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Logiciel Windows

PDF Compressor Server V2.0

PDF Compressor Server V2.0
En outre les utilisateurs peuvent modifier le dpi et le ratio de qualité de compression pour obtenir différentes tailles de fichiers de sortie [...] Prise en charge des fichiers pdf scannés et des fichiers pdf texte surveillance de plusieurs dossiers partagés dans le réseau local option de suppression des fichiers pdf d'origine ou de déplacement vers un nouvel emplacement recherche de sous dossiers dans les dossiers surveillés créer les mêmes noms de dossier dans le dossier de sortie personnaliser le suffixe des noms des fichiers pdf compressés de sortie personnaliser le dpi et le ratio de qualité de compression pause et reprise du processus de surveillance possibilité de personnaliser l'emplacement du dossier de sortie , Surveille les dossiers partagés du réseau et compresse instantanément tout fichier pdf ajouté au réseau local / Pdf compressor server est un logiciel windows essentiel pour tous ceux qui ont besoin de surveiller les nouveaux pdf ajoutés dans les dossiers et de les compresser rapidement et facilement en réseau local | Pdf compressor server est une application windows qui permet de surveiller un ou plusieurs dossiers à la recherche de nouveaux fichiers pdf et de les compresser en fichiers pdf plus petits dans un réseau local lan.

Avec pdf compressor server les utilisateurs peuvent surveiller les dossiers partagés du réseau et compresser les fichiers pdf...en ou Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows


Users are able to customize dpi and page range in conversion setting [...] Convert pdf to jpg tif bmp png and gif formats pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif , Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode / Pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif.

Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode that converts hundreds of pdf documents into images at a time ;   there are many advantages of converting a pdf file into a jpg file : One of the primary advantages of doing so is that the jpg conversion supports multiple document conversion and this format also improves the data accessibility to a great deal [...] A pdf application is one which is portable and compatible in nature as the very name suggests , Unlimited amounts of images can be stored in the pdf format / When the graphics or images are converted from pdf format to jpg format it gives a user with a certain capability to keep the quality and original formatting of the images and graphics as intact as well as secure and safe as possible | The original quality of the data is not hampered with and nor is it distorted ; A computer user can use advanced and modified computer tools can easily aid font embed image compression...users Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

PDF To JPG Converter

PDF To JPG Converter
Export pdf to high quality images by modifying the dpi setting to a high number  pdf to jpg converter will export large and high quality images from pdf [...] Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif formats pdf to jpg converter is a windows utility that quickly convert pdf files into jpg bmp tif gif png images , With pdf to jpg converter users can also convert pdf to jpg in page range and set the output image dpi / Pdf to jpg converter is a windows utility that quickly convert pdf files into jpg bmp tif gif png images | Pdf to jpg converter features & benefits convert pdf to jpg/jpeg images pdf to jpg converter allows users to convert pdf to jpg images so that users will be able to use the pdf information on website or read the content without pdf readers.

Users can use the exported high quality images for printing or publishing ads : Batch mode users can add hundreds of pdf documents from a folder or drag them and drop to the file list [...]  pdf to jpg converter will convert pdfs to images in separate folders , Fast conversion pdf to jpg converter has a fast conversion engine which will convert pdf docs 180% faster than other normal pdf converters / Saving time is saving money | More output formats converting pdf to jpg is not the only function of pdf to jpg converter ; The...expor Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

321Soft Image Converter for Mac

321Soft Image Converter for Mac
Support a variety of popular image formats: jpg png bmp gif tiff jpeg 2000 psd pdf tga and so on the picture converter supports images modify image quality brightness contrast dpi and other attributes [...] Convert between many different image file formats on mac os x , 321soft image converter is incredibly easy to use image converter lets you convert photos and images to many different formats on mac os x / 321soft image converter for mac os x and easiest method to provide the fastest batch convert between various images it is easy to convert single or multiple image formats | For example: jpg jpeg 2000 gif tiff tga png psd pdf bmp ico icns raw etc ; Jpg png bmp gif tiff jpeg 2000 psd pdf and tga you can batch convert multiple images supports many different formats : 321soft image converter for mac user friendly interface means that it can be used by anyone [...] We received a warm welcome! 321soft image converter is the fastest and easiest batch image conversion app for mac os x that allows you to convert multiple image files quickly and efficiently.

Image converter enables batch image format conversion / Support a variety of popular image formats: jpg png bmp gif tiff jpeg 2000 psd pdf and tga 321soft image converter also reads a wide range of specialized formats from mac icon | Icns windows...suppo Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

PDF Compressor

PDF Compressor
By tweaking the compression quality and dpi settings users are able to achieve an average compression ratio of 23% with just a slight loss of quality.

Pdf compressor is a free windows utility that compresses scanned pdf files and reduces pdf file size fast and easily , This tool allows users to change the compressing value to get better compressed result and content quality / There are lots of scanned pdf files need to be copied transferred or exchanged often on the internet | However scanned pdf documents are made from images and the file sizes are very large ; It is not easy to send emails with large pdf attachments : Pdf compressor aims to solve a common problem of today's electronic documentation [...] The majority of currently existing pdf files contains nothing but scanned copies of corresponding paper documents , Since the content of such files is mostly images scanned pdf documents can sometimes be quite large to a point when sending them in emails or via skype becomes almost impossible / Pdf compressor allows its users to quickly compress such oversized pdf documents enabling easier handling and significantly reducing disk space they take up | The interface of the program is focused solely on the main function: making the compression process as streamlined as possible ; It requires neither adobe acrobat tw Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac
The program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large or small size images.

The program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large high quality images or small thumbnails ,   the dpi option is the biggest difference between this application and other pdf to image converters / Getting high quality images from pdf is easy since this free pdf to image converter works with the dpi option | Users only need to select a high output dpi value like 200 or 400 and the converted images will have the high quality resolution and the large print margin ; Also they can change the dpi value to 32 or 64 for thumbnail images : Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif formats on mac os x pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff [...] Pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff , When users want to convert several pdf files in bulk there is a folder creation function can convert each pdf file to each new folder named as the pdf filename / This pdf to image format converter is able to change tons of pdf files to images in batch mode | Pdf to jpg converter for mac developed free converter to convert pdf files in...the p Lire la suite