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Logiciel Windows

Call of Duty : Black Ops 2

Call of Duty : Black Ops 2
Call of duty : black ops 2 offre un contexte singulier impliquant une adaptation totale du gameplay [...] Call of duty : black ops 2 propose un scénario scindé en deux parties , L’épisode le plus innovant de l’histoire de la série ! plongé en 2025 au cœur d’une guerre opposant les américains aux chinois vous devrez prouver que le soldat mason est le digne successeur de son père / L’histoire commence dans les années 80 en pleine guerre froide | Suite directe de black ops cette première partie met en scène des personnages déjà croisés dans le passé tels qu’alex mason ou encore frank woods ; La seconde partie quant à elle immerge le joueur en 2025 face à une seconde guerre froide opposant le bloc américain au bloc chinois : Vous y incarnez le soldat américain david mason fils d’alex mason qui fera tout pour défendre sa patrie aussi bien que son père quelques années auparavant [...] En cela ce nouveau volet met à votre disposition du matériel militaire complètement nouveau auquel le joueur devra s’habituer.

Lors des assauts les militaires se servent désormais d’un arsenal revu et corrigé comportant d’énormes plates formes d’assaut dévastatrices Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare

Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare
Incarnez un sergent de l’armée américaine et partez au combat ! call of duty 4 : modern warfare est un jeu de tir subjectif qui vous plonge au sein de l’armée américaine.

Le quatrième opus de call of duty intitulé modern warfare vous immerge en plein cœur d’un conflit du début du xxième siècle au moyen orient , Plongez en pleine action avec vos armes et votre paquetage vous devrez sécuriser un tank démolir des batteries anti aériennes détruire des blindés… call of duty 4 : modern warfare met à votre disposition un gameplay profond avec un arsenal d’armes très varié allant du pistolet au fusil d’assaut en passant par le fusil à pompe / Votre mission ? sécuriser un tank pris en embuscade lors d’un raid contre les rebelles | Vous y incarnez au choix le sergent john soap mactavish nouvel arrivant du 22e régiment du sas ou le sergent paul jackson de la 1ère force reconnaissance de l’usmc ; Il offre également des combats étonnamment réalistes grâce à des graphismes de grande qualité : Les ennemis agonissant vident leur chargeur sur vous vos coéquipiers blessés hurlent de douleur tandis que les balles fusent et que des bombes explosent au quatre coin du champ de batailleincar Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

Call of Duty : Black Ops Mac

Call of Duty : Black Ops Mac
Prenez part au combat ! défendez les couleurs de l’amérique sur les champs de batailles de la guerre froide dans call of duty : black ops [...]   call of duty : black ops vous donne la possibilité de personnaliser l’apparence de vos soldats , 1968 le monde est divisé en deux / La guerre froide s’est imposée comme une évidence et les soldats se préparent au combat | Alex mason le personnage que vous incarnez se retrouve rapidement embarqué sur les champs de bataille de cuba lors du légendaire ratage de la baie des cochons mais aussi dans la jungle étouffante du vietnam et les rivières boueuses du laos le tout éparpillé à travers une quarantaine de missions plutôt riches et variées ; Concernant les armes vous devrez récupérer un maximum de dco pour financer du matériel des avantages et autres options de customisation : Le mode multijoueur vous permettra de partager l’expérience avec vos amis tandis que le mode zombie vous permettra de plonger dans un univers beaucoup plus sombre où tous les coups seront permis.

       prene Lire la suite
Call of Duty : Black Ops 2 prévu le 13 novembre 2012
Activision s’est enfin décidé à révéler officiellement la sortie du nouvel épisode de la série des call of duty [...] Prévu pour le 13 novembre 2012 call of duty : black ops 2 permettra aux gamers de retrouver le sergent franck woods pour une nouvelle aventure se déroulant en 2025 , Ca y est ! la date de sortie du dernier opus de la série des call of duty qui succèdera à call of duty modern warfare 3 a officiellement été annoncée par activision pour le 13 novembre 2012 / Call of duty : black ops 2 puisque c’est son nom proposera une nouvelle aventure en compagnie du sergent franck woods et d’alex mason dans un monde où les machines ont remplacé les hommes sur les champs de bataille.

Plongés en 2025 les joueurs auront le choix entre plusieurs missions strike force aux quatre coins du monde permettant d’endosser plusieurs rôles ; Le mode zombie fera également son grand retour avec une version encore plus énorme et plus ambitieuse que celle proposée jusqu’à présent : Avec une bande annonce venue tout droit du future l'édieur compte bien mettre l'eau à la bouche à ses afficionados :activ Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3

DJ Mixer Express for Windows v5.8.3
The very nice thing about this application is that it beautifully brings together ease of use and functionality – it is quite easy to access all the application’s functionality and mix songs like a dj [...] At the top of the application’s dark themed interface there are two decks and the corresponding playback and mixing buttons , Here are some of the features you can expect to get from dj mixer express: break playback reverse playback echo delay change the pitch autopan flanger crossfader record sync and more / Also note that dj mixer express is free to use for a 30 day trial | You can download dj mixer express free here ; An easy to use dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain mix music and video from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects : Underneath there’s a section that lists the tracks added to the library and a browser pane that allows you to explore your computer’s drives and folders [...] It is an intuitive user friendly interface that will not pose a problem to anyone not ever a novice user , When you launch dj mixer express for the first time it will ask you to add audio tracks to its library.

Drag a track onto the first mixer another one on the second mixer and you will be able to play and mix them like a...the v Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Icecream Password Manager

Icecream Password Manager
The program securely protects your data with aes 256 leading encryption so there is absolutely no need to worry about the privacy of the created items [...] Users can enable the synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices , The program supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users / Autolock of the program within a certain period of time and the feature to clean clipboard automatically within a set period of time that the users can set in the program's settings helps to lock and protect the sensitive information automatically | The backup regularity the number of the backups to be kept and the path to keep the backups can be manually set in the settings panel of icecream password manager ; This password manages support the addition of the attachments of various formats to the items created in the program : The support of browser plugins is a great way to get instant access to all the stored data right from the selected browser.

The built in password generator will be useful for the creation of new logins and profiles , Automatic form filler you can both fill or fill and submit forms of the browser plugins will help to fast login online / Icecream password manager is a free software to manage your passwords credit cards identities ...the p Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

PDF To Word Converter

PDF To Word Converter
Also pdf to word converter supports batch mode to convert hundreds of pdf to word documents at one time.

Batch mode image you can convert hundreds of pdf documents to word doc files with batch mode , Pdf to word converter is a free windows application to convert pdf to word doc format fast and easily / With pdf to word converte zilla pdf to txt converter is a freeware to convert pdf files to plain text format files in batch mode | Zilla pdf to txt converter also support convert specific pages range to txt files ; With pdf to word converter users can convert pdf to word format in few clicks :   key features convert pdf to ms word spot convert pdf to doc format you can edit pdf content in ms word [...] No need microsoft word installed spot the converter can convert pdf to ms word without microsoft word installed , Auto decyption spot the program will decrypt restricted pdf files to word docs automatically / Easy to use image spot with the converter you can convert pdf documents to word in only 3 clicks | Full conversion image spot this converter will not only convert text but also keep all pdf graphic information into word result file ; Fast conversion image the program conversion engine is 170% faster than other pdf convertersalso Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

MP3 Toolkit

MP3 Toolkit
Besides standard mp3 format mp3 toolkit supports most of popular audio & video formats like wma wmv mp4 wav ogg flv and more also supports high quality audio like flac and ape [...] It also has the ability to cut a part of music from a video file or a movie , Free convert rip cut merge record mp3 all in one / Mp3 toolkit is a free and powerful windows app includes mp3 converter cd ripper tag editor mp3 cutter mp3 merger and mp3 recorder for users who want to handle mp3 files easier | Free convert rip merge cut tag edit and record mp3 all in one ; With mp3 toolkit you are able to convert cut merge rip and record mp3 free : You can use mp3 toolkit to convert audio for mobile devices make ringtones fix tag information rip audio cd record sound or merge audio pieces to a complete mp3 file.

Cd to mp3 ripper the audio cd contains audio tracks , Cda files which cannot be copied to use directly / Cd to mp3 ripper will help you to rip the audio from cd to mp3 wma ape or wav for common players | Mp3 tag editor with this program you will be able to edit mp3 tag information in batch mode ; Also the editor will allow you to edit album photos and lyrics : Mp3 merger got some cool audio parts to combine? mp3 merger can merge & combine your several flac mp3 ogg and wav audio files to a complete...besid Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows


Also flac to mp3 supports batch mode to convert hundreds of flac audio to mp3 music at one time [...] Features & benefits  easy to usethe usage of the program is simple and doesn't need any knowledge , However most of portable devices don't support flac format /   convert in batch modethe converter has a file list so that users can add hundreds of flac files to the converter then convert them to mp3 with only one click.

  save more disk spaceflac is the free lossless audio codec and gives users the best audio quality performance ; Easily and fast convert flac to mp3 audio format : Flac to mp3 is a windows flac to mp3 converter application to convert flac to mp3 audio fast and easily [...] With flac to mp3 users can convert flac music to mp3 audio format in few clicks , Also flac to mp3 supports batch mode /   for portable devicesif you want to listen to the music on the way you need to copy music to portable devices like ipod  iphone or portable players | You can use the converter to convert flac audio to the most popular audio format  mp3 then transfer to your devices ; However it needs a large disk space to be saved : Sometimes users may want to save more music on their pcs they can use the program to convert flac music to mp3 files ...also Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows


It supports most of popular video and audio formats like mp4 avi wmv m4p mov mpg mp3 wma ogg flac aac etc [...] An online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats , Features: 100% free to use compatible with all modern web browsers supports most video/audio formats various output formats: mp3 aac flac m4a ogg and wma / Convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats | You can set the audio bitrate rate and channels by clicking "advanced setting" ; By clicking "cut the audio file" you can set the start time and the end time : Then the converted audio file will be cut automatically.

Your uploaded video/audio will be deleted on the server immediately the conversion completed and the converted file will be deleted automatically after 1 hour , No software/components installation required registration is not required crop the audio file multi language: english german french italian spanish portuguese dutch polish japanese and korean / Iphone/ipad/android web browser supportedit su Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

MP4 Converter v2.02

MP4 Converter v2.02
The latest version of mp4 converter fixed some bugs and supports more video formats [...] Convert vob mpeg avi wmv asf and other video to mp4 for play on various devices , Mp4 converter is very useful for converting video avi mpeg wmv asf asx to mp4 and convert vob files to mp4 video format for playing on iphone ipad ipod android tablets and other portable media players / Mp4 converter for windows is aa easy to use video to mp4 converter very useful for converting video avi mpeg wmv asf asx to mp4 without any quality loss.

And convert dvd vob files to mp4 video format for playing on iphone ipad ipod touch samsung smart tv android tablets amazon kindle smartphones portable media players etc ; Mp4 converter is a video to device converter support convert popular video formats: * : To mp4 video format [...] Mp4 converter key features: convert avi to mp4 video format; convert mpeg to mp4 video format; convert wmv to mp4 video format; convert asf asx to mp4 video format; convert quick time to mp4 video format; easy to use and user friendly interface; convert dvd vob files to mp4 video format directly; mp4 converter supports video formats: * , Avi * / Wmv * | Asf * ; Asx * : Mpg * [...] M1v * , M2v * / M2p * | Vob etc ; Vob...the l Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 15.0

WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 15.0
It owns the ability of converting videos to a range of popular formats and devices like 4k h265 vp9 avi mpg mp4 wmv mkv mov m4v iphone 6 iphone 6 p [...] It is a very useful tool for managing the output of the mobile device , Moreover it can convert audio between a wide range of formats / Free hd video converter factory is a powerful but easy to use hd video conversion software | Free hd video converter is an easy to use hd video conversion software ; This free hd video converter supports multi cpu and hyper threading and offers up to 30x real time video converting speed : Wonderfox free hd video converter from other hd converters? the first and most important point is the exclusive technical optimization and sharp pictures.

In addition to the powerful converting function it is also a video editing software , Like merge multiple videos; trim and crop video; add to technorati add to technorati favorites add to technorati favorites like merge multiple videos; trim and crop video; add to technorati add to technorati favorites add to technorati favorites like merge multiple videos; trim and crop video; add to technorati favorites add to technorati favorites add to technorati add to technorati favorites / Mp3 m2 flv swf html5 webm tod vob iphone7 iphone 6s tv uhd tv surface blackberry ps4 xbox and more | New ow Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

PDF Merger Mac

PDF Merger Mac
Second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged pdf document [...] The third and final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the merging process , The progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar / Pdf merger mac makes it simple to reorder the source files in order to create the correct sequence of files in the final document | The entire list of files can be cleared if needed via the handy "clear list" button ; Pdf merger mac is a free mac os x application that let you merge several pdf documents into one single pdf file : Pdf merger mac is a mac os x application to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file [...] Pdf merger mac also allows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simply add your pdf documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders.

Merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds keep original page size orientation and formatting allow users to adjust the pdf merging order 100% free merging pdf files with the app is an easy three step process / First click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window | Occasionally ...secon Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Able2Extract PDF Editor 10

Able2Extract PDF Editor 10
   some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document [...] Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document , Able2extract 10 is available as a 7 day free trial / Also you can convert pdf to 12 different file formats add and remove text merge rotate and extract pages | Convert pdf to more than 12 file formats other including word excel csv autocad and many more ; Able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology is perfect for editing converting and creating pdfs : With able2extract can create pdf documents from numerous supported file types [...] Investintech is a software developer company that has been a leader in pdf products for more than 15 years , Their best known tool is able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology.

With their latest built in feature the pdf editing panel users can edit pdf easily happy in minutes and save hours per document | All done in just 3 clicks ; Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market : Create...  Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

MP3 Normalizer

MP3 Normalizer
Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your mp3 files or wave files with the same volume [...] Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your audio mp3 or wave files with the same volume , Mp3 normalizer is ideal if you want to have an optimal level of volume in all the mp3 files from your music collection / Tired of constantly adjusting your audio's volume? mp3 normalizer ensures that all your music play at the same volume level | Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of improving the quality of mp3 and wav files by normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume ; Normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume.

With this advanced mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume [...] Or you can normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds , And it supports batch normalizing that is you can add as many mp3 and wav files as you like into the list then click the "normalize" button to start normalizing at once / With mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume for keep | Or normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds ; Normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume : Mp3 normalizer...mp3 n Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Easy DRM Converter for Windows v4.9.5

Easy DRM Converter for Windows v4.9.5
It is perfect drm removal tool designed for remove drm protection from itunes m4p files and convert all of your drm m4p songs in your itunes library or in a playlist to standard format files mp3 aac ac3 m4r mka aiff m4a that you can playing offline on your iphone ipad and any mp3 player [...] The purpose of drm converter is allows you to free your itunes music store purchases from their drm restrictions with no sound quality loss , These songs can then be played outside of the itunes environment even on operating systems not supported by itunes / The legal way to convert itunes drm protected music to unprotected mp3 | Convert itunes drm protected m4p music to unprotected mp3 files at high speed and with cd quality ; Easy drm converter for windows is specially designed for windows users to convert any audio which can be played in itunes such as apple music drm protected m4p protected audiobooks or other downloaded music to unprotected mp3 files at high speed and with cd quality.

It is very easy to use just with the intuitive interface you can convert itunes audio quickly with a few clicks [...] And no extra hardware or virtual drive needed , Easy drm converter for windows works on windows xp vista windows 7 8 windows 10 and laterit is Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Easy M4P Converter v2.2.3

Easy M4P Converter v2.2.3
Easy m4p converter for windows seamlessly integrate itunes gives you instant access of music library and playlist information [...] So you can quickly convert all of your itunes songs and apple music in your itunes library or in a playlist to unprotected mp3 formats with id tags preserved , Besides easy m4p converter supports conversion of unprotected audio and audiobook formats like aac m4a m4r wav mp3 mka ac3 aiff audiobooks m4b aa and aax and so on / Remove drm from itunes convert m4p to mp3 easy m4p converter is a drm removal software for windows designed to legally remove drm from m4p music apple music and audiobooks and convert purchased itunes m4p music to mp3 format at high speed and with cd quality for play anywhere you like | Easy m4p converter is a drm removal software for windows designed to legally remove drm from m4p music apple music and audiobooks and convert purchased itunes m4p music to the most frequently used audio formats like mp3 aac m4a mka au m4r ac3 and etc ; It is especially useful in case if you have tracks purchased from itunes music stores and you want to listen to them on playback devices which don't support its format and because these music tracks are drm protected.

For play anywhere you like [...] Support convert multiple drm protected files and unprotected audio files at a time with turbo speed , Easy m4p...easy Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Icecream PDF Split & Merge 3.46

Icecream PDF Split & Merge 3.46
Icecream pdf split&merge is a versatile application that makes the process of splitting and merging pdf files easy and intuitively comprehensive.

Icecream pdf split&merge stands out from the crowd thanks to user friendly interface and perfect logic behind the processes which makes the program suitable for all categories of users , At the same time it features a number of advanced options and appears to be pretty powerful to complete different types of tasks / Thus the program allows you to split pdf documents page by page by groups of pages or page ranges or save documents without splitting them but with unnecessary pages removed | Icecream pdf split&merge is free of charge easy to install and doesn’t require registration ; Use this program whenever you want to split a large document into smaller files or merge 2 or more pdf files into one : In fact it’s impossible to view their content without specifying a password but after entering a valid password you can work with such files in a regular way [...] The program is fairly easy to use – you can drag and drop files into program’s interface choose the modes arrange files in a desired order if you want to merge them or choose a necessary split option to split them and let the program complete the process in a few seconds , Sectionnez et/ou fusionnez des documents au format pdf ou...icecr Lire la suite
Logiciel Windows

Icecream Media Converter 1.56

Icecream Media Converter 1.56
Icecream media converter deals with all types of audio and video files and offers high quality conversion [...] In spite of the visual simplicity the program features some advanced options that give the users better opportunities for different types of conversion , Batch conversion support makes the program even easier to use – you can just queue the files set the desired configurations and convert files in bulk.

   the program allows you to convert files  by format or device | If you know which exact format you need to convert to mp4 mp3 mkv mov flac wav m4a m4v aac swf avi flv wma ogg vob wmv etc ;    using icecream media converter you can play with the quality and adjust it prior to converting a file : The choice depends on your needs: if you are looking for an original quality set the “best” one; in case you need to compress a file choose lower quality options [...]       with all these features and characteristics icecream media converter turns out to be a powerful yet simple application for successful and quick conversion , Convertissez gratuitement les fichiers audios et vidéos téléchargez les vidéos sur youtube convertisseur puissant : fichiers audios vidéos tous formats mkv avi mp3 mp4 etc / Convertit des fichers médias par url...icecr Lire la suite
Logiciel Mac

321Soft iPhone Data Recovery for Mac

321Soft iPhone Data Recovery for Mac
No matter what kind of reason leads to the data loss you can use 321soft mac iphone data rescue software to retrieve up to 12 types of lost files from your ios devices such as sms photos videos contacts call history text sms messages notes and more.

Just give it several minutes and then you will see the magic of iphone data recovery! , 321soft iphone data recovery for mac is a full featured and world leading tool which runs on mac os x to recover deleted or lost files from iphone ipad and ipod touch / 321soft iphone data recovery for mac is a full featured and world leading tool which runs on mac os x to recover deleted and lost files from iphone ipad and ipod touch | It provides two recovery modes to meet different needs: recover data from ios device & recover from itunes backup files ; This software has user friendly interface to guide users to easily recover ios files : And due to it performs non destructive and read only scan it is reliable and safe for customers to trust [...] So if you lose your precious data on your ios devices due to accidental deletion ios upgrade jailbreak factory settings restore physical damage or other reasons why not try 321soft iphone data recovery for mac? this software also has trial version for users to preview recoverable files before they decide to buy , So there is no risk to try it and you can get a chance ma Lire la suite