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Logiciel Windows

FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

FotoJet Designer 1.1.0
Add photos from computer facebook or online photo stock.

Handy text editing tools: set text size style color and effect at will , Fotojet designer for pc allows users to create their own designs like a real and pro designer with thousand of templates tools / Windows fotojet designer creates cards invitations posters flyers banners social media graphics for facebook youtube twitter pinterest instagram and tumblr in a seconds with 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools | Fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simple ; Fotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever : It gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks [...] It has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can use directly or modify for your own use , It gives you the ability to create unique graphics with powerful 900+ templates resources and powerful editing tools / Its stylish interface is intuitive and makes straightforward designs which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced | Christmas cards business cards youtube banners facebook banners birthday invitations etc ; It offers thematic & eye catching collections as templates for...add p Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3

DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3
2mb in size which is not much; on a high speed internet connection the download will complete in a blink [...] You can download dj mixer express free here , Easy beat matching and mp3 dj mixing software for windows / An easy to use dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain mix music and video from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects | Dj mixer express is a dj mixing software for mac and windows support automatic mixing beat matching seamless looping mix music from itunes etc ; Dj mixer express puts two decks and user friendly functionality at your disposal so that you can mix your favorite songs like a dj : The very nice thing about this application is that it beautifully brings together ease of use and functionality – it is quite easy to access all the application’s functionality and mix songs like a dj.

Dj mixer express is available for microsoft windows operating system and for apple mac os x , The windows installation file is little over 3 / Run the aforementioned file click through the setup wizard that shows up and moments later you will be done with the installation process | At the top of the application’s dark themed interface there are two decks and the corresponding playback and mixing...2mb i Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

PDF Unlocker Online V1.0

PDF Unlocker Online V1.0
Pdf unlocker online est un outil gratuit de suppression des autorisations pdf en ligne qui débloque les fichiers pdf sécurisés en pdf standard rapidement et facilement sur votre navigateur [...] Pdf unlocker online est un outil en ligne gratuit conçu pour supprimer les protections des pdf , Débloquer des fichiers pdf en ligne gratuitement sans limite de nombre de fichiers / Les fichiers pdf ordinaires peuvent être visualisés par les applications de lecture de pdf et permettent d'imprimer de copier le contenu ou de convertir le texte en d'autres fichiers modifiables | Certains pdf peuvent être consultés comme des pdf ordinaires mais vous ne pouvez pas les imprimer ou sélectionner et copier le texte pendant la lecture ; Il s'agit de pdf sécurisés auxquels ont été ajoutées des permissions et des restrictions par les créateurs du document.

Caractéristiques et points forts pas de limite de nombre de fichiers pas besoin de télécharger les fichiers pdf déverrouille les fichiers pdf en quelques secondes fonctionne sur la plupart des navigateurs populaires l'enregistrement de l'utilisateur n'est pas nécessaire l'installation du logiciel n'est pas nécessaire protection des données et de la vie privée multi languepdf u Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

DRM Converter 3 for Mac

DRM Converter 3 for Mac
Its ability to convert drm protected music files into regular mp3 files makes it a perfect solution for people who purchase their music online but have compatibility issues with their music players [...] 5 please download drm converter 3 , Convert itunes music to mp3 on mac os x drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 wav aiff or aac on mac os x / Batch convert itunes drm protected m4p files to unprotected mp3 aac apple lossles aiff or wav files ready for use on any computers or mobile music devices | Drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 or aac on mac os x ; Batch convert itunes drm protected music files to unprotected mp3 aac ac3 m4a m4r mka au flac aiff or wav files ready for use on any computer or mobile music devices such as iphone ipad psp samsung galaxy s4 htc phone tablet pc ps vita mp3 player cd player xbox360 and android devices without any restrictions or drm protection : Drm converter 3 works with itunes and advanced drm removal technology to complete the entire ripping encoding process all in one [...] It converts m4p files on your itunes quickly and with cd quality.

For mac os x 10 / 3 10 | 6 ; 0  its a Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

FLAC To MP3 Converter Online

FLAC To MP3 Converter Online
Flac to mp3 online converter convertit les chansons et les albums flac au format mp3 facilement et gratuitement [...] Flac to mp3 converter online fonctionne à 100% sur le navigateur et convertit les chansons flac sur votre ordinateur et enregistre les fichiers mp3 convertis du navigateur dans le dossier de destination en quelques secondes après avoir cliqué sur le gros bouton "télécharger" , Convertir flac en mp3 audio en ligne gratuitement / Cela ne vous oblige pas à enregistrer quoi que ce soit | La plupart des autres convertisseurs flac en ligne demandent aux utilisateurs de télécharger leurs chansons flac sur le serveur puis de commencer la conversion en fichiers mp3 sur le serveur avant de pouvoir télécharger des chansons converties ; Cela vous fera perdre beaucoup de temps à télécharger et à convertir : De plus puisque la conversion entière est traitée localement le convertisseur est 100% sûr [...] Et les fichiers n'ont pas été téléchargés sur le serveur et restent localement sur le navigateur vous n'avez pas à vous soucier de la confidentialité , Ce convertisseur en ligne résout parfaitement le problème de la confidentialité et offre une conversion sécurisée.

Caractéristiques de flac to mp3 converter online 100% gratuit le téléchargement de fichiers n'est pas requis convertissez localement et rapidement ...flac Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

WonderFox Photo Watermark 8.2

WonderFox Photo Watermark 8.2
Photo resize if your picture isn't suitable size you can use the function to resize and keep best effects [...] Helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyright watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator , It can helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyrights only watermarking software can verifies your pictures are protected from unauthorized use / If you are sharing photos to network you never know what will happen | Someone could take the photos for their own use or malicious revised you might never even know ; Watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator : Our photo watermark software is not only watermarking tool also can add pretty frames for your like crop images batch rename and photo resize etc [...] Watermark software is a fast batch photo processor and support all popular formats , Function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photos / Pretty frames we provide more a great many frames for you you can edit it for you want to effects and these is free | Fast watermarking process the photo watermark software have a powerful batch processing function utilizes a fast second generation engine.

Add pictures of the form Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Win PDF Editor

Win PDF Editor
If you write text on the pdf you can change the text font size color and move it to anywhere you want on the page [...] Win pdf editor allows you to set the text font size and color , Win pdf editor lets users modify and edit pdf document content / Win pdf editor is a windows pdf editing software that lets users modify and edit pdf documents like adding text and images removing unwanted content drawing lines and rotating pdf pages | Win pdf editor is a windows pdf editing software product that lets you modify and edit pdf documents like adding text insert images removing unwanted content drawing lines and rotating pdf pages.

After inserting an image into pdf you can resize the image and move it also : If you find some words or images need to be removed simply use the eraser tool to erase [...] Better than other pdf reader applications win pdf editor can permanently save the edited pdf content changes in pdf , Features: add text you can write text and move it to any place on the pdf page / With win pdf editor you can easily fill out the pdf forms now | Remove content there is an eraser tool in win pdf editor and you can use it to remove any unwanted text or graphics like erasing ; You can also change the line weight to make the eraser bigger or smaller : Rotate pdf the program has the ability to...if yo Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows


An online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats.

Convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats , It supports most of popular video and audio formats like mp4 avi wmv m4p mov mpg mp3 wma ogg flac aac etc / You can set the audio bitrate rate and channels by clicking "advanced setting" | By clicking "cut the audio file" you can set the start time and the end time ; Then the converted audio file will be cut automatically : Your uploaded video/audio will be deleted on the server immediately the conversion completed and the converted file will be deleted automatically after 1 hour [...] Features: 100% free to use compatible with all modern web browsers supports most video/audio formats various output formats: mp3 aac flac m4a ogg and wma , No software/components installation required registration is not required crop the audio file multi language: english german french italian spanish portuguese dutch polish japanese and korean / Iphone/ipad/android web browser supportedan on Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF Merger Mac

PDF Merger Mac
The merged pdf file will keep the original formatting page size and page orientation [...] Merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds keep original page size orientation and formatting allow users to adjust the pdf merging order 100% free merging pdf files with the app is an easy three step process , Pdf merger mac is a mac os x application to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file.

Pdf merger mac is a free mac os x application that let you merge several pdf documents into one single pdf file | Pdf merger mac also allows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simply add your pdf documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders ; First click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window : Second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged pdf document [...] The third and final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the merging process , The progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar / Occasionally before clicking the "start now" button a user will realize they added the documents to the merge list in the wrong order | Pdf...the m Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Able2Extract PDF Editor 10

Able2Extract PDF Editor 10
Download it from the link above and start saving precious hours [...] Able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology is perfect for editing converting and creating pdfs , With able2extract can create pdf documents from numerous supported file types / Also you can convert pdf to 12 different file formats add and remove text merge rotate and extract pages | Investintech is a software developer company that has been a leader in pdf products for more than 15 years ; Their best known tool is able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology : With their latest built in feature the pdf editing panel users can edit pdf easily happy in minutes and save hours per document [...]    some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document , Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document.

All done in just 3 clicks | Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market ; Convert pdf to more than 12 file formats other including word excel csv autocad and many...downl Lire la suite
Logiciel Saas


Ly est un outil online gratuit avec lequel il est possible de créer tous types de contenus interactifs et animés comme des présentations guides cv affiches et infographies [...] Genial , Ly: créations de contenus interactifs géniaux / Ly est un outil en ligne très complet et polyvalent qui permet de créer des nombreuses ressources interactives comme des infographies posters et présentations | Il suffira de vous inscrire gratuitement pour accéder à la plateforme ; Il touche un très large public pouvant être utilisé pour le journalisme le marketing et l'éducation.

Avec genially vous pourrez créer des ressources fascinantes en intégrant une multitude de liens externes à vos créations plus de 1 [...] 700 fournisseurs avec un seul outil et sans avoir de connaissances en programmation , Plusieurs personnes peuvent travailler sur le même ouvrage si vous le souhaitez ou le partager par mail et sur les réseaux sociaux / L'inscription est simple et gratuite vous devrez créer un compte d'utilisateur ou vous connecter avec facebook ou google+ pour commencer à réaliser des geniallys utilisez les nombreux modèles à votre disposition ou une page blanche | L'application est aussi disponible sur les appareils tactiles ;  ly es Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF Password Remover Mac

PDF Password Remover Mac
Now just download the pdf password remover mac to remove all restrctions from protected pdf files!.

Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction on mac os x , Pdf password remover mac is a mac os x application that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation / Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window and then the application will start immediately | What can you do after removing pdf password copy the content from pdf after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want ; Convert the pdf document to other formats the restricted pdf document can not be converted : After pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters [...] Print the pdf before removing the password from the protected pdf users doesn't have the authority to print the pdf , Once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal documentnow j Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

EasySplitMerge v2.0.2

EasySplitMerge v2.0.2
The application automatically splits the file according to specified file size and number of pieces [...] Split large file into smaller files and merge them together when you need it , Easysplitmerge is a simple application that allows you to split a large file into smaller files that are more manageable and merge them together when you need it / If you have a large file that cannot be sent to another computer you can quickly and easily spilt this large file into several smaller files by using this software | And hence the files can be easily transferred to another computer ; After which you can then use this software to merge the splitted files back as the original file : It supports any file type and there are no file format restrictions [...] File types supported include video audio documents pdf archive files applications spreadsheets pictures and so on , It has an intuitive interface and is easy to use / Also it supports rapid immediate split and merge/restore files without waiting.

Easysplitmerge also generates a small self uniting program so anyone can restore the original file easily without easysplitmerge having to be installed on the destination systemthe a Lire la suite
AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac v3.9.1
Easily split mp3 files based on silence file size pieces count time or custom selections [...] Automatically split files based on silence file size pieces count time duration or even associated cue file , Easily split and cut mp3 m4a aac files on mac remove unwanted sounds / Cut out pieces of mp3 files remove unwanted sounds in manual mode | Applemacsoft mac mp3 splitter is a small tool that lets you split long mp3s with a mac file which includes file names and the split positions ; It can come in handy if you have a whole album saved as one mp3 and need to divide it into the different songs : You can also use cue splitter to cut up a podcast into a number of sections [...] Applemacsoft mp3 splitter for mac is pretty straightforward to use: load the cue file load your mp3 select the destination and let mp3 splitter do its job.

Applemacsoft mp3 splitter for mac is software designed to make it very easy to cut split and trim mp3 m4a and aac audio files with a few simple clicks / Cut out pieces of mp3 files remove unwanted sounds in manual mode or use silence detection feature to remove silences automatically without losing the quality | Mp3 splitter for mac also allows you to easily add effects including the ability to fade tracks in and fade them out ; With the built in mp3 player you can pre listen to each...easil Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF Editor Mac

PDF Editor Mac
Pdf editor mac is a os x free application that allows users to add text insert images put watermarks to label their copyright changing font size and color and perform other editings of a pdf document [...] Pdf editor mac is a free application on mac os x that allows users to add text insert images put watermarks to label their copyright changing font size and color and perform other changes of a pdf document , Pdf editor mac allows you to set the text size font and color / Pdf editor mac lets users edit pdf document content on mac os x | After adding text and images you can change the text font and color resize the image height and width or move them as well ; If you need to delete some words or text from the pdf simply click on the eraser tool then erase : Rotating certain pages and modifying document layout is also important so as multiple drawing tools like lines brushes horizontal lines or vertical lines [...] Better than normal pdf readers and annotators pdf editor mac can permanently save the modified pdf content changes.

Pdf editor mac features write text you can add text and move it to any location on the pdf page / With the pdf editor mac you can easily fill in the various pdf form files | Delete content pdf editor mac contains an eraser tool and you can use it to delete any of your unwanted text or...pdf e Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Driver Updater

Driver Updater
Driver updater will scan your computer for outdated or missing drivers and provide you with an easy way to download and install the latest driver versions which effectively resolves driver related system errors and device malfunctions [...] Scans and updates all your drivers , All your hardware and devices will perform at their best / All your hardware and  devices  will perform at their best | With access to a comprehensive database of over 200 000 drivers you can be sure you will always have the latest updates and enjoy uninterrupted device operation.

  saves time and ensures efficiency :   no need to  waste any more time on manual updates searching for latest drivers manually not only takes longer but also carries the risk of getting the wrong version or coming across sites infected with malware [...] Driverupdater handles the task in the most efficient way lets you forget about these risks and breathe easy knowing you will always have the correct version of the official manufacturer issued driver ,   improves computer  performance   enjoy faster  speed and better system  stability / Manufacturers often release driver updates with improved functionality or new features that can help your hardware components and devices work better | By keeping your drivers up to date driverupdater helps prevent system errors Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

PDF Compressor

PDF Compressor
Pdf compressor is a free windows utility that compresses scanned pdf files and reduces pdf file size fast and easily [...] File size reduction is achieved by applying image compression algorithms to scanned pdf documents , Users can add as many files and folders as they wish allowing the tool to reduce the size of multiple scanned pdf documents in just one go / This tool allows users to change the compressing value to get better compressed result and content quality | There are lots of scanned pdf files need to be copied transferred or exchanged often on the internet ; However scanned pdf documents are made from images and the file sizes are very large : It is not easy to send emails with large pdf attachments.

Pdf compressor aims to solve a common problem of today's electronic documentation , The majority of currently existing pdf files contains nothing but scanned copies of corresponding paper documents / Since the content of such files is mostly images scanned pdf documents can sometimes be quite large to a point when sending them in emails or via skype becomes almost impossible | Pdf compressor allows its users to quickly compress such oversized pdf documents enabling easier handling and significantly reducing disk space they take up ; The interface of the program is focused solely on the main function: making the...pdf c Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

MacX Video Converter Free Edition

MacX Video Converter Free Edition
Besides the default settings experienced user can set the advanced settings such as video size bit rate frame rate sample rate etc [...] Fastest video converter to free convert video to mac mp4 iphone ipad android macx video converter free edition is a totally free yet full featured video converter software for mac which can freely convert between hd videos mkv m2ts avchd and sd videos avi mp4 mov flv etc on mac with zero quality loss , Macx video converter free edition is a totally free yet full featured video converter software for mac which can freely convert between hd videos mkv m2ts avchd and sd videos avi mp4 mov flv etc on mac with zero quality loss / Moreover with the various preset profiles you can easily convert any videos to mp4 mov files playable on quicktime player and iphone ipad ipod android microsoft devices etc | Besides the unparallel video converting ability this free mac video converter also provides excellent functions to edit video extract music and image from video create photo slideshow etc.

Main features: 1 : Convert all hd high definition videos for free such as mkv avchd m2ts h [...] 264/avc mod etc , 2 / Converting videos files among all popular sd standard definition video formats like avi mpeg wmv mp4 flv f4v rm rmvb webm google tv etc on mac | 3 ; Preset...besid Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

MacX Video Converter Pro

MacX Video Converter Pro
It also can download record edit video and make slideshow [...] Besides this mac video converter also acts as an all in one software which offers prominent ability to download youtube video record screen edit video and make photo slideshow on mac , Download and convert youtube videos to different video formats for offline playback on ios and android mobiles; 4 / Fastest video converter to convert mp4 mov flv avi mkv to iphone ipad android | Macx video converter pro is the fastest video converter for mac users to convert any video to mp4 h ; 264 mov flv avi etc for playing on ios android tabs and phones with superb quality : Macx video converter pro is the best and fastest video converter for mac user that can convert video to any format like mp4 h [...] 264 mpeg avi flv mov wmv mp3 aac etc and transfer hd video avchd m2ts mkv to iphone 5s ipad air/mini 2 with retina display apple tv 3 android samsung galaxy note 10 , 1 2014 edition note 3 google new nexus 7 psp ps4 surface pro 2 etc with 32x faster speed and flawless video quality / It supports 320 input and 180 output video formats | The versatile mac video converter gives you full control over all of your video collections as you please ; Main features: 1.

Convert video to any format like mp4 h [...] 264 mov mpeg m4v al Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac
The program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large or small size images [...] Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif formats on mac os x pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff , Pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff / The program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large high quality images or small thumbnails | When users want to convert several pdf files in bulk there is a folder creation function can convert each pdf file to each new folder named as the pdf filename ;   the dpi option is the biggest difference between this application and other pdf to image converters : Getting high quality images from pdf is easy since this free pdf to image converter works with the dpi option [...] Users only need to select a high output dpi value like 200 or 400 and the converted images will have the high quality resolution and the large print margin , Also they can change the dpi value to 32 or 64 for thumbnail images.

This pdf to image format converter is able to change tons of pdf files to images in batch mode | Pdf to jpg converter for mac developed free converter to convert pdf files in...the p Lire la suite