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Logiciel Windows

AppleXsoft Hard Drive Copy

AppleXsoft Hard Drive Copy
The clearly   designed wizard guides you step by step through the migration process [...] Applexsoft hard drive copy makes this   process simple by copying all of your data documents operating systems   applications and personal settings to a new disk or ssd dive in just three simple   steps , One click ssd hdd pc cloning & migration easily migrate os to ssd / Applexsoft hard drive copy is a reliable disk migration and clone software for windows | It is designed to copying all data including os applications settings to another disk hdd or ssd in three simple steps easily migrate os to ssd ;   upgrading your desktop or notebook hard drive is one the easiest ways to   increase performance and capacity : You can also easily and rapidly clone only the system partitions to a new   solid state drive even of a smaller capacity.

Applexsoft hard drive copy will   automatically or manually adjust partitions during cloning process , The cloned disk   is immediately bootable / Never need to reinstall windows and programs | Applexsoft   hard drive copy provides three different copy options including one click disk   copy advanced disk or partition copy and files/folders...the c Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

AppleXsoft Data Recovery Professional

AppleXsoft Data Recovery Professional
An easy step by step recovery wizard guides you through the process of recovery.

A powerful yet easy to use professional data recovery utility to recover data , A powerful yet easy to use professional data recovery utility to recover your data from deleted formatted damaged or corrupted partitions / Applexsoft data recovery professional is a powerful yet easy to use complete data recovery utility enabling both it professionals and novice users to easily and quickly recover data from deleted lost formatted damaged or corrupted fat and ntfs partitions caused due to formats partitions loss viruses power failure and file or directory deletion | Even if you have reinstalled windows or your hard drive won't mount ; It also provides recovery of lost emails from outlook outlook express windows live mail eudora mozilla becky : It can recovers your data from all types of media such as external hard drives usb drive smartmedia compactflash memory card and other types of removable media [...] Whether you are a veteran or beginner you will feel applexsoft data recovery is developed for you to recover your data , The software is a non destructive and read only utility that does not damage data on the media in any way / With this utility you will get your data quite easily ea Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Animated GIF Creator 1.30

Animated GIF Creator 1.30
Gif; set animation loop count and frame duration; create animated gif images from scratch; manage animation frames; quick creating speed; preview gif animation; simplify gif creation with five step workflow; adjust the speed of the animation; easy to use intuitive interface no special training or knowledge is required! [...] Animated gif creator is designed for creation of gif animation file easily , Animated gif creator is an easy to use software for creating and editing animated gif images / With this animated gif creator you can easily create animated pictures banners and buttons in 5 steps.

Animated gif creator is a powerful yet very easy to use software allows you to easily create or edit animated gif images ; Just open the software using the animated gif creator wizard like interface it guides you through making great animated gifs in just a few simple steps : It is so easy [...] Anyone can do it , Animated gif creator makes it easy to create professional / Gif animations and even convert | Jpeg and ; Bmp graphics to : Gifs automatically just open it up and go to work with the program user friendly interface [...] You can use transparent backgrounds choose the delay time for each frame and easily change the order that frames appear , Animated gif creator supports all types of...gif; Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF Merger Mac

PDF Merger Mac
Merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds keep original page size orientation and formatting allow users to adjust the pdf merging order 100% free merging pdf files with the app is an easy three step process [...] The third and final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the merging process , Pdf merger mac also allows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simply add your pdf documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders / Pdf merger mac is a mac os x application to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file.

Pdf merger mac is a free mac os x application that let you merge several pdf documents into one single pdf file ; The merged pdf file will keep the original formatting page size and page orientation : First click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window [...] Second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged pdf document , The progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar / Occasionally before clicking the "start now" button a user will realize they added the documents to the merge list in the wrong order | Pdf...merge Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Sonar X1 Essential

Sonar X1 Essential
Enfin le step sequencer propose des commandes accessibles que vous ne tarderez pas à prendre en main.

La musique à portée de clic ! bénéficiez d’un véritable studio d’enregistrement sur votre pc pour créer votre musique en toute simplicité , Sonar x1 essential est le poste de travail audio numérique par excellence / Ce logiciel de mao vous offre des outils plus professionnels les uns que les autres afin de vous permettre de créer en toute liberté vos propres morceaux sans aucune limite | Profitez ainsi de 10 instruments différents conçus pour optimiser le son et la texture de votre musique ; Il intègre également un arpédieur très utile pour créer de nouvelles sections pour vos chansons et découvrir de nouvelles lignes musicales : Sonar x1 essential dispose d’un navigateur entièremement repensé qui organise votre contenu en un seul endroit pour une gestion plus simple et plus rapide de votre musique [...] L’interface intelligente skylight simplifie la composition musicale tandis que la vue matrice permet d’improviser à la volée de multiples morceaux en chargeant un grand nombre de pistes diverses et variéesenfin Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

ClickImpôts First Step 2017

ClickImpôts First Step 2017
Le logiciel de calcul d'impôts gratuit pour optimiser votre déclaration de revenus clickimpôts first step est une solution fiscale qui vous aide à remplir et à calculer votre déclaration d'impôts en fonction de votre situation [...] Clickimpôts fisrt step est une solution de gestion fiscale gratuite qui permet de saisir vos données d’effectuer un calcul d’impôts efficace et d’optimiser votre déclaration d’impôts sur le revenu , Il prend en charge les frais réels et toutes les données qui pourraient vous permettre de payer moins d'impôts / Un conseiller fiscal virtuel vous accompagne dans la rédaction du formulaire 2042s de votre déclaration de revenus | Grâce à sa fonctionnalité de calcul d’impôts le logiciel programme et vérifie automatiquement la valeur de votre imposition tout en vous offrant les meilleures déductions fiscales selon votre situation ; Un audit complet de votre situation est  mis à votre disposition : Il vérifie de manière simple et efficace la concordance entre votre déclaration et les montants pré remplis par l’administration.

  plus besoin de recopier vos formulaires à la main ce logiciel vous donne la possibilité d’imprimer en un clic votre déclaration dument remplie dans le format officiel de l’administration fiscale , Un véritable gain de temps très appréciable !  le lo Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Video Rotator

Video Rotator
What can it do if you want to rotate video clips recorded by your phone video rotator is the best choice.

Rotate videos 90 degree horizontal or vertical mirror videos , Video rotator is a freeware windows application for rotating video clips 90 degree clockwise anticlockwise horizontal mirror or upside down / The program supports more than 15 popular video input formats includes avi mpg flv mp4 wmv mov etc | Video rotator supports most popular video input formats such as avi mpg flv mp4 wmv mov and 3gp etc ; It also allows users to save the rotated videos to 5 popular video formats: mp4 mov flv avi and mpg : Further more video rotator supports iphone / itouch mov format and smart phone mpeg4 format [...] The program supports batch mode so that users are able to rotate & flip videos in bulk , It supports iphone/itouch mov format and smart phone mpeg4 format / Video rotator can not only rotate videos 90 degree but also do the video horizontal mirror | If the original video is upside down the program can flip it vertically ; Maybe you want to convert other video format videos to mp4 avi flv mov and mpg files : Select rotate option to [none] and the program will not rotate but only convertwhat Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows


You can edit all text and graphic by windows wordpad [...] You can edit text by notepad , Convert pdf files to word excel plain text images html files or flash / Pdfzilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert pdf files into editable ms word documents excel forms rich text documents plain text files images html files and shockwave flash swf files.

Pdfzilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert pdf files into editable ms word documents ms excel tables rich text documents plain text files images html files and shockwave flash swf files ; Pdzilla also allows users to rotate cut and merge pdf files : Besides the program can convert images like png tif bmp or jpg to pdf files which means users can simply create pdf files from images [...]   pdfzilla key features convert pdf to word convert pdf to word with all text and graphical data , Convert pdf to excel convert pdf to ms excel format so that you can edit and extract pdf forms / Convert pdf to rtf convert pdf to rich text files | Convert pdf to txt convert pdf to plain text files ; Convert pdf to images convert pdf to bmp jpg gif or tif files : Convert pdf to html convert pdf to html files and automatically generate the index file [...] Convert pdf to swf convert pdf c Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

PDF Password Remover

PDF Password Remover
After pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters [...] Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction fast and easily , Pdf password remover is a windows utility that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation.

Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window then the remove task will start immediately | Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover  window then the remove task will start immediately ; Pdf password remover also has a portable version which can be stored in flash disk and take it to anywhere : Have you ever been in a situation where a password protected file suddenly brought your work to a complete halt when you least needed it? do you know the embarrassment of seeing a warning message telling you that you can't print your file or copy text from it when you really need to do it and fast ? if you've been there and don't want to deal with these problems ever again you need pdf password remover [...]   pdf password remover is a super compact and extremely affordable tool that will help you remove password protection from pdf files preventing you from printing modifying or converting them to other formats ,   what can i do after removing pdf password ...after Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

PDF To JPG Converter

PDF To JPG Converter
Export pdf to high quality images by modifying the dpi setting to a high number  pdf to jpg converter will export large and high quality images from pdf.

Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif formats pdf to jpg converter is a windows utility that quickly convert pdf files into jpg bmp tif gif png images , With pdf to jpg converter users can also convert pdf to jpg in page range and set the output image dpi / Pdf to jpg converter is a windows utility that quickly convert pdf files into jpg bmp tif gif png images | Pdf to jpg converter features & benefits convert pdf to jpg/jpeg images pdf to jpg converter allows users to convert pdf to jpg images so that users will be able to use the pdf information on website or read the content without pdf readers ; Users can use the exported high quality images for printing or publishing ads : Batch mode users can add hundreds of pdf documents from a folder or drag them and drop to the file list [...]  pdf to jpg converter will convert pdfs to images in separate folders , Fast conversion pdf to jpg converter has a fast conversion engine which will convert pdf docs 180% faster than other normal pdf converters / Saving time is saving money | More output formats converting pdf to jpg is not the only function of pdf to jpg converter ; The...expor Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows


You can set the audio bitrate rate and channels by clicking "advanced setting".

By clicking "cut the audio file" you can set the start time and the end time , Convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats / An online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats | It supports most of popular video and audio formats like mp4 avi wmv m4p mov mpg mp3 wma ogg flac aac etc ; Then the converted audio file will be cut automatically : Your uploaded video/audio will be deleted on the server immediately the conversion completed and the converted file will be deleted automatically after 1 hour [...] Features: 100% free to use compatible with all modern web browsers supports most video/audio formats various output formats: mp3 aac flac m4a ogg and wma , No software/components installation required registration is not required crop the audio file multi language: english german french italian spanish portuguese dutch polish japanese and korean / Iphone/ipad/android web browser supportedyou c Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

MP3 Normalizer

MP3 Normalizer
Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of improving the quality of mp3 and wav files by normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume [...] Normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume , Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your mp3 files or wave files with the same volume / Mp3 normalizer can normalize both mp3 and wav files in batches | Normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume ; Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your audio mp3 or wave files with the same volume : With this advanced mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume [...] Or you can normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds , Mp3 normalizer is ideal if you want to have an optimal level of volume in all the mp3 files from your music collection / Tired of constantly adjusting your audio's volume? mp3 normalizer ensures that all your music play at the same volume level.

Mp3 normalizer can normalize both audio mp3 and wav files ; And it supports batch normalizing that is you can add as many mp3 and wav files as you like into the list then click the "normalize" button to start normalizing at once : With mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3...mp3 n Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Easy DRM Converter for Windows v4.9.5

Easy DRM Converter for Windows v4.9.5
These songs can then be played outside of the itunes environment even on operating systems not supported by itunes.

The legal way to convert itunes drm protected music to unprotected mp3 , Convert itunes drm protected m4p music to unprotected mp3 files at high speed and with cd quality / Easy drm converter for windows is specially designed for windows users to convert any audio which can be played in itunes such as apple music drm protected m4p protected audiobooks or other downloaded music to unprotected mp3 files at high speed and with cd quality | It is perfect drm removal tool designed for remove drm protection from itunes m4p files and convert all of your drm m4p songs in your itunes library or in a playlist to standard format files mp3 aac ac3 m4r mka aiff m4a that you can playing offline on your iphone ipad and any mp3 player ; The purpose of drm converter is allows you to free your itunes music store purchases from their drm restrictions with no sound quality loss : It is very easy to use just with the intuitive interface you can convert itunes audio quickly with a few clicks [...] And no extra hardware or virtual drive needed , Easy drm converter for windows works on windows xp vista windows 7 8 windows 10 and laterthese Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF Password Remover Mac

PDF Password Remover Mac
After pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters [...] Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction on mac os x , Pdf password remover mac is a mac os x application that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation / Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window and then the application will start immediately | What can you do after removing pdf password copy the content from pdf after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want ; Convert the pdf document to other formats the restricted pdf document can not be converted.

Print the pdf before removing the password from the protected pdf users doesn't have the authority to print the pdf [...] Once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal document , Now just download the pdf password remover mac to remove all restrctions from protected pdf files!after Lire la suite
Aiseesoft Mac Convertisseur Vidéo Ultimate
Vous pouvez choisir les modes de réglage 3d anaglyphe side by side top & bottom retirer les bords noirs et personnaliser la taille de région de lecture vidéo régler la luminosité le contraste la saturation la teinte et le volume pour ajuster l'effet vidéo de sortie ajouter un filigrane de texte ou d'image sur le fichier source pour personnaliser la sortie vidéo créer un fichier en fusionnant plusieurs clips découper le fichier source en plusieurs segments etc [...] Aiseesoft mac convertisseur vidéo ultimate est un logiciel de conversion parfait pour les utilisateurs mac aiseesoft mac convertisseur vidéo ultimate est un logiciel tout en un de conversion édition et création vidéo pour les utilisateurs mac il permet de convertir créer et éditer les fichiers vidéos audios d'images , Aiseesoft mac convertisseur vidéo ultimate est un logiciel de conversion parfait pour les utilisateurs mac qui peut convertir les fichiers vidéo/audio en 2d et 3d avec une haute vitesse de conversion.

Vous pouvez profiter de votre vidéo sur les lecteurs comme les appareils d'apple psp téléphone portable etc | En outre ce mac convertisseur vidéo ultimate possède la fonction spéciale d'extraire aac m4a mp3 à partir de vidéo avec une qualité sonore excellente ; Il...vous Lire la suite
Aiseesoft DVD Software Toolkit for Mac
Aiseesoft dvd software toolkit for mac est un logiciel de conversion/création/lecture/transfert convivial qui peut graver un disque dvd avec des fichiers vidéo lire des disques blu ray et des fichiers vidéo comme vous voulez convertir des fichiers vidéo et audio des dvds non protégés transférer des photos musiques sms contacts pellucules etc entre l’iphone/ipad ipod et mac convertir des vidéos entre 2d et 3d les modes de sortie 3d sont anaglyphe side by side "côte à côte" et top bottom.

Aiseesoft dvd software toolkit for mac est un logiciel de conversion/création/lecture/transfert convivial , En possétant ce trousse à outils vous pouvez profiter de votre vie numérique à volonté / En outre ce logiciel a des petites fonctions qui peuvent bien satisfaire : conversion par lots qui épargne beaucoup de temps pour vous interface convivial qui a besoin de quelques clics pour terminier la conversion haute vitesse et qualité etc | 1 ; Graver des fichiers vidéo en dvd avec des pistes audio et des sous titres personnalisés 2 : Lire des disques blu ray et des fichiers multimédias 3 [...] Convertir dvd non protégé et des fichiers vidéo et audio 4 , Transférer des fichiers...aisee Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

EasySplitMerge v2.0.2

EasySplitMerge v2.0.2
If you have a large file that cannot be sent to another computer you can quickly and easily spilt this large file into several smaller files by using this software [...] Split large file into smaller files and merge them together when you need it , Easysplitmerge is a simple application that allows you to split a large file into smaller files that are more manageable and merge them together when you need it.

And hence the files can be easily transferred to another computer | After which you can then use this software to merge the splitted files back as the original file ; The application automatically splits the file according to specified file size and number of pieces : It supports any file type and there are no file format restrictions [...] File types supported include video audio documents pdf archive files applications spreadsheets pictures and so on , It has an intuitive interface and is easy to use / Also it supports rapid immediate split and merge/restore files without waiting | Easysplitmerge also generates a small self uniting program so anyone can restore the original file easily without easysplitmerge having to be installed on the destination systemif yo Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Icecream Image Resizer 2.10

Icecream Image Resizer 2.10
Icecream image resizer is a tool for changing the parameters of your photos by using custom or preset profiles [...] Icecream image resizer vous aide à changer les dimensions ou le format d’images jpeg tiff png , The program also features additional options to give you more control over the output files / Batch resizing support gives you an opportunity to change several photos at a time instead of repeating the process for each single file | You can also add the entire folder to resize all the photos stored in it ; The program sets no limitations for maximum files quantity and you can add and resize as many images as you want within the same session : Users can opt for preset profiles for different tasks email desktop hd 1080p hd 720p and 320x200 iphone 5 6 and 6 plus or set the parameters manually [...]  icecream image resizer also allows keeping original aspect ratio to avoid breaking the original ratio and end up having a stretched image , Besides you can enable the vertical image recognition option to work with vertical photos / Drag and drop support helps you add files directly from where they are stored without searching for them with windows explorer.

Icecream image resizer is a smart tool that managed to combine extended capabilities stable performance and simplicity within the same interface ; The good...icecr Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Icecream PDF Split & Merge 3.46

Icecream PDF Split & Merge 3.46
Thus the program allows you to split pdf documents page by page by groups of pages or page ranges or save documents without splitting them but with unnecessary pages removed.

Sectionnez et/ou fusionnez des documents au format pdf ou supprimez simplement des pages inutiles en quelques clics seulement , Icecream pdf split&merge is a versatile application that makes the process of splitting and merging pdf files easy and intuitively comprehensive / Use this program whenever you want to split a large document into smaller files or merge 2 or more pdf files into one | Icecream pdf split&merge stands out from the crowd thanks to user friendly interface and perfect logic behind the processes which makes the program suitable for all categories of users ; At the same time it features a number of advanced options and appears to be pretty powerful to complete different types of tasks : Application works with password protected files [...] In fact it’s impossible to view their content without specifying a password but after entering a valid password you can work with such files in a regular way , The program is fairly easy to use – you can drag and drop files into program’s interface choose the modes arrange files in a desired order if you want to merge them or choose a necessary split option to split them and let the program complete the process in a...thus Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Icecream Media Converter 1.56

Icecream Media Converter 1.56
   the program allows you to convert files  by format or device [...] Alternatively you can convert files by device phone ipod ipad xbox android blackberry psp ps3 samsung nokia smartphones etc , By specifying it in a corresponding section / Convertissez gratuitement les fichiers audios et vidéos téléchargez les vidéos sur youtube convertisseur puissant : fichiers audios vidéos tous formats mkv avi mp3 mp4 etc.

Convertit des fichers médias par url directe ; Icecream media converter deals with all types of audio and video files and offers high quality conversion : In spite of the visual simplicity the program features some advanced options that give the users better opportunities for different types of conversion [...]    icecream media converter’s intuitive interface attractive design and high efficiency give an outstanding user experience , Batch conversion support makes the program even easier to use – you can just queue the files set the desired configurations and convert files in bulk / If you know which exact format you need to convert to mp4 mp3 mkv mov flac wav m4a m4v aac swf avi flv wma ogg vob wmv etc | You can simply select it from the list ; In this case the application will automatically set the recommended characteristics for this...  Lire la suite