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Logiciel Windows
Advanced Encryption Package Professional

Advanced encryption package professional est un logiciel efficace pour crypter et décrypter des fichiers et des emails.
Avec advanced encryption package professional vous avez donc deux choix possibles soit supprimer un fichier de manière sûre soit crypter un fichier , Une solution pour crypter vos fichiers / Il s’intègre parfaitement à l’explorateur windows pour être toujours à portée de l’utilisateur | Advanced encryption package professional est un très puissant outil de cryptage et de décryptage de fichier ; Le logiciel prend en charge pas moins de 20 algorithmes de cryptage différents et 17 algorithmes de destruction : Son principal atout est l’option « self extracting » elle permet de créer des fichiers cryptés qui ne nécessitent pas d’avoir le logiciel chez le destinataire du fichier car le fichier se décryptera tout seul [...] Avec une interface très dépouillée vous n’aurez aucune difficulté particulière à utiliser ce logiciel , Vous pourrez avoir accès directement à cet outil en faisant un clic droit sur le fichier concerné ce qui rend son utilisation très facile / Le logiciel est également accessible en ligne de commande ce qui permettra aux plus...advan Lire la suite
Avec advanced encryption package professional vous avez donc deux choix possibles soit supprimer un fichier de manière sûre soit crypter un fichier , Une solution pour crypter vos fichiers / Il s’intègre parfaitement à l’explorateur windows pour être toujours à portée de l’utilisateur | Advanced encryption package professional est un très puissant outil de cryptage et de décryptage de fichier ; Le logiciel prend en charge pas moins de 20 algorithmes de cryptage différents et 17 algorithmes de destruction : Son principal atout est l’option « self extracting » elle permet de créer des fichiers cryptés qui ne nécessitent pas d’avoir le logiciel chez le destinataire du fichier car le fichier se décryptera tout seul [...] Avec une interface très dépouillée vous n’aurez aucune difficulté particulière à utiliser ce logiciel , Vous pourrez avoir accès directement à cet outil en faisant un clic droit sur le fichier concerné ce qui rend son utilisation très facile / Le logiciel est également accessible en ligne de commande ce qui permettra aux plus...advan Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : InterCrypto Software
Logiciel Windows
Advanced Tram Simulator

Advanced tram simulator est là pour le prouver [...] Improvisez vous conducteur de tramway d’un jour.
Essayez vous à la conduite de tramways et veillez à emmener les passagers à destination sans prendre de retard / Conduire un tramway c’est tout un art et ça ne s’improvise pas | Il s’agit d’un jeu gratuit qui vous propose comme son nom l’indique d’essayer une simulation de conduite de tramway ; Le point fort de ce jeu est clairement son aspect réaliste : le tramway que le joueur contrôle a été créé à partir d’un modèle bien réel qui arpente les rues polonaises : La reproduction est fidèle à l’original et le design de la cabine permet de contrôler tous les éléments nécessaires à la bonne exécution des voyages : vous pouvez contrôler les portes le chauffage et même les essuie glaces [...] La gestion du trajet est également importante puisqu’il vous faudra compter avec les voitures qui peuvent se mettre sur votre chemin , A vous d’utiliser vos talents pour mener votre tramway au bout du trajetadvan Lire la suite
Essayez vous à la conduite de tramways et veillez à emmener les passagers à destination sans prendre de retard / Conduire un tramway c’est tout un art et ça ne s’improvise pas | Il s’agit d’un jeu gratuit qui vous propose comme son nom l’indique d’essayer une simulation de conduite de tramway ; Le point fort de ce jeu est clairement son aspect réaliste : le tramway que le joueur contrôle a été créé à partir d’un modèle bien réel qui arpente les rues polonaises : La reproduction est fidèle à l’original et le design de la cabine permet de contrôler tous les éléments nécessaires à la bonne exécution des voyages : vous pouvez contrôler les portes le chauffage et même les essuie glaces [...] La gestion du trajet est également importante puisqu’il vous faudra compter avec les voitures qui peuvent se mettre sur votre chemin , A vous d’utiliser vos talents pour mener votre tramway au bout du trajetadvan Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : D6 Team
Logiciel Windows
Advanced Web Ranking

L’outil de référencement et de veille concurentielle une solution simple et complète pour optimiser votre référencement et surveiller celui de vos concurrents.
Advanced web rankig est une suite d’outils seo utile pour améliorer le référencement de votre site web , Il vérifie automatiquement la position de vos sites dans les moteurs de recherche populaires à un moment clé mais également sur une période donnée / Vous pourrez ainsi visualiser en un clin d'oeil la progression de vos sites et savoir si oui ou non votre référencement est efficace | Il analyse des centaines de pages web et vous donne des conseils pour optimiser votre visibilité ; Advanced web rankig analyse le référencement de vos pages en fonction de nombreux mots clé afin que vous puissiez voir sur quels mots vous ressortez : Ce logiciel vérifie également les pages indexées et celles qui ne le sont pas [...] Très pratique le moteur intégré remonte les erreurs à savoir les balises title dupliquée meta description manquante mais aussi le nombre de liens internes et externes , Awr suit également le référencement de vos concurrents afin de vous donner une idée de votre position sur votre...l’o Lire la suite
Advanced web rankig est une suite d’outils seo utile pour améliorer le référencement de votre site web , Il vérifie automatiquement la position de vos sites dans les moteurs de recherche populaires à un moment clé mais également sur une période donnée / Vous pourrez ainsi visualiser en un clin d'oeil la progression de vos sites et savoir si oui ou non votre référencement est efficace | Il analyse des centaines de pages web et vous donne des conseils pour optimiser votre visibilité ; Advanced web rankig analyse le référencement de vos pages en fonction de nombreux mots clé afin que vous puissiez voir sur quels mots vous ressortez : Ce logiciel vérifie également les pages indexées et celles qui ne le sont pas [...] Très pratique le moteur intégré remonte les erreurs à savoir les balises title dupliquée meta description manquante mais aussi le nombre de liens internes et externes , Awr suit également le référencement de vos concurrents afin de vous donner une idée de votre position sur votre...l’o Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Advanced Web Ranking
Logiciel Windows
Advanced SystemCare Free

Réparez et optimisez gratuitement votre pc advanced systemcare free est un utilitaire gratuit pour nettoyer son pc et optimiser ses performances [...] Netoyez et optimisez efficacement votre pc grâce à advanced systemcare free ,
advanced systemcare free intègre la fonction turbo boost qui vous donne la possibilité de nettoyer votre pc en profondeur / Ce logiciel supprime les fichiers temporaires inutiles et les traces de navigation nettoie le registre et détruit les adwares et autres spywares.
Les utilisateurs avancés peuvent profiter d’un grand nombre d’outils de configuration et de diagnostic système comme défragmenteur de disque désinstallation de programme analyse des raccourcis invalides ou encore sauvegarde et restauration de votre machine ; Vous pourrez ainsi surveiller son état de santé en vérifiant celui des disques durs en bouchant les failles de sécurité et en effaçant les fichiers sensibles : Simple d’utilisation ce logiciel dispose d’une interface claire et épurée qui vous permett d’accéder en un clin d’œil à toutes les fonctionnalités de ce dernier [...] répa Lire la suite
Les utilisateurs avancés peuvent profiter d’un grand nombre d’outils de configuration et de diagnostic système comme défragmenteur de disque désinstallation de programme analyse des raccourcis invalides ou encore sauvegarde et restauration de votre machine ; Vous pourrez ainsi surveiller son état de santé en vérifiant celui des disques durs en bouchant les failles de sécurité et en effaçant les fichiers sensibles : Simple d’utilisation ce logiciel dispose d’une interface claire et épurée qui vous permett d’accéder en un clin d’œil à toutes les fonctionnalités de ce dernier [...] répa Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : IObit
Logiciel Windows
Advanced Password Generator

Plus personne ne trouvera votre mot de passe advanced password generator est un logiciel shareware qui vous permet de créer des mots de passe hautement sécurisés que personne ne sera en mesure de connaître [...] Advanced password generator génère des mots de passe de longueurs variables qui utilisent toutes sortes de caractères afin de vous offrir une protection optimale , Advanced password generator sauvegarde ensuite vos mots de passe dans sa base de données intelligente que vous pourrez analyser et imprimer à votre guise.
Il est ainsi capable de créer des mots de passe numériques alphabétiques alphanumériques avec ou sans majusculeplus Lire la suite
Il est ainsi capable de créer des mots de passe numériques alphabétiques alphanumériques avec ou sans majusculeplus Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Segobit Software
Logiciel Windows
Advanced Archive Password Recovery

Ne perdez plus vos mots de passe advanced archive password recovery permet de récupérer les mots de passe perdus ou oubliés de fichiers compressés tels que zip rar ou ace [...] Ne cherchez plus les mots de passe de vos fichiers compressés trouvez les grâce au logiciel de gestion de mot de passe advanced archive password recovery.
Advanced archive password recovery possède aussi un dictionnaire ainsi qu’une méthode d’attaque rapide qui permet de chercher les mots de passe via une partie des mots connus / Cette application utilise la technologie de recherche brute force qui lui permet de lire jusqu’à 15 millions de mots de passe par secondene pe Lire la suite
Advanced archive password recovery possède aussi un dictionnaire ainsi qu’une méthode d’attaque rapide qui permet de chercher les mots de passe via une partie des mots connus / Cette application utilise la technologie de recherche brute force qui lui permet de lire jusqu’à 15 millions de mots de passe par secondene pe Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : ElcomSoft
Logiciel Windows

Si l’option “cryptage de stockage” est activée tous les fichiers stockés sur onlyoffice seront chiffrés avec le standard de cryptage avancé advanced encryption standard [...] Environnement collaboratif complet à code ouvert puissant et sécurisé la suite bureautique libre polyvalente et complète inclut tout en un des éditeurs de documents assurant à 100% la compatibilité avec les formats courants une plate forme de collaboration performante mail talk et un panneau de configuration onlyoffice workspace inclut :
onlyoffice docs les éditeurs en ligne performants pour travailler sur les documents texte les feuilles de calcul et les présentations , Onlyoffice groups les applications de produictivité pour gérer les documents les projets les contacts et les mails et un panneau de configuration intuitif / Onlyoffice mail server l’outil pour créer des boîtes de messagerie professionnelles et les gérer.
Onlyoffice xmpp server la messagerie instantanée ; Onlyoffice workspace fournit des outils d’édition professionnels couplés à des fonctionnalités de productivité et représente ainsi une alternative particulièrement complète à ms office et g suite tout en étant plus focalisé sur les aspects...si l& Lire la suite
Onlyoffice xmpp server la messagerie instantanée ; Onlyoffice workspace fournit des outils d’édition professionnels couplés à des fonctionnalités de productivité et représente ainsi une alternative particulièrement complète à ms office et g suite tout en étant plus focalisé sur les aspects...si l& Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Ascensio System SIA
Logiciel Windows

A computer user can use advanced and modified computer tools can easily aid font embed image compression and resolution in the converted file format [...] With the help of certain advanced computer tools a user can even preserve other visual elements such as alignment text colors and lines , Convert pdf to jpg tif bmp png and gif formats pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif / Users are able to customize dpi and page range in conversion setting | Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode ; Pdf to jpg is a windows application that quickly converts pdf documents to image formats like jpg tif bmp png and gif : Also pdf to jpg supports batch mode that converts hundreds of pdf documents into images at a time [...]
there are many advantages of converting a pdf file into a jpg file , One of the primary advantages of doing so is that the jpg conversion supports multiple document conversion and this format also improves the data accessibility to a great deal / A pdf application is one which is portable and compatible in nature as the very name suggests | Unlimited amounts of images can be stored in the pdf format.
When the graphics or images are converted from pdf format to jpg format it gives a user with a certain capability to keep the...a com Lire la suite
When the graphics or images are converted from pdf format to jpg format it gives a user with a certain capability to keep the...a com Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : Modifier PDF
Logiciel Windows
EasySignCut Pro for Windows

The advanced design and layout tools will make your work easier and faster raster to vector auto tracing conversion and contour cutting will push your possibilities to a new level [...] Easysigncut pro is the ultimate sign design and vinyl cutting software for sign makers , The ultimate sign design and vinyl cutting software for sign makers / Layout and vinyl cutting software for making signs lettering logos decals and stickers decals using your cutting machine or vinyl plotter | Easysigncut pro is the most comprehensive sign design vinyl cutting software for making signs lettering logos stencils decals and stickers using your cutting machine or vinyl plotter ; It giving you the ability to cut any font already installed on your computer : Effortlessly design contour paths for print and cut output [...] Easysigncut pro also has a variety of features and functions to increase productivity of your cuting job.
These features include rhinestone creation weld/join shapes together cut different colors separately weed excess vinyl registration marks print and cut tiling 3d extrude effect cuttable shadows fit text/objects to path and cut multiple copies etc / Easy cut studio compatible with all popular cutting plotters/vinyl cutters including graphtec roland mutoh summa ioline saga craftwell ecraft silhouette sd/cameo/portrait ...the a Lire la suite
These features include rhinestone creation weld/join shapes together cut different colors separately weed excess vinyl registration marks print and cut tiling 3d extrude effect cuttable shadows fit text/objects to path and cut multiple copies etc / Easy cut studio compatible with all popular cutting plotters/vinyl cutters including graphtec roland mutoh summa ioline saga craftwell ecraft silhouette sd/cameo/portrait ...the a Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : easysigncut
Logiciel Windows
Able2Extract PDF Editor 10

Able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology is perfect for editing converting and creating pdfs.
Their best known tool is able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology , Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market / Create pdf and seamlessly set up advanced security features such as compression passwords and permissions | With able2extract can create pdf documents from numerous supported file types ; Also you can convert pdf to 12 different file formats add and remove text merge rotate and extract pages : Investintech is a software developer company that has been a leader in pdf products for more than 15 years [...] With their latest built in feature the pdf editing panel users can edit pdf easily happy in minutes and save hours per document , some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document / Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document | All done in just 3 clicks ; Convert pdf to more than 12 file formats other including word ...able2 Lire la suite
Their best known tool is able2extract all in one pdf suite equipped with advanced technology , Pdf creation and pdf conversion besides advanced pdf editing capabilities the best sports able2extract pdf conversion on the market / Create pdf and seamlessly set up advanced security features such as compression passwords and permissions | With able2extract can create pdf documents from numerous supported file types ; Also you can convert pdf to 12 different file formats add and remove text merge rotate and extract pages : Investintech is a software developer company that has been a leader in pdf products for more than 15 years [...] With their latest built in feature the pdf editing panel users can edit pdf easily happy in minutes and save hours per document , some of the best features of able2extract pdf editor 10: adding and removing text add or remove text lines customize the pdf happy and change the visual look of the entire document / Splitting and merging pdf extract individual pages or a range of pages even and combine multiple pdfs into one perfectly formatted document | All done in just 3 clicks ; Convert pdf to more than 12 file formats other including word ...able2 Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Investintech.com
Logiciel Windows
MP3 Normalizer

With this advanced mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume.
Normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume , Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your mp3 files or wave files with the same volume / Mp3 normalizer can normalize both mp3 and wav files in batches | Normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume ; Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your audio mp3 or wave files with the same volume : Or you can normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds [...] Mp3 normalizer is ideal if you want to have an optimal level of volume in all the mp3 files from your music collection , Tired of constantly adjusting your audio's volume? mp3 normalizer ensures that all your music play at the same volume level / Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of improving the quality of mp3 and wav files by normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume | Mp3 normalizer can normalize both audio mp3 and wav files ; And it supports batch normalizing that is you can add as many mp3 and wav files as you like into the list then click the "normalize" button to start normalizing at once : With mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3...with Lire la suite
Normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume , Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your mp3 files or wave files with the same volume / Mp3 normalizer can normalize both mp3 and wav files in batches | Normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume ; Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your audio mp3 or wave files with the same volume : Or you can normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds [...] Mp3 normalizer is ideal if you want to have an optimal level of volume in all the mp3 files from your music collection , Tired of constantly adjusting your audio's volume? mp3 normalizer ensures that all your music play at the same volume level / Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of improving the quality of mp3 and wav files by normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume | Mp3 normalizer can normalize both audio mp3 and wav files ; And it supports batch normalizing that is you can add as many mp3 and wav files as you like into the list then click the "normalize" button to start normalizing at once : With mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3...with Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : mp3-soft.com
Logiciel Mac
Easy Cut Studio for Mac v4.0.9.9

In addition the software provides a range of advanced features such as welding shapes together work with layers creating rhinestone templates creating shadow mats applying various effects 3d rotate bulge canned lattice rhinestones shadow layer title crawl wave wrapper to the design real time laser cutting previews and many other amazing features that will make your work with your vinyl cutter and artwork faster easier and more efficient.
Cut truetype/opentype fonts svg various shapes with your cutting machine , Easily cut truetype/opentype fonts svg pdf and various shapes with your cutting machine / Full control over editing and cutting your artwork | Supports weld shapes together converts images for cutting print and cut and more ; Easy cut studio is a powerful cutting software – not only it allows you to cut truetype and opentype fonts with your cutting machine but you can also import vector graphics in various formats such as svg pdf eps ai wpc dxf plt : Not just that there is also the feature of image tracing utility which allows conversion of of images into cuttable vector graphics [...] You may even create your own shape with the suite of powerful drawing tools , Easy cut studio is a simple yet powerful software not only it allows you to cut truetype and opentype fonts installed in the computer but you can also import...in ad Lire la suite
Cut truetype/opentype fonts svg various shapes with your cutting machine , Easily cut truetype/opentype fonts svg pdf and various shapes with your cutting machine / Full control over editing and cutting your artwork | Supports weld shapes together converts images for cutting print and cut and more ; Easy cut studio is a powerful cutting software – not only it allows you to cut truetype and opentype fonts with your cutting machine but you can also import vector graphics in various formats such as svg pdf eps ai wpc dxf plt : Not just that there is also the feature of image tracing utility which allows conversion of of images into cuttable vector graphics [...] You may even create your own shape with the suite of powerful drawing tools , Easy cut studio is a simple yet powerful software not only it allows you to cut truetype and opentype fonts installed in the computer but you can also import...in ad Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : easycutstudio
Logiciel Windows
Icecream PDF Split & Merge 3.46

At the same time it features a number of advanced options and appears to be pretty powerful to complete different types of tasks [...] Sectionnez et/ou fusionnez des documents au format pdf ou supprimez simplement des pages inutiles en quelques clics seulement , Icecream pdf split&merge is a versatile application that makes the process of splitting and merging pdf files easy and intuitively comprehensive.
Use this program whenever you want to split a large document into smaller files or merge 2 or more pdf files into one | Icecream pdf split&merge stands out from the crowd thanks to user friendly interface and perfect logic behind the processes which makes the program suitable for all categories of users ; Thus the program allows you to split pdf documents page by page by groups of pages or page ranges or save documents without splitting them but with unnecessary pages removed : Application works with password protected files [...] In fact it’s impossible to view their content without specifying a password but after entering a valid password you can work with such files in a regular way , The program is fairly easy to use – you can drag and drop files into program’s interface choose the modes arrange files in a desired order if you want to merge them or choose a necessary split option to split them and let the program complete the process in a...at th Lire la suite
Use this program whenever you want to split a large document into smaller files or merge 2 or more pdf files into one | Icecream pdf split&merge stands out from the crowd thanks to user friendly interface and perfect logic behind the processes which makes the program suitable for all categories of users ; Thus the program allows you to split pdf documents page by page by groups of pages or page ranges or save documents without splitting them but with unnecessary pages removed : Application works with password protected files [...] In fact it’s impossible to view their content without specifying a password but after entering a valid password you can work with such files in a regular way , The program is fairly easy to use – you can drag and drop files into program’s interface choose the modes arrange files in a desired order if you want to merge them or choose a necessary split option to split them and let the program complete the process in a...at th Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : IceCream Apps
Logiciel Windows
Icecream Media Converter 1.56

In spite of the visual simplicity the program features some advanced options that give the users better opportunities for different types of conversion [...] Convertissez gratuitement les fichiers audios et vidéos téléchargez les vidéos sur youtube convertisseur puissant : fichiers audios vidéos tous formats mkv avi mp3 mp4 etc , Convertit des fichers médias par url directe / Icecream media converter deals with all types of audio and video files and offers high quality conversion | icecream media converter’s intuitive interface attractive design and high efficiency give an outstanding user experience ; Batch conversion support makes the program even easier to use – you can just queue the files set the desired configurations and convert files in bulk : the program allows you to convert files by format or device.
If you know which exact format you need to convert to mp4 mp3 mkv mov flac wav m4a m4v aac swf avi flv wma ogg vob wmv etc , You can simply select it from the list / Alternatively you can convert files by device phone ipod ipad xbox android blackberry psp ps3 samsung nokia smartphones etc | By specifying it in a corresponding section ; In this case the application will automatically set the recommended characteristics for this...in sp Lire la suite
If you know which exact format you need to convert to mp4 mp3 mkv mov flac wav m4a m4v aac swf avi flv wma ogg vob wmv etc , You can simply select it from the list / Alternatively you can convert files by device phone ipod ipad xbox android blackberry psp ps3 samsung nokia smartphones etc | By specifying it in a corresponding section ; In this case the application will automatically set the recommended characteristics for this...in sp Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Français
- Editeur : IceCream Apps
Logiciel Windows
SD Card Recovery

This is an advanced data rescue program sd card [...] Recover deleted formatted corrupted or lost files from sd card , Sd card recovery is an easy to use professional sd card data recovery software that can effectively recover and rescue deleted formatted corrupted or lost photos and video files from all kinds of sd cards and memory card / Sd card recovery is able to save is deleted lost formatted damaged photos and files from the cf card sdhc minisd card microsd memory card and xd cards as well.
Whether you delete photos from a digital camera or incorrectly formatted your sd card or if you've experienced slump sd cards can be restored ; Simply connect to your computer media card reader recommended and then run the sd card recovery : Photos or other files are automatically saved to another location [...] Some of the highlights of sd card recovery are: recovers from various kinds of storage devices including; mmc sd minisd microsd xd and flash cards , Recover photos images video music email spreadsheets office documents text files & more / Works with all the types of media used in digital camera sd cards cf cards memeory sticks etc | Supports recover from all major cameras like sony nikon kodak canon fuji olympus and etc ; Newly supports recovery of photos stored on xqd memory...this Lire la suite
Whether you delete photos from a digital camera or incorrectly formatted your sd card or if you've experienced slump sd cards can be restored ; Simply connect to your computer media card reader recommended and then run the sd card recovery : Photos or other files are automatically saved to another location [...] Some of the highlights of sd card recovery are: recovers from various kinds of storage devices including; mmc sd minisd microsd xd and flash cards , Recover photos images video music email spreadsheets office documents text files & more / Works with all the types of media used in digital camera sd cards cf cards memeory sticks etc | Supports recover from all major cameras like sony nikon kodak canon fuji olympus and etc ; Newly supports recovery of photos stored on xqd memory...this Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : AppleXsoft
Logiciel Mac
CuteDJ for Mac

this exciting mac dj mixing software will find songs very fast let you mix automatically or manually play music to multiple sound systems at the same time change song pitch seamless looping auto crossfade control advanced effects processing harmonic mixing itunes integration midi learn and much much more [...] The ultimate mac dj software for mixing audio video and karaoke , Cutedj for mac is a dj mixing program for amateur and professional djs that offers everything you need to dj mixing scratch remixing vinyl emulation / Features include auto beat matching video mixing seamless looping itunes integration | Cutedj is a professional dj program for amateur and professional djs that offers everything you need to dj mixing scratch remixing vinyl emulation and live performance ; Perfect for weddings clubs hotels parties even at home : In addition cutedj mac mixing software allows you to control your dj mixes with midi/hid controllers [...] There are over 70 hardware controllers natively zero configure supported from numark behringer denon hercules reloop akai american audio beamz m audio vestax , Any midi controller can be used and visually mapped by using the intuitive learn feature.
Simply connect your hardware controller to your mac connect to your sound system and you are in action | So try it and you...  Lire la suite
Simply connect your hardware controller to your mac connect to your sound system and you are in action | So try it and you...  Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : CuteDJ
Logiciel Mac
321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3

321soft usb flash recovery for mac is the most advanced data recovery software specifically developed for usb drive and memory card [...] Recover deleted/lost photo video and files from from usb and memory card.
321soft usb flash recovery for mac is developed to recover photo video and other files from usb drive flash memory card mobile phones and any type of storage device / It supports recovery of raw photo and hd video | Preview files before recovery ; If your files were lost deleted formatted or corrupted 321soft usb flash recovery can help you restore them quickly and safely : It also supports recovery of high end raw photo and hd video [...] Support scan and preview recoverable files , And compatible with mac os x 10 / 6 or later | It can recover photos video documents and other files from usb drive flash memory card memory sticks cd/dvd mobile phones and virtually any type of data storage device that work as a removable storage ; If your files were lost unintentionally deleted formatted or corrupted by viruses : 321soft usb flash recovery can help you restore them quickly with a jew clicks [...] Also you can create image of the attached storage media so that you can restore your precious photos and other files if the device gets damaged/inaccessible , The simple and...321so Lire la suite
321soft usb flash recovery for mac is developed to recover photo video and other files from usb drive flash memory card mobile phones and any type of storage device / It supports recovery of raw photo and hd video | Preview files before recovery ; If your files were lost deleted formatted or corrupted 321soft usb flash recovery can help you restore them quickly and safely : It also supports recovery of high end raw photo and hd video [...] Support scan and preview recoverable files , And compatible with mac os x 10 / 6 or later | It can recover photos video documents and other files from usb drive flash memory card memory sticks cd/dvd mobile phones and virtually any type of data storage device that work as a removable storage ; If your files were lost unintentionally deleted formatted or corrupted by viruses : 321soft usb flash recovery can help you restore them quickly with a jew clicks [...] Also you can create image of the attached storage media so that you can restore your precious photos and other files if the device gets damaged/inaccessible , The simple and...321so Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : submit
Logiciel Mac
MacX Video Converter Free Edition

Besides the default settings experienced user can set the advanced settings such as video size bit rate frame rate sample rate etc [...] Fastest video converter to free convert video to mac mp4 iphone ipad android macx video converter free edition is a totally free yet full featured video converter software for mac which can freely convert between hd videos mkv m2ts avchd and sd videos avi mp4 mov flv etc on mac with zero quality loss.
Macx video converter free edition is a totally free yet full featured video converter software for mac which can freely convert between hd videos mkv m2ts avchd and sd videos avi mp4 mov flv etc on mac with zero quality loss / Moreover with the various preset profiles you can easily convert any videos to mp4 mov files playable on quicktime player and iphone ipad ipod android microsoft devices etc | Besides the unparallel video converting ability this free mac video converter also provides excellent functions to edit video extract music and image from video create photo slideshow etc ; Main features: 1 : Convert all hd high definition videos for free such as mkv avchd m2ts h [...] 264/avc mod etc , 2 / Converting videos files among all popular sd standard definition video formats like avi mpeg wmv mp4 flv f4v rm rmvb webm google tv etc on mac | 3 ; Preset...besid Lire la suite
Macx video converter free edition is a totally free yet full featured video converter software for mac which can freely convert between hd videos mkv m2ts avchd and sd videos avi mp4 mov flv etc on mac with zero quality loss / Moreover with the various preset profiles you can easily convert any videos to mp4 mov files playable on quicktime player and iphone ipad ipod android microsoft devices etc | Besides the unparallel video converting ability this free mac video converter also provides excellent functions to edit video extract music and image from video create photo slideshow etc ; Main features: 1 : Convert all hd high definition videos for free such as mkv avchd m2ts h [...] 264/avc mod etc , 2 / Converting videos files among all popular sd standard definition video formats like avi mpeg wmv mp4 flv f4v rm rmvb webm google tv etc on mac | 3 ; Preset...besid Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Freeware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : Digiarty
Logiciel Mac
DRM Converter 3 for Mac

Drm converter 3 works with itunes and advanced drm removal technology to complete the entire ripping encoding process all in one.
Convert itunes music to mp3 on mac os x drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 wav aiff or aac on mac os x , Batch convert itunes drm protected m4p files to unprotected mp3 aac apple lossles aiff or wav files ready for use on any computers or mobile music devices / Drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 or aac on mac os x | Batch convert itunes drm protected music files to unprotected mp3 aac ac3 m4a m4r mka au flac aiff or wav files ready for use on any computer or mobile music devices such as iphone ipad psp samsung galaxy s4 htc phone tablet pc ps vita mp3 player cd player xbox360 and android devices without any restrictions or drm protection ; It converts m4p files on your itunes quickly and with cd quality : Its ability to convert drm protected music files into regular mp3 files makes it a perfect solution for people who purchase their music online but have compatibility issues with their music players [...] For mac os x 10 , 3 10 / 5 please download drm converter 3 | 6 ; 0 drm c Lire la suite
Convert itunes music to mp3 on mac os x drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 wav aiff or aac on mac os x , Batch convert itunes drm protected m4p files to unprotected mp3 aac apple lossles aiff or wav files ready for use on any computers or mobile music devices / Drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 or aac on mac os x | Batch convert itunes drm protected music files to unprotected mp3 aac ac3 m4a m4r mka au flac aiff or wav files ready for use on any computer or mobile music devices such as iphone ipad psp samsung galaxy s4 htc phone tablet pc ps vita mp3 player cd player xbox360 and android devices without any restrictions or drm protection ; It converts m4p files on your itunes quickly and with cd quality : Its ability to convert drm protected music files into regular mp3 files makes it a perfect solution for people who purchase their music online but have compatibility issues with their music players [...] For mac os x 10 , 3 10 / 5 please download drm converter 3 | 6 ; 0 drm c Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Anglais
- Editeur : applemacsoft
Logiciel Windows
AppleXsoft Hard Drive Copy

hard drive copy provides three different copy options including one click disk
copy advanced disk or partition copy and files/folders copy [...] One click ssd hdd pc cloning & migration easily migrate os to ssd , Applexsoft hard drive copy is a reliable disk migration and clone software for windows / It is designed to copying all data including os applications settings to another disk hdd or ssd in three simple steps easily migrate os to ssd |
upgrading your desktop or notebook hard drive is one the easiest ways to
increase performance and capacity ; Applexsoft hard drive copy makes this
process simple by copying all of your data documents operating systems
applications and personal settings to a new disk or ssd dive in just three simple
steps : You can also easily and rapidly clone only the system partitions to a new
solid state drive even of a smaller capacity [...] Applexsoft hard drive copy will
automatically or manually adjust partitions during cloning process , The cloned disk
is immediately bootable.
Never need to reinstall windows and programs | The clearly designed wizard guides you step by step through the migration...apple Lire la suite
Never need to reinstall windows and programs | The clearly designed wizard guides you step by step through the migration...apple Lire la suite
- Type de licence : Shareware
- Langue : Multi
- Editeur : AppleXsoft