterclockwise simply / With pdf rotator users are able to rotate pdf document pages properly and the program also allows users to rotate pages in specified page range | Besides pdf rotator is able to rotate restricted pdf files and it supports batch mode so that users are able to rotate pdf documents in bulk ; Features: permanently rotate pdf 90/180 degree rotation page range rotation restricted pdf supported rotate pdfs in bulk not required adobe acrobat what can it do: the pdf reader can rotate a pdf doc when you are reading it but cannot save to the pdf : Pdf rotator can permanently rotate pdf files and save it [...] Some scanned pdf documents contain the thwartwise pages and people cannot read these files , Pdf rotator can rotate those pdf pages properly / If you have pdf files upside down you can use pdf rotator to rotate 180 degrees | Pdf rotator can rotate pdf documents in batch mode even if you have more than...pdf r Lire la suite
Pdf rotator is a windows application permanently rotates pdf files 90 or 180 degrees clockwise and counterclockwise simply / With pdf rotator users are able to rotate pdf document pages properly and the program also allows users to rotate pages in specified page range | Besides pdf rotator is able to rotate restricted pdf files and it supports batch mode so that users are able to rotate pdf documents in bulk ; Features: permanently rotate pdf 90/180 degree rotation page range rotation restricted pdf supported rotate pdfs in bulk not required adobe acrobat what can it do: the pdf reader can rotate a pdf doc when you are reading it but cannot save to the pdf : Pdf rotator can permanently rotate pdf files and save it [...] Some scanned pdf documents contain the thwartwise pages and people cannot read these files , Pdf rotator can rotate those pdf pages properly / If you have pdf files upside down you can use pdf rotator to rotate 180 degrees | Pdf rotator can rotate pdf documents in batch mode even if you have more than...pdf r Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
PDF Password Remover

Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction fast and easily [...] Pdf password remover is a windows utility that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation , Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately.
Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately | Pdf password remover also has a portable version which can be stored in flash disk and take it to anywhere ; Have you ever been in a situation where a password protected file suddenly brought your work to a complete halt when you least needed it? do you know the embarrassment of seeing a warning message telling you that you can't print your file or copy text from it when you really need to do it and fast ? if you've been there and don't want to deal with these problems ever again you need pdf password remover : pdf password remover is a super compact and extremely affordable tool that will help you remove password protection from pdf files preventing you from printing modifying or converting them to other formats [...] what can i do after removing pdf password copy the content from pdf after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want , Convert the pdf...remov Lire la suite
Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately | Pdf password remover also has a portable version which can be stored in flash disk and take it to anywhere ; Have you ever been in a situation where a password protected file suddenly brought your work to a complete halt when you least needed it? do you know the embarrassment of seeing a warning message telling you that you can't print your file or copy text from it when you really need to do it and fast ? if you've been there and don't want to deal with these problems ever again you need pdf password remover : pdf password remover is a super compact and extremely affordable tool that will help you remove password protection from pdf files preventing you from printing modifying or converting them to other formats [...] what can i do after removing pdf password copy the content from pdf after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want , Convert the pdf...remov Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows

Ocr pdf files to editable text fast and easily [...] Pdf ocr is based on ocr technology to convert scanned pdf paper books and documents into editable electronic text files fast and easily , Pdf ocr has a build in text editor which allows you to edit ocr result text without ms word / Pdf ocr also supports batch mode to ocr all pages of pdf file to text at a time | Pdf ocr has a scanned image to pdf converter which means you can create your own scanned pdf books.
pdf ocr features convert scanned pdf to text pdf ocr converts scanned pdf to text then you can edit or use the pdf content : Support all page size pdf ocr supports a4 a3 b3 b4 b5 and all other scanned page size [...] Convert scanned images to pdf document pdf ocr converts scanned images to pdf document and creates scanned pdf books , Easy to use pdf ocr converts pdf to text within 3 clicks / Ocr pdf fast pdf ocr will processes 10+ pages in 45 seconds | Build in text editor pdf ocr has a build in text editor which allows you to edit the ocr result text without ms word or wordpad ; 3 pdf ocr mode pdf ocr supports 3 pdf ocr mode single page page range and all page ocr batch : 10+ languages supported besides english pdf ocr also supports german french spanish italian and many languages elseocr p Lire la suite
pdf ocr features convert scanned pdf to text pdf ocr converts scanned pdf to text then you can edit or use the pdf content : Support all page size pdf ocr supports a4 a3 b3 b4 b5 and all other scanned page size [...] Convert scanned images to pdf document pdf ocr converts scanned images to pdf document and creates scanned pdf books , Easy to use pdf ocr converts pdf to text within 3 clicks / Ocr pdf fast pdf ocr will processes 10+ pages in 45 seconds | Build in text editor pdf ocr has a build in text editor which allows you to edit the ocr result text without ms word or wordpad ; 3 pdf ocr mode pdf ocr supports 3 pdf ocr mode single page page range and all page ocr batch : 10+ languages supported besides english pdf ocr also supports german french spanish italian and many languages elseocr p Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF